War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1786 - The One And Only

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At this moment, Duan Ling Tian had passed all the trials in the Abyssal Swamp that contained the Divine Ability Relic. This meant he would be able to obtain the Divine Ability in the Abyssal Swamp.

The Divine Ability in the Abyssal Swamp was none other than Elementary Devouring Tactic!

'Could it be that the Elementary Devouring Tactic would be recorded on a stone tablet just like when I obtained the Six Harmonies Golden Body previously?' The moment Duan Ling Tian thought of this, he stared at the sky waiting for a crack to appear so that the stone tablet containing the Divine Ability would appear.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was nothing at all.

"What's going on?" Duan Ling Tian was dumbfounded. He was completely clueless about what was happening. "Where's that old fellow? Didn't he say he's going to pass that Elementary Devouring Tactic to me after I defeat him? I-Is he toying with me?"

Duan Ling Tian was really anxious now. It was to the point that he had changed the way he addressed the old man. He had addressed him as 'Senior' earlier, but now he referred to him as 'that old fellow.'

"Old fellow, don't tell me you're going back on your words?" Duan Ling Tian shouted as looked around the surrounding as he stood above the arena.

His voice was very loud. It contained the Sun True Origin and transformed his voice into soundwaves that caused the air to stir.

As the air stirred, Duan Ling Tian could clearly see that a figure had appeared in the sky. It was the old man whom he had defeated earlier. He finally showed himself after making Duan Ling Tian feel impatient!

"Little fellow." The old man smiled kindly. "Congratulations on passing all the trials of the Abyssal Swamp. Now, I'll pass the information and everything about the Elementary Devouring Tactic to you. By the time your cultivation base has risen to the Divine Saint Stage, you'll be able to cultivate the Elementary Devouring Tactic."

Upon hearing the old man's words, Duan Ling Tian's eyes lit up immediately. Although he knew the old man would not or could not respond to him, he still expressed his gratitude. "Thank you, Senior."

"You've already seen the Elementary Devouring Tactic during the final trial, I'm sure you already have some basic understanding of it. The Elementary Devouring Tactic is a Divine Ability that can devour all forces from the surrounding. You can even devour your opponent's strength as well. Naturally, if your opponent is much more powerful than you, you won't be able to devour his strength since he'll be able to block the devouring force of the Elementary Devouring Tactic," the old man added.

Upon hearing that, Duan Ling Tian's eyes gleamed as he recalled the scene earlier.

"Devouring my opponent's strength? I won't be able to devour it if the opponent is stronger? Block my devouring force?" At this moment, Duan Ling Tian finally understood. No wonder he felt the Sun True Origin in his body leaking out earlier when the old man had cast the Elementary Devouring Tactic. It had affected him as well.

However, due to his strength that was comparable to an Early Eminent Saint Stage Martial Cultivator, the devouring force from the old man whose cultivation base was only at the Early Refined Saint Stage was limited and could not devour his Sun True Origin.

'What a tyrannical Divine Ability!' Duan Ling Tian clicked his tongue. 'According to this senior's words, I'll be able to use the Elementary Devouring Tactic to devour my opponents' energies when I fight with other people as long as their strength is not too much stronger than mine… Moreover, I'll also be able to use the energy I devour from them to strengthen my own strength!' The moment he thought of this, he became excited again.

For example, if two people who had almost identical technique and strength were to fight, if one of them cast the Elementary Devouring Tactic to devour the energy from the surrounding and the opponent as well, just how scary would that be?

At that time, the person who cast the Elementary Devouring Tactic would definitely be able to easily defeat his opponent!

Duan Ling Tian who had seen the force of the Elementary Devouring Tactic did not doubt this at all.

"Huh?" When Duan Ling Tian's thoughts were running wild thinking about the terrifying Elementary Devouring Tactic, a barrage of information entered his mind in a timely manner.

Initially, he instinctively rejected the barrage of information, but when he realized this was information about the Elementary Devouring Tactic, he stopped resisting immediately and allowed it to enter his mind.

The information was profound. Duan Ling Tian tried to comprehend it, but he found it was too difficult for him to comprehend for now. Although he could not comprehend them now, it did not stop Duan Ling Tian from memorizing and familiarizing himself with it.

It was only natural that Duan Ling Tian could only make speculations about it for now even if he tried to understand and familiarize himself with it. It was still impossible for him to cast the Divine Ability with his current strength.

An ordinary Martial Cultivator would have to break through to the Divine Saint Stage before they could even try to comprehend and master the Divine Ability, but Duan Ling Tian did not have to wait until he had broken through to the Divine Saint Stage due to the Sun True Origin in his body.

Although he did not have to wait until he had broken through to the Divine Saint Stage, he still needed to wait until he had broken through to the Eminent Saint Stage. When his cultivation base had entered the Eminent Saint Stage, only then his Sun True Origin would be comparable to an ordinary Early Divine Saint Stage Martial Cultivator.

At that time, he would be able to cast the Divine Ability!

"That's all?" After an hour, Duan Ling Tian realized the information had stopped transmitting into his mind, and all of the information about the high-grade Divine Ability, the Elementary Devouring Tactic, had been fully memorized by him.

When he first received this information, he had instinctively shut his eyes. Now that he had opened his eyes, he discovered the old man had already disappeared. Not only that, even the arena surrounded by the spectator seats had disappeared as well. Even the stars twinkling around the moon had disappeared.

At this moment, he was back in the desert that was besieged by a sandstorm.

The Abyssal Swamp had disappeared.

"Little fellow, I've already passed the Elementary Devouring Tactic to you. From now on, the Abyssal Swamp and the legacy of the Elementary Devouring Tactic will no longer exist in the Saint Martial Secret Zone. My name's Jiang Cheng. Perhaps, we'll be able to meet one day in the future. I'm looking forward to that." When Duan Ling Tian saw the desert, the old man's voice resonated in his ears.

After that, he no longer heard the old man's voice.

"The Saint Martial Secret Zone will no longer have the Abyssal Swamp and the Elementary Devouring Tactic?" Upon hearing the old man's words, Duan Ling Tian could not return to his senses for a long time.

As far as he knew, the various Divine Ability Relics in the Mystical Sky Mansion's Saint Martial Secret Zone would mostly appear again. Once somebody had obtained the Divine Ability, it might appear again in another place.

However, he had never heard of a Divine Ability Relic that would completely vanish for good after the Divine Ability had been obtained.

Nonetheless, it was impossible for the owner of that voice to lie to him.

'If this is the case, does this mean the Elementary Devouring Tactic legacy would be lost to the Mystical Sky Mansion from now on?' The moment Duan Ling Tian thought of this, he smiled wryly.

Although it was not an easy task to obtain the Elementary Devouring Tactic legacy since it was not possible for just anyone to pass all nine trials of the Abyssal Swamp, the moment he thought of how this Divine Ability, the Elementary Devouring Tactic, would be lost to the Mystical Sky Mansion after he had obtained it, he could not help but feel a little guilty.

'Looks like I owe a huge favor to the Mystical Sky Mansion,' Duan Ling Tian thought to himself.

"Just let it be… When I've broken through to the Divine Saint Stage and master the Elementary Devouring Tactic, I'll just pass the Elementary Devouring Tactic to a suitable Mystical Sky Mansion's disciple! At that time, it can be considered as me repaying my debt to the Mystical Sky Mansion!" Duan Ling Tian sighed in relief once he made up his mind.

Whether it was in his past life or current life, he did not like owing favors the most. As the saying went, 'A debt of gratitude is the hardest to return.'

Currently, Duan Ling Tian was still unaware that it was not easy at all to pass the trials of the Abyssal Swamp that housed the Divine Ability, the Elementary Devouring Tactic. It could be considered as an elite ability in the entire Dao Martial Saint Land.

The saying, 'Ignorance is bliss' suited Duan Ling Tian perfectly at this moment.

No matter what, it was still a joyous occasion being able to obtain a Divine Ability such as the Elementary Devouring Tactic.

"Currently, it has been two months since I entered the Saint Martial Secret Zone. There's only a month left before I'll be forcefully sent out by the Saint Martial Secret Zone. Only one month left, I must find them as soon as possible…" Duan Ling Tian was obviously referring to Wang Fei Xuan and Liu Jian.

Before they entered the Saint Martial Secret Zone, they had already formed a little team and promised to work together.

However, after they entered the Saint Martial Secret Zone, Duan Ling Tian did not encounter them at all throughout his journey.

"Now, even if I discover a Divine Ability, I shouldn't explore it yet for the time being… I must find them first!" It was mentioned earlier that Duan Ling Tian disliked owing people favors the most. Therefore, he really hoped to return the favor to Liu Hong Guang, the Second Elder of the Raging Wave Mansion, inside the Saint Martial Secret Zone.

It could be considered as him repaying Liu Hong Guang's favor once he helped Liu Jian obtain a Divine Ability.

Five days later, Duan Ling Tian discovered the location of another Divine Ability Relic.

However, he was not in a hurry to explore it.

What was more important was to look for Wang Fei Xuan and Liu Jian.

In the end, Duan Ling Tian managed to meet Wang Fei Xuan eight days later. When he found her, she was all alone.

Before Wang Fei Xuan discovered Duan Ling Tian, he had already appeared by her side and asked, "You didn't see Liu Jian as well?"

Duan Ling Tian's sudden appearance had shocked Wang Fei Xuan. After she regained her senses, she replied, "I finally found you. As for Liu Jian…"

Wang Fei Xuan smiled wryly. "I met him a few days ago, but he was eliminated yesterday."

"He has already been eliminated?" Duan Ling Tian frowned. Now that Liu Jian was eliminated, would he not lose the opportunity to return Liu Hong Guang's favor?

When Wang Fei Xuan saw him frowning, she seemed to be able to guess what he was thinking. She said, "Don't worry, I've already helped you return the favor that your senior brother owed Liu Jian's senior. I entered the location of a Divine Ability Relic with him a few days ago and abided by the rule you set before we came here. I gave him first priority to memorize the first Divine Ability in the Relic we encountered."

Wang Fei Xuan's words shocked Duan Ling Tian greatly.

"But… that's on the premise that I'm with both of you." Duan Ling Tian looked at Wang Fei Xuan with a complex look. "When I'm not around, you don't have to abide by the rule that I set before we came in."

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