War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 2337 - This Is Impossible!

The ancient altar that looked as though it had withstood the test of time was located on an extremely vast land. There were many statues of humans and monsters in various poses in the surroundings of the altar.

Among these statues, there was a gigantic human statue. Its size was extremely eye-catching, like a moon surrounded by stars. The statue was of a bearded middle-aged man with messy shoulder-length hair. He was muscular and tall. His upper body was naked and he held an enormous ax in his hand. His face was lifted to the sky, and he looked defiantly at heaven as though he was planning to fight heaven!

"Forefather! Forefather!" The Patriarch of the Human-Devil clan called out respectfully. His voice echoed in this place that was surrounded by mountains.

After a while, a voice laden with annoyance rang out. "Who's making a ruckus, disturbing the forefather's peaceful cultivation?" A figure appeared like a ghost above the altar at this moment. It was a muscular and stout old man who was dressed in a long green robe. He had silver hair that fell on his back, and his angular face and arched brows made him look extremely noble.

When Yang Zhen Xing saw this old man, he exclaimed in shock, "Senior… Senior granduncle?" It seemed as though he had just seen a ghost. Although he was familiar with the old man's appearance, it did not mean he had seen the old man before. He only recognized the old man because he had seen the old man's portrait in his master's room.

"Senior Granduncle?" The muscular old man furrowed his brows when he heard Yang Zhen Xing's words. He was not familiar with Yang Zhen Xing and was certain this was his first time seeing Yang Zhen Xing.

Yang Zhen Xing saw the skeptical expression on the muscular old man's face. He did not hesitate and quickly introduced himself humbly and respectfully. "Senior Granduncle, my master is Liao Nai Jiang. I'm Yang Zhen Xing, and I'm my master's last disciple!" He was extremely shocked. He did not think his senior granduncle, his granduncle, would still be alive. Did he not fail the Celestial Ascension Tribulation a long time ago? 'Based on the time senior granduncle failed his Celestial Ascension Tribulation, about 4,000 years have passed. He should be a Four Tribulation Bodiless Celestial, right?" His heart skipped a beat. Although he knew the Human-Devil clan had a few still-living Bodiless Celestials, he did not know the exact figure. The only Bodiless Celestials he knew were his master and the forefather of the Human-Devil clan. Moreover, he only found out about the forefather from the former patriarch and learned about the way to seek the forefather after he became a patriarch. That was how he knew about this place.

Yang Zhen Xing only knew the old man before him was Yang Xiong Jun, one of the Bodiless Celestials in the Human-Devil clan and his senior granduncle!

"Oh, so you're Nai Jiang's direct disciple, Yang Zhen Xing." Yang Xiong Jun's expression thawed when he heard Yang Zhen Xing's introduction. A smile appeared on his face as he said, "I've heard of you. You're the current Patriarch of the Human-Devil clan."

"It's an honor to meet you, senior granduncle!" Yang Zhen Xing bowed respectfully at Yang Xiong Jun.

"Why did you return to look for our forefather? Did anything happen to the clan? Even then, your master should be the one to come here…" Yang Xiong Jun asked with a frown.

Prior to this, Yang Zhen Xing was unaware that Yang Xiong Jun was still alive. He was surprised that Yang Xiong Jun had heard about him and even knew he was the Patriarch of the Human-Devil clan. Moreover, Yang Xiong Jun also knew he was the direct disciple of Liao Nai Jiang, his junior nephew.

Yang Xiong Jun knew that if anything were to happen to the Human-Devil clan, Lao Nai Jiang would definitely come to seek the forefather, not this junior, Yang Zhen Xing. An ominous feeling rose in his heart when he saw Liao Nai Jiang's absence.

"Senior granduncle, m-master is… dead," Yang Zhen Xing said sadly.

"What? Nai Jiang is dead?" Yang Xiong Jun was shocked. The ominous feeling in his heart was not wrong. His eyes narrowed as he looked at Yang Zhen Ying, and he asked in a low voice, "Who? Who killed Nai Jiang? Is it the Bodiless Celestial from the Lion or Tiger-Devil clan? Or could it be the Bodiless Celestial from the Ox-Devil clan?" His expression darkened. The clans he had mentioned were the few strongest clans in the Devil Clans. The Human-Devil clan was considered as one of the strongest Devil Clans as well. In his opinion, only the Bodiless Celestials from those three clans would have the courage to kill a Bodiless Celestial from the Human-Devil clan.

"No, it's not…" Yang Zhen Xing shook his head with a bitter expression on his face.

Before Yang Zhen Xing could finish his words, Yang Xiong Jun cut him off and said in a cold voice, "Then, tell me which clan's Bodiless Celestial did it? I want to know, apart from the Lion-Devil clan, the Tiger-Devil clan, and the Ox-Devil clan, which other clan dares to provoke our Human-Devil clan!"

"Master… He isn't killed by any Bodiless Celestial from the Devil Clans."

Yang Zhen Xing's reply stunned Yang Xiong Jun. "He isn't killed by any Bodiless Celestials from the Devil Clans? Then, who killed him?"

At this moment, Yang Zhen Xing realized Yang Xiong Jun was not aware that the Devil Clans had invaded the Saint Province Realm a few years ago. Therefore, he patiently explained to Yang Xiong Jun what happened. He told him about how they invaded the Lower Province and took over the Azure Cloud Mansion's territory. "Senior granduncle, with the rest of the Devil Clans, the Human-Devil clan has left the Land of Exile and gone to the Saint Province Realm where humans live. We've successfully invaded and conquered the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land…" After that, he told Yang Xiong Jun about what had happened recently. He told him about how Duan Ling Tian, the Young Mansion Master of Azure Cloud Mansion, had infiltrated the Wandering Saint Palace and attracted the Celestial Ascension Tribulation with the unwitting help from Yuwen Hao Chen, the Palace Master of Wandering Saint Palace.

"He succeeded even though he used someone else to attract the Celestial Ascension Tribulation?" Yang Xiong Jun was shocked. After all, something like this was unheard of in the Devil Clans. He was even more shocked when he heard Yang Zhen Xing's following words.

"When Duan Ling Tian became an Eminent Celestial, he cast a terrifying assist-type Divine Ability that raised his strength to an incomprehensible level!" Yang Zhen Xing felt chills running up his spine when he spoke about this. If he did not use the Fiery Flame Evasion Talisman in time, he would have died in Duan Ling Tian's hands! Even his master, Liao Nai Jiang, a Three Tribulation Bodiless Celestial, was killed by Duan Ling Tian in just a short time!

"Nai Jiang… is killed in just a short time? His sword tore a hole in the void that took 30 minutes to close?" Yang Xiong Jun was stunned. When he regained his senses, he shook his head. "That's impossible!" His common sense told him it was impossible for someone who had just become an Eminent Celestial to be so strong. Tore open a hole in the void? Moreover, the hole took 30 minutes before it closed? Even he was not capable of such a feat. Even if he managed to tear a hole in the void, it would close immediately.

"A Five Tribulation Bodiless Celestial is able to tear open a hole in the void that would require fifteen minutes to close. To tear open a hole in the void that would close after 30 minutes… I'm afraid only those Six or more Tribulation Bodiless Celestials are capable of it!" How could Yang Xiong Jun believe that someone who had just become an Eminent Celestial possessed strength comparable to a Six Tribulation Bodiless Celestial? It was impossible and absurd!

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