War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 2148 - Twin Mundane Realms

Chapter 2148 - Twin Mundane Realms

Twin Mundane Realms

The Land of Exile's Devil Clans have invaded the Lower Province… I hope that father, mother, and everyone else is safe.' Duan Ling Tian could not help thinking about his loved ones in the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land when he thought about the Devil Clans. He was extremely worried because he did not know if his loved ones were safe!

The Devil Clans from the Land of Exile were a race known for their zeal for blood and violence after all! Rumor had it that Devil Clans would not leave human survivors when they visited a place. Even if there were survivors, they would be assimilated by the Devil Clans and be turned into Devil Cultivators who were as inhumane as the Devils!

After taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Duan Ling Tian asked, "Elder Huo, how should I leave this place?" Currently, he was still in the pseudo realm created by the three Devils.

Duan Ling Tian had looked around for a while. He had used his Divine Consciousness to search his surroundings, but there was nothing he could detect. He felt as though he had been cast into oblivion. He felt lonely like a sailboat drifting in a vast ocean. This made him feel extremely uneasy.

"You can't leave…" Elder Huo answered.

Duan Ling Tian's expression changed drastically when he heard Elder Huo's words. He took a deep breath before he asked in a deep voice, "Can't leave this place? Elder Huo… You… What… What do you mean?!"

At this moment, Duan Ling Tian was desperate to leave this place. Even if he could not return to the Lower Province to be reunited with his family and friends now, he could inform everyone and spread the word that the Devil Clans had invaded the Dao Martial Saint Land again. He could swear an oath to prove that he was telling the truth so he was not worried that no one would believe him. It seemed like he had already thought of what he should do next. However, Elder Huo just told him that he could not leave this place!

"What I mean is that you can't leave this place for now…" Elder Huo said as he emphasized on the words 'for now'. After a moment, he continued to say, "Regardless, this pseudo realm is created by three Devils at the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage who had passed the Heavenly Tribulation… To leave this place, you must be able to penetrate the space barrier separating this pseudo realm and the Upper Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land. Apart from that, there's no way you can leave this place!"

Duan Ling Tian's eyes widened and his expression changed when he heard Elder Huo's words. His breathing quickened as he asked for confirmation again, "Elder Huo… You mean I have to be able to penetrate the space barrier between this pseudo realm and the Upper Province to be able to leave this place?"

"Yes." Elder Huo confirmed it again.

Duan Ling Tian instantly paled. Then, he said bitterly, "The space barrier is strong… Even with the might of all the Devil Clans, they took so long just to find a weak spot in the space barrier to create an opening to the Dao Martial Saint Land. If there was no weak spot, it would've been impossible for the Devil Clans to create an opening and invade the Dao Martial Saint Land!"

Duan Ling Tian knew about the space barrier between the Dao Martial Saint Land and the Land of Exile. Back then, before the Human-Devil Era began, the Devil Clans had discovered a weak spot in the space barrier separating the Dao Martial Saint Land and the Land of Exile. That was how they had created an opening and invaded the Dao Martial Saint Land! Peace was only restored in the Dao Martial Saint Land when humans finally managed to defeat the Devil Clans and placed a Sealant Grand Formation at the tear in the space barrier. Unless the Devil Clans managed to destroy the Sealant Grand Formation or have found another weak spot in the space barrier, it would be impossible for them to invade the Dao Martial Saint Land again.

"Elder Huo, even if my cultivation base is at the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage, manage to pass the Heavenly Tribulation and possess the strength of a Celestial, I'm afraid I still wouldn't be able to create an opening in the space barrier, right?"

Duan Ling Tian's impression of the space barrier was that it was indestructible unless one could find a weak spot to exploit and create an opening!

"The space barrier you're talking about is the one between the Dao Martial Saint Land and the Land of Exile. It's a space barrier separating two mundane realms. Naturally, it's different. Even an ordinary Celestial in the Devata Realm wouldn't be able to create an opening in a space barrier like that unless they manage to find a weak spot, let alone someone from the mundane realm!" Elder Huo promptly answered Duan Ling Tian's question.

"A space barrier between two mundane realms?" Duan Ling Tian was stunned before he suddenly said, "Elder Huo… Do you mean that the Dao Martial Saint Land and the Land of Exile are two separate mundane realms?"

Yes," Elder Huo replied, "Generally, there are two types of mundane realms. One of them is similar to the world in your past life. They consist of planets and galaxies and are extremely vast. They're inhabited by all kinds of living things. This kind of mundane realm is considered as a relatively large mundane realm by the Celestials in the Devata Realm. The mundane realm we're in is considered a small mundane realm. As you know, this mundane realm has the Dao Martial Saint Land, the Mortal Continents, and the sea. It has relatively fewer living species."

At this point, Elder Huo stopped speaking.

"Elder Huo, based on what you said, the mundane realm we're in at the moment is small and doesn't have other planets. However, why can we see the sun during the day and the moon and stars at night?" Duan Ling Tian asked. This was something he had thought about before.

Previously, when Elder Huo regained some of his strength, he had told Duan Ling Tian that there were no planets in this mundane realm. However, Duan Ling Tian did not put much thought into it at that time. He thought there had to planets since he could see the sun, moon, and stars. In fact, he had thought to prove Elder Huo wrong after he became strong enough to explore space. Now that he heard Elder Huo saying again that this small mundane realm did not have any other planets, he could not hold back his curiosity and asked the question he had in his mind.

"This is an important aspect of a small mundane realm… Every small mundane realm has to be attached to a large mundane realm because most living things in small mundane realms require the sun to survive, and the sun can only be found in a large mundane realm. Hence, the space barrier between a small mundane realm and a large mundane realm is transparent," Elder Huo explained, "Whether you're at the Lower Province or the Upper Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land, if you try to fly up to the sky and approach the sun or the moon and stars at night, you'll find that there's an invisible barrier that blocks you once you've reached a certain height. That's the space barrier between a small mundane realm and a large mundane realm. It's even harder to penetrate a barrier like that compared to a space barrier between two twin mundane realms. It's unlikely to have a weak spot."

Duan Ling Tian was stunned and left with more questions after he listened to Elder Huo's explanation. He had a confused expression on his face as he asked, "Twin mundane realms? What's that?"

"Usually, two small mundane realms will rarely intersect. In fact, it's almost impossible for them to be next to each other… However, there are exceptions. Some of the small mundane realms are extremely unique. There would be two small mundane realms that exist side by side like twins. In the Devata Realm, they call this kind of mundane realms as twin mundane realms," Elder Huo said, "Whenever you speak of a twin mundane realms, the Celestials know that it's two small mundane realms that exist side by side because it's impossible for two large mundane realms to exist side by side."

It did not take long for Duan Ling Tian to piece the puzzles together. "If that's the case, this means the Dao Martial Saint Land, or the Saint Province Realm, and the Land of Exile are twin mundane realms, right?"

"That's right," Elder Huo answered, "Whether it's the Saint Province Realm or the Land of Exile, both are attached to the same large mundane realm. Since you're able to see the sun, the moon, and the stars here, it means that the Land of Exile must be dark all year round because it doesn't receive direct sunlight. The reason for this is the Saint Province Realm is blocking the light from the Land of Exile. Mundane realms that are dark all year round are usually inhabited by strange creatures… That's probably how the Devils came to exist. It's the natural order of things…"

Elder Huo clearly explained the different mundane realms and the origin of the Devils. This had broadened Duan Ling Tian's knowledge.

"I see." Duan Ling Tian nodded and then asked, "Elder Huo, you said if I fly up, I'll definitely encounter the space barrier between the Saint Province Realm and a large mundane realm, right?"

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