War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 2246 - Duan Ling Tian’s Ambition

"I wonder how fast my cultivation speed would be after my Innate Spiritual Root turns black. I'm really looking forward to it!" Duan Ling Tian muttered to himself. His eyes were shining so brightly it seemed as though it was capable of lighting up the night sky. His cultivation speed had increased tremendously when it turned an even darker shade of violet, but he knew it would increase even more when it reached the next level. Despite being only a step away from possessing a black Innate Spiritual Root, the one step felt like an unbridgeable chasm. If he managed to cross this seemingly unbridgeable chasm, he knew his innate talent would soar and it would be peerless. Although he had no idea how much he would improve until his Innate Spiritual Root turned black, he was certain of this.

Unfortunately, I still don't have news about father, mother, Little Fei'er, and the others…' Duan Ling Tian sighed when his thoughts shifted from his Innate Spiritual Root to his family and friends.

During these six months, he had searched the ocean, devouring many Devils' Innate Spiritual Roots, looking for his family and friends. However, his effort was futile.

"It has been a year since I left the Human-Devil Saint City. I wonder what the situation is like now?"

During this one year, Duan Ling Tian had spent half a year each on the three Mortal Continents and the ocean. All this time, with his destructive power, he slew every Devil he encountered. Many powerhouses from the Devil Clans had died in his hands. In fact, there were many small Devil Clans that were completely annihilated by him. Naturally, these Devil Clans were at the bottom of the ladder in the Land of Exile. For this reason, their deaths did not cause any commotion nor raise any red flags.

It's time for me to return to the Lower Province.' Duan Ling Tian brought the three females back with him. 'Since father, mother, Little Fei'er, and the others aren't on the Mortal Continents, this means they're still in the Lower Province!'

When Duan Ling Tian brought the three females to the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land, the Devils who were lucky enough to survive Duan Ling Tian's killing spree, began to flee as well to the Lower Province. When they finally arrived in the Lower Province, they began to spread shocking news everywhere they went.

"A human powerhouse had killed almost all the Devils on the three Continents and the ocean. Moreover, many small and weak Devil Clans had been annihilated as well!"

This news spread far and wide but it did not gain any attention.

Many Devil powerhouses discussed among themselves when they heard this news.

"Maybe that human just wants to feel a sense of superiority so he went to kill the weak Devils. If he's really that capable, why didn't he come to the Lower Province?"

"If that human dares to show himself in the Lower Province, I'll make sure he's buried here!"

When this news reached Duan Ling Tian, he had arrived at the Human-Devil Saint City with the three females in tow.

They'll make sure that I'm buried in the Lower Province if I dare to come here?" Duan Ling Tian narrowed his eyes, a disdainful smirk appeared at the comer of his mouth. With his current strength, he was not afraid of any Devils below the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage. Even if his opponent was a powerhouse at the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage, he still stood a chance in defeating his opponent if he had the time to prepare. If he used his Super Saint Weapon, the Devilseal Tablet, he was quite confident that he stood a chance in killing Devils below the Celestial Stage. Even if he had no time to prepare, he was quite certain he had a good chance of killing ordinary Devils at the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage even if he was not sure if he could defeat all Devils below the Celestial Stage.

Too bad the Devilseal Tablet's comer is chipped. If it's whole, as long as I break through to the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage, I'm quite confident I'll even be able to kill Eminent Devils!' Duan Ling Tian's eyes lit up when he thought about this.

"During the past year, although I'm not fully focused on my cultivation, I haven't neglected it as well. Currently, I'm only one step away from breaking through to the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage. Even if my Innate Spiritual Root hasn't turned black, it'll take me a month at most to make a breakthrough! At that time, I'll enter the Wandering Saint Palace!"

While Duan Ling Tian was traveling, he had mapped out the road he was going to take after he had broken through to the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage. He would enter the Wandering Saint Palace, one of the Human-Devil Clan's Three Palaces and Six Halls, and rise in ranks so he could take over the Wandering Saint Palace. At that time, he would wield the power of the Wandering Saint Palace.

It must be said that Duan Ling Tian was highly ambitious.

Once I have the Wandering Saint Palace under my control, not only would it be more effective for me to look for father, mother, Little Fei'er, and the others, I'd also be able to use the Wandering Saint Palace to fight if the Human- Devil War happens. I'll turn the Devil Clans' power against them!' These were the reasons Duan Ling Tian wanted to join the Wandering Saint Palace to gain control of it.

The Palace Master of the Wandering Saint Palace is a powerhouse at the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage.

Rumor has it that he's not an ordinary powerhouse at the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage. After I've broken through to the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage, with the help of the Super Saint Weapon, the Devilseal Tablet, I should stand a chance in defeating him!' Duan Ling Tian thought to himself. A hint of confidence could be seen in his eyes.

At this moment, Duan Ling Tian brought the three girls into a VIP room of a restaurant in Human-Devil Saint City. The VIP room was near the restaurant's lobby so they could hear the commotion outside.

Apart from discussing the news of a human killing the weak Devils in the Mortal Continents and the ocean, most people were still talking about the deaths of the young elites from the Two Palaces and Six Halls that happened one year ago.

"I can't believe they're still talking about it after so long…" Duan Ling Tian mused to himself. There was a strange light in his eyes. "I can't believe people suspected the Wandering Saint Palace to be the culprit behind the deaths of the young elites from the Two Palaces and Six Halls."

It was only natural for them to come to this conclusion since the Wandering Saint Palace was the only palace that did not suffer any casualties except for the three disciples who died outside the stone forest. Among all the disciples from the Three Palaces and Six Halls who entered the ruin, only the Wandering Saint Palace's disciples survived.

It was only normal that most logical people would come to this conclusion. However, although they had their suspicions, the Two Palaces and Six Halls did not dare to point finger at the Wandering Saint Palace before they obtained concrete evidence.

It looks like there were many Human-Devils whom I killed in the ruin who came from influential families… It has already been a year but the Two Palaces and Six Halls didn't give up on this matter. It seems like they're still deeply concerned…' Duan Ling Tian thought to himself. He was not afraid the Two Palaces and Six Halls would suspect him. As long as Huang Wen Jing from the Wandering Saint Palace did not say anything, no one would know that he was the culprit.

Moreover, given a little more time, even if the Two Palaces and Six Halls discovered he was the culprit, was there a need for him to fear them?

The most important thing now is to make a breakthrough to the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage as soon as possible. At that time, I can rely on my own strength to make a stand after I join the Wandering Saint Palace,' Duan Ling Tian thought to himself. He could not wait to find a place to cultivate.

After filling their stomachs with food, Duan Ling Tian brought the three females away from the restaurant and into an inn.

This inn was the same one that they had stayed in before. It belonged to the Crimson Blaze Palace, one of the Human- Devil clan's Three Palaces and Six Halls, so it was very safe.

Before returning to the Human-Devil Saint City, Duan Ling Tian had killed several more Human-Devils, devouring and extracting the Devil Qi from their bodies to infuse it into his own body and the three females' bodies. This way their identities would not be exposed. If their identities were exposed, they would be in danger. With his current strength, it was still not enough for him to take on the entire Human-Devil Clan

"Ke'er, my cultivation shouldn't take longer than a month… Make sure the three of you don't go anywhere during this time," Duan Ling Tian told Ke'er before he entered closed-door cultivation.

"Sure." She nodded obediently.


A swift figure emerged at the place where the Inter-province Transportation Formation used to be located in the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land.

"I'm finally back!" It was a young man dressed in a green robe. He bore a slight resemblance to Duan Ling Tian. This young man was none other than Duan Ru Feng who had escaped through the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation a year ago!

At that time, the transportation Formation Duan Ru Feng had activated after entering the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation had sent him to the Land of Exile! He was, naturally, not familiar with the Land of Exile. Moreover, since most of the Devil Clans had gone to the Dao Martial Saint Land, the Land of Exile was quite empty. For this reason, it had taken him a year just to find his way back to the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land.

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