War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 3289 - Working Together

Chapter 3289: Working Together

"Sister Water, what kind of obstacle is this?" Duan Ling Tian asked as he refined the energy from the Pine Willow Divine Tree. As soon as he entered this enclosed space, he felt a mounting pressure crushing him. Although the pressure had yet to cause him any harm, it was growing heavier by the minute.

"If I'm not mistaken, to clear this obstacle, you have to withstand the crushing pressure and break free from this place," the World Cleansing Divine Water said, "However, since you're able to use the pressure here to refine the Pine Willow Divine Tree's energy, there's no need for you break free from this place in a hurry. You can wait until you can no longer endure the pressure or until you're done refining a small portion of the energy from the Pine Willow Divine Tree, whichever comes first, before you leave this place."

Realization dawned on Duan Ling Tian after he heard the World Cleansing Divine Water's words. It seemed like he would not be able to stay here until he had completely refined the energy from the Pine Willow Divine Tree. He sighed inwardly as he continued to refine the energy. 'It seems like I've gotten ahead of myself. I thought I'd be able to completely refine the energy from the Pine Willow Divine Tree in this place. As it turns out, I'll only be able to refine a portion of it…'

At this moment, Duan Ling Tian could clearly feel the vital energy from the Pine Willow Divine Tree converging in his body. He was not unfamiliar with the energy. Previously, Fan Qi, whom he had killed, had emitted such energy as well.

At that time, Duan Ling Tian had used the Divine Tree of Life to absorb the energy from Fan Qi, a Pine Willow Divine Tree who had gained a human form.

Although Duan Ling Tian still did not know much about the Godly Image Phenomenon at this moment, he could not help but grow excited when he thought about mastering the technique once he refined the energy from the Pine Willow Divine Tree. The World Cleansing Divine Water did not reveal much to him and only said that he would understand when the time came.

"Sister Water, will I be able to summon the Godly Image Phenomenon of the Divine Tree of Life?" Duan Ling Tian suddenly asked. The Divine Tree of Life in his Little World had long acknowledged him as its owner. He wondered if he could summon the Godly Image of the Divine Tree of Life with this technique.

"If you want to use the Godly Image Phenomenon to summon the Godly Image of the Divine Tree of Life, you'll have to completely refine the vital energy of the Divine Tree of Life in your Little World… Even a supreme powerhouse isn't capable of that. In my opinion, it should have something to do with the restrictions in this world," the World Cleansing Divine Water said. After a moment, it added, "Hence, you should stop thinking about it for now. Even if you can summon the Godly Image of the Divine Tree of Life, do you dare to use it? Out of fear of supreme powerhouses, no one dares to have thoughts about the Divine Tree of Life in the Realms of Gods. However, if you summon the Godly Image of the Divine Tree of Life, it would prove that you have successfully refined the vital energy from the Divine Tree of Life. At that time, people would try to kill you to obtain the vital energy for themselves."

The World Cleansing Divine Water continued to say, "The Divine Tree of Life is unlike Celestial Trees… Generally, others wouldn't be able to obtain the vital energy of ordinary Celestial Trees after you refine their energies. The energies would dissipate upon your death. However, it's different for the Divine Tree of Life; its vital energy wouldn't dissipate after your death."

Upon hearing these words, Duan Ling Tian fell silent and no longer continued that topic. What a joke! Let alone the fact that it was impossible to refine the vital energy from the Divine Tree of Life, even if he could do it, he was not interested in doing so. Would he not be painting a big target on himself if he did such a thing?

As time passed while Duan Ling Tian continued to refine the vital energy from the Pine Willow Divine Tree, the pressure did not stop increasing.

'I wonder how the others are doing…' Duan Ling Tian thought to himself. He knew Meng Hao Xuan and the others must be trying to break free from this place as they endured the mounting pressure. If they could not break free, they would only be crushed by the pressure in the place.

The Heavenly Pool Palace in the Boundless Heaven.

"Senior Brother Han Yun Jin."

At this moment, an unexpected visitor had made an appearance at Han Yun Jin's cultivation place.

"Lei Jun?" Han Yun Jin frowned slightly when he saw the visitor. He was not unfamiliar with his visitor. He knew Lei Jun was not only the second disciple of Lei Ying, the Merciless Celestial Emperor, but Lei Jun was also Lei Ying's only son.

Han Yun Jin was rather confused by Lei Jun's sudden visit. After all, they did not have many interactions in the past. Moreover, it seems like Duan Ling Tian's lover was Lei Jun's Third Junior Sister. For this reason, Lei Jun could be considered a foe and not a friend to a certain extent.

At this moment, Han Yun Jin looked at Lei Jun and asked icily, "Is there something you need?"

Lei Jun chuckled before he asked, "Senior Brother Han Yun Jin, do you see me as an enemy as well?"

Han Yun Jin sneered. "Duan Ling Tian is my enemy, and your Third Junior Sister is Duan Ling Tian's woman. How can I not treat you, his woman's Second Senior Brother, as an enemy? Don't tell me you haven't heard about my life-or-death battle with Duan Ling Tian that will take place three years later?"

Lei Jun only smiled faintly in response.

Seeing Lei Jun's lack of response, a frown appeared on Han Yun Jin's face.

At this moment, Lei Jun finally said, "Are you worried about your life-and-death battle?" He looked at Han Yun Jin knowingly as though he was privy to Han Yun Jin's thoughts.

Han Yun Jin scoffed. "What a joke! How can I, Han Yun Jin, one of the five strongest prodigious disciples in the Heavenly Pool Palace, be afraid of a brat who isn't even 300 years old?"

"Senior Brother Han Yun Jin, there's no need for you to fake your confidence in front of me," Lei Jun shook his head and said, "If I were you, I'd be worried as well. It's only human to feel this way. After all, who can tell for sure if he was bluffing or if he was truly confident when he accepted your challenge?"

Lei Jun continued to say, "Based on what I know about Duan Ling Tian, it's likely that he's not bluffing. Therefore, there's a chance that you're in danger. Although I have no clue as to what tricks Duan Ling Tian has up his sleeve, it's best that you keep your guard up. Moreover, if I'm not mistaken, you were pressured into accepting the life-or-death battle."

Han Yun Jin's expression darkened immediately. He was about to refute Lei Jun's words when Lei Jun spoke up again.

"Senior Brother Han Yun Jin, there's no need to deny it. Don't worry, I'm here to help you


"Help me?" Han Yun Jin raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised. "How?"

"I want to work with you to get rid of Duan Ling Tian," Lei Jun said bluntly through Voice Transmission as his eyes flashed.

"Oh?" Han Yun Jin's interest was piqued after he heard Lei Jun's words. "Why do you want to get rid of him? Based on what I know, he's your Third Junior Sister's lover. Moreover, he just joined the Heavenly Pool Palace not too long ago. How did he offend you to the extent that you want to get rid of him?"

"He didn't offend me… I want to get rid of him because I want my Third Junior Sister to myself," Lei Jun said as his eyes gleamed with unconcealable desire.

Han Yun Jin did not respond to Lei Jun. Instead, he held Lei Jun's gaze for a few moments. After a few moments, he determined Lei Jun was not lying to him. The eyes were the windows to one's soul, after all.

After a while, Han Yun Jin finally said, "Speaking of her, there's no doubt she's a beauty even if she tries to hide it with a veil. It would be amazing if one could spend a night with her. It's obvious she's still a virgin. I really wonder how Duan Ling Tian manages to restrain himself with such a beauty by his side."

"Senior Brother Han Yun Jin, watch your words!" Lei Jun's voice turned cold as he looked at Han Yun Jin with a piercing gaze. "I came to you in good faith. If you continue acting this way, don't blame me if I decide to call off our agreement."

Lei Jun had already regarded Huan'er as his. Therefore, he would not stay idle and listen to Han Yun Jin speak badly of her.

Han Yun Jin chuckled. "I'm just joking…" Based on Lei Jun's reaction, he was certain Lei Jun truly liked Huan'er. "How surprising. I've never heard of any rumors about you with women. To think you've fallen for your junior sister in the end…"

Han Yun Jin no longer continued on that topic. Instead, he asked directly, "Tell me, how do you propose we get rid of Duan Ling Tian?"

"We ask someone else to do it," Lei Jun said

"Ask someone else to do it?" Han Yun Jin frowned. "There's a titled Celestial Emperor around him most of the time… Even if the assassin is a titled Celestial Emperor as well, It won't be easy to assassinate him."

"What if there are two titled Celestial Emperors?" Lei Jun asked as he looked at Han Yun Jin.

"Two titled Celestial Emperors?" Han Yun Jin was taken aback by Lei Jun's words. Then, his eyes widened as he asked, "Lei Jun, are you thinking of hiring those two people?"

In the Boundless Heaven, there was a pair of famous assassins. They worked alone and did not belong to any assassin organization. They were known to be powerful and had never failed a single job they had accepted. Most importantly, the pair of assassins was also titled Celestial Emperors.

Naturally, the cost of hiring someone like them would not be cheap at all.

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