War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 2155 - 2155 The Palm from the Sky

2155 The Palm from the Sky

The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda lay quietly in the pseudo realm that was created by the three Eminent Devils. There was no movement in the pseudo realm, therefore, Duan Ling Tian who was inside the pagoda was left undisturbed.

Currently, Duan Ling Tian was sitting cross-legged on the fourth level of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda. He was fully immersed in his cultivation. Huge amount of Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy surged into his body at an alarming rate before they fused with his Sun Saint Origin. After that, it began to circulate in his body by the Nine Dragons War Sovereign Technique.

The Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy continued to fuse with his Sun Saint Origin, and Duan Ling Tian's cultivation kept improving…

Duan Ling Tian was so immersed in his cultivation that he was completely motionless. He was like a statue as he sat cross-legged in the air. The golden light of the Sun Saint Origin around him made him look ethereal.

In this pseudo realm created by the three Eminent Devils, it was completely calm. After all, Duan Ling Tian was the only one in the realm now.

However, as calm as it was in the pseudo realm, the outside world was in chaos.

As word about the trap left behind by three Eminent Celestials spread, more and more people learned about it.

For this reason, many powerhouses from various forces began to gather at the entrance of the realm due to their curiosity. All of them wanted to see if the realm created by three Eminent Celestials was really as terrifying as people said it was.

The opening that Pei Si Hai, who was ranked seventh on the Supreme Saint Ranking, had created on the space barrier had closed a long time ago. However, it did not stop the powerhouses from coming to gather information.

"I-isn't t-that Lord Cheng Yi Kai?"

The appearance of a white-clad young handsome man who carried a sheathed sword on his back caught some people's attention.

"Lord Cheng Yi Kai? The White-Robed Swordsman, Cheng Yi Kai? The person who's ranked 28th on the Supreme Saint Ranking?"

As soon as that person cried out, everyone shifted their attention to the white-clad young man.

The young man wore a snow-white robe and carried a long sheathed sword on his back. His handsome appearance caught the attention of many women present on the scene. Some of them even tried to flirt with him as though they could not wait to throw themselves at him.

Cheng Yi Kai was a supreme elder from the Mystical Sword Sect, a first-rate force in the Upper Province of Dao Martial Saint Land. He was also the youngest supreme elder in the history of Mystical Sword Sect. Currently, he was just a little more than a hundred years old. In terms of generation, the Sect Leader of the Mystical Sword Sect should be his junior granduncle.

It was an amazing feat that at Cheng Yi Kai's age, he managed to become the only supreme elder of the Mystical Sword Sect. He was the only person in the Mystical Sword Sect who had broken through to the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage.

There was a rule in the Mystical Sword Sect that stated it did not matter who, as long as they broke through to the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage, they would become a supreme elder in the sect!

As the only supreme elder of Mystical Sword Sect, Cheng Yi Kai could be considered as one of the pillars of Mystical Sword Sect. His status in the Mystical Sword Sect was above almost everyone in the sect.

"I didn't expect him to come!" Many people exclaimed.

"This White-Robed Swordsman, Cheng Yi Kai, is one of the rare prodigies in the Dao Martial Saint Land… At a little more than a hundred years old, he managed to break through to the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage! Such cultivators are rarely found even in the three great sects."

"Rumor has it that the great sects sent an invitation to the Mystical Sword Sect when he broke through to the Sixth Form of Saint Celestial Stage when he was less than a hundred years old. The invitations stated that if he was willing to join their sects, they would happily give him the position of a vice sect leader!"

"It's a pity that he declined all of them. Otherwise, based on his current strength, he could've been a Guardian of the Fire Worship Sect, a Karmapa of the Black Kshetra Sect or an Oracle of the Heaven Divination Sect."

"I heard he has a dark indigo Innate Spiritual Root!"

"If Pei Si Hai is really less than a hundred years old like those sectless cultivators said then it's possible Pei Si Hai has a violet Innate Spiritual Root since his innate talent is higher than Cheng Yi Kai!"

"How can you trust the words of those sectless cultivators? I don't believe them at all!"

White-Robed Swordsman Cheng Yi Kai's appearance caused quite a stir.

In the Upper Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land, Cheng Yi Kai's cultivation base might not be the best. However, the fact that he had broken through to the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage at his age was something rare.

Currently, most of the people who came were people from various forces in the Upper Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land. There were almost no sectless cultivators present on the scene.

Although sectless cultivators in Dao Martial Saint Land were believed to be always in a state of disunity, they had their own beliefs or people they strongly believed in.

Due to the fact that the current strongest person in Dao Martial Saint Land, Nie Wu Tian, was a sectless cultivator. He, naturally, became the person they believed in.

When Nie Wu Tian's direct disciple, Pei Si Hai, had declared that the trap left behind by the three Imminent Celestials was dangerous, they had, naturally, taken his words to heart. They did not bother going to investigate the matter.


Most people's attention was still on Cheng Yi Kai when the piercing cry of a sword rang in the air, accompanied by a fierce gust of wind. It felt as though a gigantic sword had swept across the sky. Many people jumped in shock.

A few moments later, the wind stopped blowing. A figure emitting the aura of a sword appeared before everyone's eyes.

It was a black-clad young man. Similar to Cheng Yi Kai, he carried a long sheathed sword on his back. He was wickedly handsome. His expression was cold, making him seem unapproachable.

His appearance had also stolen the limelight from White-Robed Swordsman Cheng Yi Kai.

Before the crowd regained their senses, Cheng Yi Kai sneered and said, "Zhong Chen!"

"Zhong Chen?"

A commotion broke out immediately when Cheng Yi Ki revealed the black-clad young man's name.

"Zhong Chen? Black-Robed Swordsman Zhong Chen?" Some people exclaimed.

"I didn't expect to see the White-Robed Swordsman and the Black-Robed Swordsman in the same place. It feels like I didn't live in vain!" An elderly cultivator said.

Zhong Chen was known as the Black-Robed Swordsman. In the past, he was the ultimate prodigy in the Heaven Divination Sect. However, for some reason, he left the Heaven Divination Sect and was hunted by the people from the Heaven Divination Sect for some time.

The Heaven Divination Sect had only stopped hunting after him after he had broken through to the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage. At that time, they even invited him to return to the Heaven Divination Sect and said they would put the past behind them.

However, Zhong Chen had ignored their invitation. Ever since then, he became a lone wolf, wandering the Upper Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land. He was a strange sectless cultivator.

Zhong Chen was ranked 27th on the Supreme Saint Ranking, a place higher than White-Robed Swordsman Cheng Yi Kai who was the same age as he was. They were equally famous as well. For this reason, Cheng Yi Kai was displeased.

Cheng Yi Kai had challenged Zhong Chen several times, but it always ended in a draw.

Since it was a draw, their ranking, naturally, remained unchanged.

Therefore, Cheng Yi Kai felt extremely displeased and dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do about it.

After all, Zhong Chen was lucky enough to defeat the person who was formerly ranked 27th on the Supreme Saint Ranking.

Currently, unless Cheng Yi Kai could defeat Zhong Chen or someone who was ranked ahead of Zhong Chen, Cheng Yi Kai would not be able to surpass Zhong Chen's rank on the Supreme Saint Ranking!

Upon hearing Cheng Yi Kai calling him, Zhong Chen only said indifferently, "Hm." He did not even deign to look at Cheng Yi Kai. It seemed as though he did not think Cheng Yi Kai was a worthy opponent at all.

Cheng Yi Kai was, naturally, furious when he saw this, but he knew this was not the time to start fighting. Moreover, he was not confident he could defeat Zhong Chen. At most, it would end in a draw like always.

"Zhong Chen, since you came, I'm sure you intend to explore the realm that's rumored to be created by three Imminent Celestials, right?" Cheng Yi Kai's eyes suddenly lit up briefly as though he just recalled something. He forced a smile on his face as he said, "Let me help you find the space barrier of this space so you can enter. What do you think?"

Everyone instantly turned to look at Zhong Chen.

Zhong Chen cocked his head and glanced at Cheng Yi Kai before he said coldly, "If you want to enter, I don't mind helping you!"

Zhong Chen's words thwarted Cheng Yi Kai's plan and put him on the spot instead.

Cheng Yi Kai's smile disappeared immediately, and he began to feel irritated. In just a blink of an eye, a terrifying aura surged out of his body.

The aura similar to a Sword Qi quickly spread in the area and people began to move to avoid it. They did not want to become collateral damage between these two people's fight.

The tension between these two people was almost palpable.

"Are they going to fight?" Many people looked forward to watching a fight.

Just as a cold sword intent began to rise from Zhong Chen's body, and a fight between him and Cheng Yi Kai seemed inevitable_

Suddenly, a loud and ancient-sounding voice cried out, "You're Zhong Chen? The deserter from my Heaven Divination Sect?"


Almost instantly, a loud explosion rang in the air.

The crowd felt as though they were suffocating as wind blew around them violently.

A palm formed by Saint Origin that was the size of a small hill fell from the sky in Zhong Cheng's direction.

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