War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 3960 - Traveling Through Time and Space

"Brother Ye, I'll definitely visit you in the Pure Yang Sect if I ever go to the Profound Energy Land," Feng Qing Yang said and did not refuse Ye Chen Feng's kindness.

Ye Chen Feng nodded before he bade farewell to Feng Qing Yang. Without wasting time, he brought his Destruction Divine Shuttle out and left the Solitary Destructive Heaven. Even he did not know which Realm of Gods he was going to be sent to.

Ye Chen Feng did not bid farewell to Duan Ling Tian since he would be seeing Duan Ling Tian soon. After all, Duan Ling Tian's true body was in the Pure Yang Sect, and it was only his doppelganger from the law of space that was in the Devata Realm. As an Ascension Elder of the Pure Yang Sect; one of the few intermediate Emperors of Gods in the Pure Yang Sect; and the leader of the Hidden Sword faction, he could see Duan Ling Tian whenever he wanted.

After Ye Chen Feng left, Feng Qing Yang said to Duan Ling Tian with a smile, "Brother Ye is a really straightforward person."

Then, Feng Qing Yang raised his hand and brought a sword out. The sword was a prominent divine sword that was given to him by Ye Chen Feng before Ye Chen Feng left.

In Ye Chen Feng's opinion, Feng Qing Yang might not lack ordinary artifacts, but he was certain that Feng Qing Yang definitely did not have a prominent divine artifact. After all, Feng Qing Yang had never even been to a Realm of Gods. Hence, he gifted Feng Qing Yang a prominent divine sword.

Ye Chen Feng was not entirely wrong in his thinking. Indeed, Feng Qing Yang did not have a prominent divine artifact in his possession. Although he had inherited the legacy of a supreme powerhouse in the Asura Hell, the supreme powerhouse did not leave behind any physical treasures or weapons. Otherwise, he would be stronger than he was now. However, after Duan Ling Tian returned from the Profound Energy Land previously, Duan Ling Tian had given him a few prominent divine artifacts. Nonetheless, he still accepted Ye Chen Feng's gift because he knew Ye Chen Feng was trying to repay his kindness.

During the time Feng Qing Yang spent with Ye Chen Feng, they had deep conversations about the Sword Dao. They had both benefited from their discussions, but it was obvious that Ye Chen Feng benefited more. For this reason, Ye Chen Feng wanted to repay the favor by giving Feng Qing Yang a prominent divine sword.

The biggest reason why Ye Chen Feng valued Feng Qing Yang was due to Feng Qing Yang's mastery of the Sword Dao, which was more profound than his. It was also the reason why he had said he would be willing to accept Feng Qing Yang as a disciple on his master's behalf and recognize Feng Qing Yang as his junior brother.

After hearing Feng Qing Yang's words, Duan Ling Tian nodded. "He's indeed very straightforward." Then, he shook his head and said with a smile, "Master, if you go to the Pure Yang Sect and accept Elder Ye's invitation, many people will have to address you as 'junior granduncle', and you'll be treated as an ancestor. Although Elder Ye isn't old, his status is very high in the Pure Yang Sect. In fact, his status is among the highest in the sect."

Feng Qing Yang only knew that Ye Chen Feng was an Emperor of Gods and that Ye Chen Feng and Duan Ling Tian were in the same sect. He did not enquire about Ye Chen Feng's status in the sect so he was naturally unaware that Ye Chen Feng had such a high status in the Pure Yang Sect until Duan Ling Tian told him about it.

At this moment, Duan Ling Tian seemed to remember something. Then, he said with a sigh, "Master. You shouldn't reveal your Sword Dao so easily, especially in the Realms of Gods. There are many powerhouses there, and there are many among them who are narrow-minded. Naturally, Elder Ye isn't that kind of person. Although I've only known him for a short time, I can say that confidently. However, there are many who aren't like Elder Ye."

Feng Qing Yang smiled bitterly before he said, "I understand. In fact, I only used my Sword Dao back then because I was too anxious. Although Mi Xuan didn't manage to expose your Five Divine Elements, with those few words he said, perhaps, his subordinates might be able to piece the pieces together. Perhaps, it would be fine if Brother Ye finds out about it, but if Mi Xuan's subordinates managed to guess it, it'll definitely cause you a lot of trouble. Hence, I wanted to kill all of them as quickly as possible, and I could only do it with the Sword Dao. I didn't consider anything else at that moment."


"Forget it. What's done is done. Moreover, there was no harm done this time," Feng Qing Yang said as he shook his head. Then, he smiled and said to Duan Ling Tian, "We haven't had a good chat in quite a while. This time, we finally have time to chat. Tell me about your experience in the Realm of Gods over the years. I had no idea you went to a Realm of Gods, and you even became a rudimentary Lord of Gods. You've truly surpassed your master."

Although Duan Ling Tian had already surpassed Feng Qing Yang, Feng Qing Yan was not upset or jealous. On the contrary, he felt happy and relieved for Duan Ling Tian.

"This time, Elder Ye returned with me and took up a lot of your time. It's true that we haven't had a good chat in a while. Now that Elder Ye has left, I can tell you about what happened over the past decades, master," Duan Ling Tian said.

Feng Qing Yang and Duan Ling Tian returned to Duan Ling Tian's cultivation ground in the Heavenly Palace of the Solitary Destructive Heaven before Duan Ling Tian recounted what happened to his master. Since his master even knew he possessed the Five Divine Elements, he spoke without any reservations.

At the same time, Duan Ling Tian thought about his family. After all, Duan Ling Tian did not choose to meet his family when he sent his doppelganger back to the lower realms because he did not want to put his family through the pain of separation again. After all, their meeting would only be a brief one, and he was not sure if he would be able to return again. He had felt that it would not be easy for him to obtain Destruction Divine Shuttles.

However, this time, Duan Ling Tian changed his mind. He no longer thought it would be difficult to obtain Destruction Divine Shuttles so he thought it was time for him to meet his family. He could not obtain many Destruction Divine Shuttles from Qin Wu Yang, but Ye Chen Feng had said that the Hidden Sword faction would be able to forge a batch of Destruction Divine Shuttles within just a few decades.

Duan Ling Tian sighed emotionally, thinking it was perhaps, time to meet his family

Meanwhile, Feng Qing Yang continued listening to Duan Ling Tian recount his experience in the Profound Energy Land. Initially, he was rather calm, but when he heard about the danger that Duan Ling Tian faced, his expression could not help but change. He also helped Duan Ling Tian analyze a few matters such as Duan Qiao Yu who seemed to be very familiar with Duan Ling Tian despite it being the first time Duan Ling Tian had seen her.

Feng Qing Yang said, "She has the same surname as you, and she called you 'brother'. She even said that you resemble her brother. These things don't seem like a coincidence at all. You also said that she looked at you as though she was looking at her own brother. Let's make a bold guess. Could this possibly have something to do with the law of time? You should be aware that there are celestial artifacts in the Devata Realms that contain the law of time.The th

Feng Qing Yang listened to Duan Ling Tian describing his experience in the Profound Energy Land. At first, he was calm and composed, but when Duan Ling Tian spoke of the danger he faced, his expression changed involuntarily.

Of course, during this process, he also analyzed some things with Duan Ling Tian, like Duan Qiao Yu, who suddenly appeared in front of Duan Ling Tian and acted friendly to Duan Ling Tian.

"She has the same surname as you, 'Duan', and called you 'brother'... She even said that you are similar to her brother. This may sound like a coincidence, but is it really a coincidence? You also said that the way she looked at you didn't seem like she was just looking at someone who looked like her brother. She looked at you affectionately as if she was looking at her own brother. Let's make a bold and far-fetched guess... Is it possible that this is related to the law of time? You should also know that there are some celestial weapons that contain the law of time in the Devata Realm, and the time in most of these artifacts flows differently from the outside world. Those with weaker cultivation bases would be affected by the time flow whereas those who are stronger will be able to overcome the effect from the law of time. This is similar to the Seven Treasure Exquisite Pagoda that held Elder Huo back then. You'd cultivated in the pagoda as well so I'm sure you're aware that the flow of time there is different from the outside world," Feng Qing Yang said, "What I mean to say is that when a person casts the law of time alongside a special artifact, under special circumstances, it's possible to travel through space and time. Naturally, there's a limit to that as well."

Duan Ling Tian's eyes widened upon hearing this. He quickly caught onto his master's meaning. He asked, "Master, you mean to say that I might have encountered Duan Qiao Yu at a different time?"

"That's right," Feng Qing Yang said with a nod, "You know that the supreme powerhouse whose legacy I inherited comprehended the law of time. Although he did not leave many things behind, he left me with a lot of useful information. I learned about this from him."

Then, Feng Qing Yang continued to say, "Like I said, with the right artifact, the right circumstances, and the law of time, it's possible to travel through time. What if you somehow traveled to the past sometime in the future? Perhaps, you traveled back 700 years ago, a time when you haven't even been born, and met Duan Qiao Yu then? Perhaps, you met her there. It's possible that both of you got along very well and treated each other like siblings."

Feng Qing Yang's guess was indeed rather bold and exaggerated. Duan Ling Tian found it a little hard to believe. "This… Is this really possible?"

"Although the probability is now, it's not impossible. However, the supreme powerhouse who left me his legacy had never experienced time travel. This is only his speculation,"Feng Qing Yang said. This was also the reason he had said his guess was a little far-fetched.

"I guess we'll find out in time if it's possible," Duan Ling Tian said. His eyes flashed as he fell deep into his thoughts. Although he found it hard to believe, he thought it was truly not impossible when he recalled his time in the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda in the mundane realm. He had learned after he arrived at the Devata Realms that the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda had different effects on those who had become celestials and those who had yet to become celestials. The more powerful one was, the less the time in the pagoda would affect one. Later on, Elder Huo had also explained to him that the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, which had a slow time flow, was used to help juniors with lower cultivation bases cultivate. Since the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda existed, there might be some powerful divine artifacts that might be able to send one back in time or to the future.

"That's right. We'll find out sooner or later," Feng Qing Yang said with a nod. Then, he seemed to recall something before he asked, "Did you meet your family? I thought you were with them all this time. I had no idea you'd left for the Realm of Gods."

As soon as Duan Ling Tian heard Feng Qing's Yang words, he fell silent. "I had my concerns before so I didn't meet them, but now, they longer exist. I'll visit them later."

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