War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 2145 - 2145 Zheng Dong Ji, Devil Clan?!

2145 Zheng Dong Ji, Devil Clan?!

The two groups of people who survived the second test were constantly praying for people from the other group to die first. After all, if someone in their group died, all of them would die as well! If they could choose again, many of them would not have entered this place. It was unfortunate they no longer had that option.

Meanwhile, Duan Ling Tian was resting in the space between the two restrictive spaces where the two groups were undergoing the third test. Although he seemed like he was resting without any worries, his heart felt heavy.

Naturally, Duan Ling Tian was very tempted by the Innate Spiritual Roots he would be able to devour, but he had to set aside his own interest and think about the bigger picture. What if the Devil Clans invaded the Dao Martial Saint Land?

Duan Ling Tian wanted to improve his Innate Spiritual Root so he could get stronger at a faster speed. By doing so, he would be able to rescue Ke'er and their daughter from the Fire Worship Sect as quickly as he possibly could!

If Ke'er is in my shoes, she would make the same decision…'

Duan Ling Tian knew how kind Ke'er was. If he sacrificed so many lives for his own gain, to the point where he caused humans to be defenseless against the Devil Clans, Ke'er would definitely be upset even if he rescued her.

However, Duan Ling Tian was powerless to do anything. Even if he wanted to save those powerhouses, there was no way for him to enter the restrictive spaces with his current strength.

It's not that I don't want to save all of you, I'm really powerless to do anything.' At this moment, Duan Ling Tian felt helpless. He tried to calm himself by taking a deep breath. He knew there were somethings that were beyond his control.

Life would not always be smooth-sailing.

"Elder Huo, when the people in one of the restrictive spaces are being eliminated, will the force spread here? Should I hide in the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda like I did before?" Duan Ling Tian asked Elder Huo.

If the force from the Killing Formation could spread to Duan Ling Tian's location, he had to prepare himself! He had seen what that destructive force could do! Not only was the huge cave destroyed, but even powerhouses as strong as Bai Li and Wei Suo were instantly killed. There was nothing left of them! For this reason, he felt wary.

"That's not necessary," Elder Huo said in response to Duan Ling Tian's question, "The force from the Killing Formation only affects the restrictive space. In order to maximize the strength of the explosion, it's brief and only affects a specific area. There's no need for you to hide in the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda. You just have to wait for the right time to go to one of the restrictive spaces."

Duan Ling Tian nodded, and he silently waited for Elder Huo's signal.

Time continued to pass…

Duan Ling Tian did not know how much time had passed when he heard Elder Huo saying, "Hurry! The restrictive space on your left! Go! Go quickly!"

As soon as Elder Huo urged Duan Ling Tian, the Sun Saint Origin that was simmering under Duan Ling Tian's skin instantly surged out. He quickly rushed in the direction Elder Huo had told him to go at his full speed with all the techniques he had mastered.

With the help from his assist-type Divine Ability, the Elementary Devouring Tactic, and his movement Divine Ability, the Golden Crow's Wings, Duan Ling Tian covered half of the distance in just a blink of an eye.

At this time…


A loud explosion rang in the distance for a brief moment. If the explosion had lasted any longer, Duan Ling Tian would have stopped moving. As it is, he had slowed down a little due to the shock. After a while, he sped up again.

After a few moments, Duan Ling Tian arrived at an open space. He instantly used his Divine Consciousness to sense the soul remnants that contained Innate Spiritual Roots!

Indigo Innate Spiritual Root, indigo Innate Spiritual Root… There are three light indigo Innate Spiritual Roots! Four blue Innate Spiritual Roots…' Duan Ling Tian thought to himself as he devoured the Innate Spiritual Roots, Three indigo Innate Spiritual Roots probably meant that there were three powerhouses at or above the Seventh Form of Saint Celestial Stage who died here!'

After a while, Duan Ling Tian shifted his attention to his Innate Spiritual Root. Currently, it had turned darker and darker until there was a sheen of violet on it! At this point, he realized his Innate Spiritual Root was extremely close to turning into a violet Innate Spiritual Root! For a moment, he was overwhelmed by his emotions.

Meanwhile, in the other restrictive space…

"Congratulations on passing the third test…" Zheng Dong Ji's voice rang clearly in the air. Everyone was excited when they heard this.

"We passed the test!" Someone laughed.

"We survived! We survived!"

"Great risks often come with great rewards! Today, I finally understand the meaning of that saying."

Many of them were so excited that they were talking loudly as though this was the happiest day of their lives. Even the strongest among them, the three cultivators at the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage heaved a sigh of relief. They looked at each other with a smile on their faces!

However, after a while, one of them sighed. "Madam Snake… is dead." This person was Meng Hao whom Madam Snake had met at the entrance of the pseudo realm. He knew she had died because she was not in his group!

Currently, Meng Hao's group was the only group left out of the three groups!

"Madam Snake came in as well?" An old man widened his eyes as his expression changed dramatically.

Similar to Meng Hao and Madam Snake, this old man was also a sectless cultivator at the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage from Sin City. He was also one of the patrons of Sin City. In fact, this old man had a closer relationship with Madam Snake compared to Meng Hao.

"En." Meng Hao nodded. "I met her outside and we entered this place at the same time." His eyes were closed. A grieving expression appeared on his face as he mourned his old friend. At the same time, he kept muttering, "Madam Snake, you shouldn't have come… You shouldn't have come!'

"Now…" Suddenly, Zheng Dong Ji sounded again. It caught Meng Hao and the others' attention, and they fell silent immediately.

"All of you must be very happy to have passed the third test! All of you probably think you're one step closer to obtaining the treasures and our legacies, right?"

At this moment, Meng Hao and the other two powerhouses at the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage frowned. They found Zheng Dong Ji's words a little odd. However, the others were oblivious and were clearly delighted.

Indeed. All of them were extremely happy!

"However, I have to tell you there are no treasures in this realm that we created, let alone our legacies!" Zheng Dong Ji's voice said with a scoff.

The moment Zheng Dong Ji finished speaking, the expressions of Meng Hao and the other two powerhouses at the Seventh Form of the Saint Celestial Stage changed dramatically.

No treasure?

No legacy?

An ominous feeling rose in their hearts immediately.

"No treasure? No legacy?"

"This… What's going on? Is this a joke?"

"Are you kidding me?"

The others regained their senses after a while. They still found Zheng Dong Ji's words hard to believe. However, they had no choice but to accept the cold reality.

"He must be joking, right?"

"He should be…"

There were some people who still held onto a sliver of hope.

Three powerhouses at the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage who had passed the Heavenly Tribulation would not create a pseudo realm just to toy with them, right? They found it hard to believe!

"I know many of you will find it hard to believe that my friends and I had spent so much time and effort just to create a pseudo realm to toy with all of you!" Zheng Dong Ji continued talking as though he could already guess the people's reaction "Seeing as how all of you are the only ones who survived, I will tell you the truth! The truth is my friends and I aren't humans. Naturally, we aren't Saint Beasts. We're from the Devils Clans who were forced to stay in the Dao Martial Saint Land by the humans after the end of the Human-Devil war. We're lucky enough to survive the witch hunt from the human powerhouses."

Zhen Dong Ji's words shocked Meng Hao and the others to their cores.

Devil Clans?

This man who claimed to be Zheng Dong Ji was from one of the Devil Clans?!

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