War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 2039 - Duan Ling Tian’s Resolution!

Chapter 2039: Duan Ling Tian's Resolution!

"This is as real as I can get," Duan Ling Tian said firmly when he heard Gan Ru Yan's question again. His voice was extremely cold that it seemed like the temperature in the surroundings had dropped by a few degrees.

When she heard Duan Ling Tian's firm answer, although Gan Ru Yan still found it hard to believe, she saw a familiar look in the young man's eyes. When she had brought her younger sister away from the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land, the young man's gaze was similar to this young man. Now that she thought about it, they seemed to be the same person.

"H-how did you become so strong?" Gan Ru Yan gasped. Although she still found it hard to believe, she had no choice but to believe it.

Duan Ling Tian who was standing before had become so strong that he had even surpassed her.

"It's not your business how I became so strong. I've told you. I came here to see Ke'er and our daughter. I'm not here to see you. Where are they?" Duan Ling Tian asked.

"Since you're not here to see me, why didn't you directly go and see them?" Gan Ru Yan asked.

At this moment, Gan Ru Yan did not notice her tone had turned warmer when she spoke to Duan Ling Tian. It was no longer as arrogant as before.

It seemed as though Gan Ru Yan had acknowledged Duan Ling Tian's strength or maybe she was moved by the way he came to the Fire Worship Sect just to look for her younger sister. Most importantly, Gan Ru Yan who originally hated Duan Ling Tian suddenly felt that he was worthy of her sister. Previously, she thought Duan Ling Tian was a toad and completely unworthy of her sister.

However, after Gan Ru Yan had witnessed Duan Ling Tian's strength, her mindset began to change. Even she did not notice it yet.

"Do you think the Enforcement Hall is going to let me see Ke'er and our daughter just because I ask them?" Duan Ling Tian smiled coldly.

Gan Ru Yan finally understood when she heard his words. Her sister was different from her. Her sister had committed a serious crime in the Fire Worship Sect. Her status was currently very sensitive. Even a Golden Flame Elder might not be able to see her sister, let alone Duan Ling Tian.

"In the beginning, they were with me." Gan Ru Yan sighed. "When I brought Yu Yan back, I hid her in my residence until she gave birth to your daughter."

"Yu Yan?" Duan Ling Tian raised a brow. He figured Yu Yan was Ke'er other name.

"Yu Yan named your daughter Duan Si Ling," Gan Ru Yan said as she looked at Duan Ling Tian.

Duan Si Ling!

Her words caused Duan Ling Tian to fall into a daze. His heartbeat quickened as though it was stirred by something.

Little Fei'er had named his son Duan Nian Tian.

Ke'er had named his daughter Duan Si Ling.

Although the names were different, the meaning was the same. They all meant that they missed Duan Ling Tian.

"Since you managed to find your way here, it means you've heard of what happened after. I hid Yu Yan's matter from everyone. However, in the end, Wen Yan found out about it and went to the Enforcement Hall to report me." When Gan Ru Yan mentioned Wen Yan, her eyes flashed piercingly.

If it was not for Wen Yan, she and her sister would not be imprisoned by the Enforcement Hall.

"Due to Wen Yan's report, Yu Yan and her daughter were brought away by the Enforcement Hall. On the other hand, I went to look for my master, Guardian Qing Huo. He's one of the three great Guardians in the sect. Originally, I wanted to ask him for help. However, he said I'm confused and asked me to surrender to the Enforcement Hall." Gan Ru Yan sighed. "I know master said that for my own good. When Lord Sect Master comes out of his closed-door cultivation, he might forgive my crime since I took the initiative to surrender and also for the sake of my master. Master even said there's nothing he could do regarding Yu Yan's matter. That will depend on what Lord Sect Leader decides to do!"

Gan Ru Yan's expression gradually turned grim. A hint of worry could be seen in her eyes when she finished speaking.

"Decide? What's there to decide?" Duan Ling Tian smiled coldly when he heard Gan Ru Yan's words. "Put aside that it's not Ke'er's fault for being abandoned in the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land, why does the Fire Worship Sect insist on interfering with her life? We fell in love and have a daughter. What does this have to do with the Fire Worship Sect? Who is the Fire Worship Sect to dictate her life? What right do they have to decide if she lives or dies?" Duan Ling Tian's voice trembled a little when he reached the end of his sentence. It was obvious he was extremely furious. It was as though he was venting all the anger he had been suppressing.

"I know you feel dissatisfied, but how are you different from me?" Gan Ru Yan smiled wryly. "You asked me earlier if I still think I made the right choice by bringing Yu Yan back to the Fire Worship Sect. Let me tell you, I think it's the right choice. This is because as long as Yu Yan stays in the Lower Province, the people from the Fire Worship Sect will eventually find her. I just didn't expect that after I found her and hid her safely, she would still be discovered!'

Killing intent appeared when she finished speaking. It was obvious it was directed at Wen Yan.

Duan Ling Tian had also calmed down after he vented his anger.

Based on Gan Ru Yan's words, it was obvious she cared about Ke'er. Perhaps, her way of caring for Ke'er was not to his liking, but she still did it with good intentions.

"I really don't know what you're thinking by bringing her back to the sect. Can't you have hidden her outside?" Duan Ling Tian could not help but mock Gan Ru Yan's stupid decision.

"Hide her outside? Do you think I can do that without worrying about her?" Gan Ru Yan asked in a deep voice, "That's my biological sister whom I've been separated from for many years. Even if I don't see her for half a day, I'll be worried if something has happened to her! Moreover, in my opinion, the most dangerous place is also the safest place. All in all, I just didn't expect Wen Yan to be watching me so closely that she even found out about Yu Yan!" The killing intent in her eyes became even more intense when she spoke about Wen Yan again.

Sensing Gan Ru Yan's genuine sorrow, Duan Ling Tian no longer blamed her. Instead, he changed the topic and asked, "Do you know where Ke'er and our daughter are being imprisoned?"

"No, I don't." Gan Ru Yan shook her head. "The Prison Hall is huge, and there are many stone prisons here. Yu Yan and her daughter must be locked up in one of the stone rooms. Don't worry. The Enforcement Hall won't dare to harm her at all before the Sect Leader comes out of closed-door cultivation. However, when he comes out, I'm afraid Yu Yan and her daughter…" Pain and regret filled her eyes when she reached the end of her sentence.

"If I have a chance to do things over, I'll leave her in the Lower Province. Although I think it's the wrong choice, at least she and her daughter would be able to spend more time with you before being taken away by the people from the Fire Worship Sect. Currently, it's still unknown if you'll be able to reunite with them." At some point, tears began streaming down Gan Ru Yan's face. It seemed like she did not think her sister would be able to survive.

"We'll definitely be able to reunite!" Duan Ling Tian replied determinedly. "I'll definitely save Ke'er and our daughter before the Sect Leader of the Fire Worship Sect comes out of closed-door cultivation! If something happens to the two of them because of the Sect Leader, not only will I kill him, but I'll destroy the foundation of the sect with my own hands. I'll make it disappear from the Dao Martial Saint Land and remain in history!" Duan Ling Tian's voice was exceedingly cold. It would send chills running up the spines of those who listened to it.

If it was before, Gan Ru Yan would have felt that Duan Ling Tian had overestimated himself when she heard these words. However, now that she had witnessed the changes in his strength after just a few years, she did not doubt his words at all.

Duan Ling Tian had that potential!

"Perhaps, Sect Leader wouldn't simply harm Yu Yan when you expose your strength. However, that's only if you can demonstrate strength that will make the Fire Worship Sect afraid of you!" Gan Ru Yan said excitedly with bright eyes when she heard his words, "Naturally, you can't stay in the Fire Worship Sect, and you can't let them find you. Otherwise, the Sect Leader can just kill you before you reach your full potential!"

Her words encouraged Duan Ling Tian. It even made him feel like revealing his potential to the Fire Worship Sect.

'It seems like I must leave the Fire Worship Sect immediately as soon as I leave the Enforcement Hall! When I return and show them I have a violet Innate Spiritual Root, it'll shock the sect and the Upper Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land!' Duan Ling Tian made a decision. 'As long as Fire Worship Sect's Sect Leader hasn't come out of closed-door cultivation, I still stand a chance of forcing the sect to not harm Ke'er and our daughter recklessly with my potential. As long as they can't kill me, they won't dare to touch both of them!"

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