War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1838 - Unprecedented Pressure

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The dragon clan was one of the quasi third-rate forces in the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land.

Previously, when he was in the Mystical Sky Mansion, Duan Ling Tian had learned about this. He also knew that Di Jue, the Five-clawed Golden Dragon, who annihilated his Ling Tian Sect was the successor of the clan leader of the dragon clan.

There were only two Five-clawed Golden Dragons currently in the dragon clan. One of them was the current clan leader of the dragon clan while the other one was Di Jue.

Initially, when Duan Ling Tian learned about this, he knew if he wanted to avenge the group of high-ranking officials and disciples of Ling Tian Sect, he would have to go against the entire dragon clan. This was because the dragon clan would go all out to protect Di Jue since he was a Five-clawed Golden Dragon.

At that time, Duan Ling Tian knew he would have to wait for a period of time to avenge the group of high-ranking officials and disciples of Ling Tian Sect. At the very least, he needed to raise his strength to the level where he could fight the entire dragon clan.

"The five-year pact, Dragon Cleansing Pool, Di Jue…" At this moment, Duan Ling Tian finally found out that his father had made a five-year pact on his behalf with the dragon clan. If he could defeat Di Jue in ten months' time, he would be able to enter the Dragon Cleansing Pool!

As the dragon clan's Saint Land, the Dragon Cleansing Pool was a very remarkable place. At the very least, it was not something that the Mystical Sky Mansion's Spirit Pools could compare to.

After all, the few Spirit Pools in the Mystical Sky Mansion would open after a relatively short period of time. The Dragon Cleansing Pool, on the other hand, would only open every 5,000 years!

How long were 5,000 years? 5,000 years were equal to 50 times of an ordinary person's lifespan. Take generations into consideration, that number of time could produce 10,000 generations!

The reason the Dragon Cleansing Pool gathered the Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy at once every 5,000 years was to help the young dragons to soar up into the sky!

"Father, you mean if the current leader of the dragon clan managed to enter the Dragon Cleansing Pool previously, the dragon clan's position in the Lower Province would have been on par with the Azure Cloud Mansion and the Mountainshade Black Market? Is that Dragon Cleansing Pool really that remarkable?" Duan Ling Tian was greatly shocked when he heard Duan Ru Feng's words.

"It's indeed remarkable!" Duan Ru Feng nodded his head confidently. "You should know that before the clan leader of the dragon clan assumed his position, the dragon clan was in no way inferior to the Mountainshade Black Market in terms of strength even though they have always been reclusive. Not only that, but even the Mountainshade Black Market didn't dare find faults with the dragon clan at that time! As for now, whether it's the Mountainshade Black Market or our Azure Cloud Mansion, although we would have to expend a lot of effort to annihilate the dragon clan, it's not completely impossible! However, there's no reason for us to annihilate the dragon clan since there's no enmity between us that can't be resolved! In the Dao Martial Saint Land, not only are there dragon clans in the Lower Province, but there are ven dragon clans in the Upper Province. The Upper Province's dragon clans are where the true terror lies! If we annihilate the Lower Province's dragon clan, the Upper Province's dragon clan would definitely learn about it. At that time, it'll be difficult for us to avoid being annihilated as well!"

Although he had said so much, there were only two points that he wanted to convey.

One, the Dragon Cleansing Pool was remarkable and could affect the rise and decline of the Lower Province's dragon clan.

Second, the Lower Province's dragon clan had an uncommon background since it had the Upper Province's dragon clan backing them.

"How powerful is the Upper Province's dragon clan?" Duan Ling Tian asked curiously.

"I don't really know how powerful they are. However, I've heard from the Watchers monitoring the Lower Province that unless it's completely necessary, even the three great sects in the Upper Province aren't willing to offend the dragon clan in the Upper Province!" When Duan Ling Tian finished speaking, a hint of dread could be seen in his eyes.

"They're so strong?!" Duan Ling Tian was greatly astonished.

Naturally, he knew about the three great sects in the Upper Province and what it represented.

From the information he gathered, before the Dao Martial Saint Land was separated into the Lower Province and the Upper Province, the three great sects were already the three great colossuses in the Dao Martial Saint Land. They were the elites among all the powerful sects.

After the Dao Martial Saint Land was split into two, the group of powerful sects with the three great sects as the leader had all gone to the Upper Province.

In the Upper Province, not only did the three great sects prospered, but they had become legends and still retain their statuses as the three most powerful sects in the Upper Province.

He knew the three great sects so well was because he had intentionally read up on them. After all, his fiancee, Ke'er, was taken by the member of one of the three great sects, the Fire Worship Sect!

"If the opportunity to enter the Dragon Cleansing Pool is obtained by Di Jue that Five-clawed Golden Dragon, he would definitely be able to lead the dragon clan to glory after he has grown stronger. At that time, even our Azure Cloud Mansion and the Mountainshade Black Market may be trampled by them!" Duan Ru Feng said with a solemn expression.

"I think you must not want Di Jue to enter the Dragon Cleansing Pool, whether it's for the sake of revenge for the Ling Tian Sect's high-ranking officials and the disciples or for the benefits of the Dragon Cleansing Pool," Duan Ru Feng added.

Duan Ling Tian nodded. It was indeed so. He really did not wish to see Di Jue entering the Dragon Cleansing Pool from the bottom of his heart.

"Father, based on what you said earlier, only young dragons have entered the Dragon Cleansing Pool. Are there any precedents of a human entering it?" Duan Ling Tian asked as this question popped up in his mind.

"As far as I know, there's no precedent of a human entering the Dragon Cleansing Pool. However, my knowledge is limited to a certain period of time in the past. As for the history a long time ago, I've no idea whether a human had ever entered the Dragon Cleansing Pool or not," Duan Ru Feng replied.

"Doesn't this mean that it's uncertain a human would obtain the same benefits that young dragons obtain when they enter the Dragon Cleansing Pool?" Duan Ling Tian asked again.

"That seems to be the case." Duan Ru Feng hesitated for a second before he nodded his head. "However, regardless if it's beneficial for a human to enter the Dragon Cleansing Pool or not, if you can snatch the opportunity to enter it, it means that you'll be able to stop Di Jue, that Five-clawed Golden Dragon, from getting stronger. All in all, put aside the Dragon Cleansing Pool will be beneficial to you, if you can defeat Di Jue in the five-year pact and obtain the opportunity to enter the Dragon Cleansing Pool, it'll be beneficial to you and harm that dragon!" Duan Ru Feng explained.

"That's true." Duan Ling Tian nodded before smiling nonchalantly. "Looks like I must fulfill this five-year pact then! However, father, why did you make this pact in the first place? Don't tell me you have so much faith in me?" Duan Ling Tian changed the topic and asked Duan Ru Feng curiously.

"Of course! Don't you know whose son you are?!" Although Duan Ru Feng felt a little guilty, it was difficult for him to say kinder words.

The truth was, whether it was in the past or present, he did not have faith in his son at all.

Now that only ten months were left, his son's cultivation base was still only at the peak of the Eminent Saint Stage.

Although it was rare for someone at his son age to have such a cultivation base, he was still far from being comparable to Di Jue. In fact, when he made the five-year pact with the dragon clan, Di Jue was already at the peak of the Divine Saint Stage!

Perhaps, he might have even broken through to the Exemplary Saint Stage after five years.

'Right now, I can only hope that Old Prophet didn't simply speak without reason. After all, it was him who asked me to request for this five-year pact with the dragon clan. However, why does Senior Prophet has so much faith in Tian'er? Isn't he worried Tian'er is not a match for Di Jue at all?' Naturally, these were all thoughts that Duan Ru Feng did not voice out.

Due to the Old Prophet's instructions, he did not tell Duan Ling Tian about the Old Prophet.

"What's Di Jue's cultivation base?" Although Duan Ling Tian had encountered Di Jue once, he could not see through Di Jue's cultivation base since his cultivation base was too low at that time.

However, he knew that Di Jue's cultivation base would not be low! At the very least, he must be at the Divine Saint Stage or above.

"When I made the five-year pact with the dragon clan, he was at the peak of the Divine Saint Stage," Duan Ru Feng answered.

"Five years ago, he was at the peak of the Divine Saint Stage?" Duan Ling Tian's mouth twitched upon hearing his father's words.

Although he had suspected that Di Jue's cultivation base would not be lower than the Divine Saint Stage, it did not cross his mind that it would be at the peak of the Divine Saint Stage!

Even in all the quasi third-rate forces, powerhouses at the peak of the Divine Saint Stage were considered as first-rate elite powerhouses!

"I really can't believe that Di Jue who was fooled by me at that time has such a terrifying cultivation base…" The moment he recalled how he had fooled Di Jue into the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda and seized the chance to escape, he could not help but shudder in fear.

As it turned out, Di Jue was actually a powerhouse at the peak of the Divine Saint Stage!

'Since Di Jue's cultivation base is at the peak of the Divine Saint Stage, then just how high is Chi Mei's cultivation base when she brought Ke'er away? A person like her who could make Di Jue dread her must be someone even more powerful than him! Could she be at the Exemplary Saint Stage?' The moment Duan Ling Tian thought of this, he could not help but gasp.

Chi Mei claimed she was Ke'er twin sister, this meant she was the same age with Ke'er. Her cultivation base had already reached the Exemplary Saint Stage at such an age?

"Do all the people in the Upper Province's Fire Worship Sect have such horrifying innate talent?" Duan Ling Tian realized his heart was beating extremely fast. He was really shocked by Chi Mei's innate talent.

Compared to Chi Mei, even the most elite young geniuses in the Lower Province were like trash.

'Chi Mei is the disciple among the younger generation in the Fire Worship Sect and her strength is already so terrifying. Just how strong are the high-ranking officials in the Fire Worship Sect?' When he thought of this, his heart sank.

The reason he wanted to go to the Upper Province was to save his fiancee and child so that they could escape from the evil grasp of the Fire Worship Sect!

However, he finally realized he had underestimated how strong the Fire Worship Sect was!

Duan Ling TIan instantly felt an immense pressure.

"Tian'er, if you're not confident, you can back out of the five-year pact." When Duan Ru Feng saw Duan Ling Tian's grave expression, Duan Ru Feng thought he was shocked by Di Jue's cultivation base.

In his opinion, he did not think it would be embarrassing if his son backed out of the five-year pact!

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