War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 2242 - My Only Friend!

Chapter 2242 My Only Friend!

The process of arranging the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation did not take much time to set up, but it did require a lot of effort. Nevertheless, both Duan Ru Feng and Dugu felt as though time was never-ending.

For Duan Ru Feng, time felt long and slow because of the agony in his heart when he saw Dugu sacrificing himself to create an escape path for him.

On the other hand, Dugu felt as though time was crawling because of the agony from performing the Soul Devourment. The agonizing sensation akin to thousands and thousands of ants gnawing on his soul was excruciatingly painful. There were several times when he felt as though he was going to collapse, but he managed to pull through with his strong will power. He felt as though he was suffering a fate worse than death going through this process. One day felt like a year. When his suffering finally ended, Dugu's life force was almost exhausted. However, he had successfully completed the arrangement of the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation.

"Unlock!" Dugu shouted feebly as a crimson sigil emitting dazzling red light appeared at the void in the center of the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation that he had painted with his own blood.

Above the crimson sigil, a huge door that seemed to be constructed entirely out of blood appeared out of thin air. After a while, the door swung open. It was pitch black behind the door. There were no indications of where the door would lead to.

"Duan Ru Feng, you're my only friend!" Dugu said as he looked at Duan Ru Feng. A grin that looked more unsightly than a crying face appeared on his aged face. In his life, he had no friends even though he stood at the peak of the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land. Before the Devil Clans invaded the Dao Martial Saint Land, he did not think he would call his long-time rival, Duan Ru Feng, a friend.

That was Dugu's last words. His life force was completely depleted at this moment, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye as though he had never existed at all.

Painting and arranging the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation would not only waste one's vitality, but it would also consume one's soul!

After Dugu had finished arranging the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation, he was like a lamp that had run out of fuel. Since he had used the last of his breath to say his final words, he could no longer hold on and breathe his last breath. However, he had a smile on his face when he died. It seemed as though he had died peacefully with no regrets in his life.

"Dugu!" Duan Ru Feng's reddened eyes were brimming in tears when he watched how Dugu carved a path for him to escape at the expense of his own life. Two streaks of tears streamed down his face. Men usually did not cry easily because they had not reached a level of sadness that justified tears.

Prior to the Devil Clans' attack on the Dao Martial Saint Land, Dugu had never tried to befriend Duan Ru Feng, but the same could be said for Duan Ru Feng as well. However, at the critical moment, Dugu, his friend, did not even hesitate to sacrifice his life and destroy his soul, apart from bearing the excruciating pain of the Soul Feeder, to give Duan Ru Feng a chance to escape!

Dugu did not have to suffer this agony, but he had willingly done this so he could save Duan Ru Feng.


Suddenly Duan Ru Feng heard noises from behind that were fast approaching him as though his pursuer would catch up to him soon. He looked at the gradually fading entrance of the portal that had just been activated by the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation, and without any delay, he entered the portal by manipulating the Saint Devil Puppet under his feet

Duan Ru Feng had initially wanted to collect Dugu's Spatial Ring so it would not be taken by the Palace Master of Giant Soul Palace from the Human-Devil Clan, but time did not allow it.

As soon as Duan Ru Feng entered the portal, the portal faded even more rapidly than before.


The portal in the void that was unlocked by the Time-Soul Feeding Blood disappeared just at the moment his pursuer, the Palace Master of the Human-Devil clan's Giant Soul Palace, arrived.

The Palace Master of the Human Devil clan's Giant Soul Palace was a tall and muscular middle aged-man dressed in a golden robe. His long hair was casually tied up and lay on his back. He had an expression of determination on his face. Although no anger could be seen on his face, he radiated an aura of authority and power.

Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation?

When the Palace Master of the Human Devil clan's Giant Soul Palace arrived, he caught a glimpse of the disappearing void.

It did not surprise him that this man had set up the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation, a forbidden formation from the Devil Clans that was used to escape, since he saw a dried corpse that suddenly fell down.

At this moment, the Palace Master of the Human Devil clan's Giant Soul Palace also discovered his Divine Consciousness that had been locked onto the other person had been severed.

The portal that was constructed by the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation was different from the common Blood Escape Secret Tactic from the Devil Clan. The latter would not be able to help the escapee escape from his pursuer's Divine Consciousness, but it was different for the former.

For this reason, he knew it would be impossible for him to track the other person since he had fled through the portal that was opened by the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation. He had no idea where the other person had teleported to.

The Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land was not big, but it was not very small either. It would be difficult for him to find the other person if that person intended to hide from him.

"I didn't expect that such a common Devil Cultivator would be able to successfully paint and arrange an Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation!" The Palace Master of the Giant Soul Palace sighed. He took a step forward and flew down to remove the Spatial Ring from Dugu. A hint of respect could be seen in his eyes when he looked at Dugu's body.

Even among the Devil Clans from the Land of Exile, very few of them would dare to paint and arrange the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation. Moreover, the number of Devils who could successfully paint and arrange the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation was even rarer. When he saw an ordinary Devil Cultivator like Dugu had not only successfully painted and arranged the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation, but had also successfully completed it, his heart was filled with respect for him.

It was true that his relationship with Dugu was hostile, and he would not hesitate to kill Dugu if he came back alive. However, it did not and would not diminish nor affect the respect he had for Dugu.

That lucky guy…' When he thought of the man who had escaped from his Divine Consciousness through the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation, escaping death, a seldom-seen expression of envy appeared on his face.

Although he had many friends in this lifetime, he was certain none of these 'friends' would be willing to sacrifice themselves to arrange the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation for him.

"Yuan'er… That lucky Duan Ru Feng had escaped. However, Master assures you that one day, I'll find him and kill him to avenge you!" He murmured to himself as his eyes gleamed coldly, replacing the envious look in his eyes.

These words were said for his most beloved last disciple who was killed by Dugu and Duan Ru Feng.

Meanwhile, after Duan Ru Feng entered the portal that was unlocked by the Age Soul Devouring Blood Formation, he arrived at a place that he was completely unfamiliar with.

Currently, he was too busy surveying his surroundings. He stood motionless. His Saint Devil had long vanished.as though it had left him.

AJFter a while, Duan Ru Feng muttered to himself, "Dugu, rest in peace… I'll find a good master for your Super Saint Weapon, the 10,000 Mountains Seal."

"In addition, I'll certainly seek revenge for you… I'll personally decapitate the Palace Master of the Human-Devil clan's Giant Soul Palace to avenge your death!" His eyes flashed fiercely.

Cloud Continent.

Duan Ling Tian had no idea that his father had almost gotten killed. At this moment, after confirming that his family and friends were not in the Ten Great Dynasties, he had left for the Foreign Lands.

Skywolf Fort was his first stop as well previously when he left the Ten Great Dynasties. Currently, the master of Skywolf Fort had changed again. The Skywolf Fort was overrun with a Devil Clan that was relatively powerful.

Naturally, their strength was relatively powerful in comparison to the strength of the Devil Clans in the Ten Great Dynasties.

The level of cultivation of these Devils was nothing to Duan Ling Tian. They were extremely weak, and he could crush them with just a blow. For this reason, Duan Ling Tian easily destroyed the Devil Clan that was occupying the Skywolf Fort.

It's a pity… It seems like all the original occupants of Skywolf Fort had left. I'm not even certain if they've been killed or if they fled the city.' During his time here, Duan Ling Tian did not see any former occupants of Skywolf Fort.

Since I'm here, I might as well take a look around Cloud Continent! There's still a possibility that father, mother, Little Fei'er, and the others are hiding on Cloud Continent. They might be worried that returning to the Ten Great Dynasties is too obvious…" Duan Ling Tian's eyes brightened when he thought about this.

With that thought in mind, Duan Ling Tian did not want to linger in Skywolf Fort any longer. He led the three ladies out of Skywolf Fort in a flying carpet and flew toward his next destination.

During Duan Ling Tian's journey, he would slay every Devil that he encountered.

The Cloud Continent was only a Mortal Continent, and its cultivation environment was extremely poor. The powerful Devil Clans would not willingly stay here, and thus, only weak Devil Clans would settle down here. With Duan Ling Tian's current strength, it was easy for him to defeat all the Devils he encountered.

Moreover, when Duan Ling Tian killed the Devils, his Innate Spiritual Root began to turn a darker violet.

"With this speed, it won't be long before my Innate Spiritual Root transforms into a dark violet one," Duan Ling Tian muttered to himself excitedly.

When my Innate Spiritual Root transforms into a dark violet Innate Spiritual Root, Ke'er's and my Innate Spiritual Roots will be further improved. I really wonder what's above a dark violet Innate Spiritual Root,' Duan Ling Tian thought to himself, looking forward to the change.

He continued traveling and killing Devils with the three ladies by his side.

Time quietly passed by. About a month later, Duan Ling Tian's Innate Spiritual Root finally transformed into a dark violet Innate Spiritual Root!

That was fast!' After experimenting a few times, Duan Ling Tian realized his speed of absorbing Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy previously could not compare to the speed now!

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