War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1757 - A Sincere Friend

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Although they were not worried Gu Li would cross the line, he still dared to teach Zhao Ji a lesson at the very least.

"Yes. I'm intentionally going against you. So what? Don't tell me you're going to teach me a lesson?" Gu Li smiled mockingly as he looked at Zhao Ji indifferently.

"YOU!" When Zhao Ji heard his words, his face turned green before it paled. However, he could not come up with a retort at all, let alone teach Gu Li a lesson.

If he made his move, the one who would be doomed was him, not Gu Li.

With just that bit of strength he possessed, he could not even defeat Duan Ling Tian who was at the peak of the Refined Saint Stage, let alone Gu Li who was at the peak of the Eminent Saint Stage.

"If you dare not, then stop talking in front of me!" Gu Li said with a disgusted expression. After he looked away from Zhao Ji, he looked at Duan Ling Tian and smiled. "Junior Brother Ling Tian, I'm happy to get to know you. Let's go! Accompany me for a drink."

After he finished speaking, he rose up into the air and flew to the distance quickly.

Duan Ling Tian nodded at Wang Pi, Wang Fei Xuan, and Liu Jian before following Gu Li and left, leaving behind only his slowly vanishing elegant silhouette to the crowd.

The incident today finally came to an end.

"AHHHHHHH!" After Gu Li and Duan Ling Tian left, Zhao Ji whose body was trembling in rage let out a loud shout. His tone was filled with fury and discontentment.

'Gu Li, Ling Tian… I, Zhao Ji, swear that I won't let both of you get away with this! I won't let both of you go!' Zhao Ji roared inwardly. If thoughts could kill, Duan Ling Tian and Gu Li would have long been killed by him.

"That fellow's really lucky. To think even Gu Li would help him." After everything had come to an end, Wang Fei Xuan sighed in relief. To her, this was the best outcome.

She still did not feel reassured for Duan Ling Tian to personally make a move.

Duan Ling Tian followed Gu Li to his place for a drink. After a round of drinking, both of them had already familiarized themselves with each other. Naturally, this was because Gu Li was a genuine person, and this suited Duan Ling Tian very well.

After three rounds of drinking, Duan Ling Tian looked at Gu Li and asked with a smile, "Senior Brother Gu Li, is it true you helped me because I'm to your liking?"

"Of course." Gu Li hesitated slightly before he nodded his head.

"Really?" Duan Ling Tian stared at Gu Li's eyes unblinkingly as though he was trying to search for the answer in his eyes.

"Enough! Stop looking!" The eyes were the window to one's heart and soul. Even Gu Li could not make his eyes lie. When he saw Duan Ling Tian staring into his eyes, he gave in immediately.

He answered obediently, "The reason I appeared then and helped you is because of Grand Master. Grand Master told me about you and even said that your innate talent is higher than mine. Coupled with your fame in the Mystical Sky Mansion, I became curious about you. As it turns out, Grand Master's judgment is right. You're really extraordinary."

"Grand Master?" Duan Ling Tian was confused. He did not know who Gu Li meant by Grand Master.

As far as he knew, Gu Li's father was one of the two great Guardians of the Mystical Sky Mansion. He's someone from the same generation as the Mansion Master. His position in the Mystical Sky Mansion could be considered as very high.

In the Mystical Sky Mansion, not many people had a position that was higher in seniority than Gu Li's father.

However, the Grand Master that Gu Li mentioned must have higher seniority than his father.

"Spirit Pool," Gu Li spat out two words when he saw how confused Duan Ling Tian was to give him a clue.

"Oh, so that senior's actually your Grand Master." Since Gu Li had already given him a clue, Duan Ling Tian would be slow if he still could not guess who Gu Li's Grand Master was.

Gu Li's Grand Master was the one-armed man guarding the Spirit Pool.

"Then, does this mean that senior is your master's master?" Duan Ling Tian asked.

"He's my father's master. I don't have a master yet." Gu Li smiled. "My master must be waiting for me in the Upper Province if the Dao Martial Saint Land."

"You're going to the Upper Province, Senior Brother Gu Li?" Duan Ling Tian was slightly taken aback.

"Yes." Gu Li nodded. "I'll go to the Upper Province when my cultivation base has broken through to the Divine Saint Stage. It has always been a goal of mine to go to the Upper Province!"

Duan Ling Tian nodded. He understood this.

In the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land, Gu Li was not the only one with the objective to go to the Upper Province.

Many powerhouses with monstrously high innate talent and were confident all wanted to go to the Upper Province since that was where true powerhouses in the Dao Martial Saint Land gathered.

In that place, there were many powerhouses that the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land did not have.

"Soon?" Duan Ling Tian asked.

"Another year at the most," Gu Li replied with a smile. He had a confident expression on his face. He would break through to the Divine Saint Stage in a year at most and head to the Upper Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land!

"So soon?" Duan Ling Tian was even more surprised.

"Perhaps, it's quite fast compared to the others. However, compared to you, Junior Brother Ling Tian, it's not fast at all. I believe you'll definitely be able to break through to the Divine Saint Stage before the age of fifty!" Gu Li deeply admired Duan Ling Tian's innate talent. Moreover, he had a very high opinion of him as well.

"Junior Brother Ling Tian, do you have plans of going to the Upper Province after breaking through to the Divine Saint Stage?" Gu Li asked.

"Of course!" Duan Ling Tian nodded without any hesitation.

He must go to the Upper Province, but only after he had broken through to the Divine Saint Stage.

With his current cultivation base, he would still need a long time before he could break through to the Divine Saint Stage. He could not afford to wait for so long. He had already made up his mind to head to the Upper Province once his cultivation base had broken through to the Eminent Saint Stage to look for Ke'er and his child.

"It seems like both of us have the same goal and don't plan to waste our time in the Lower Province. It seems like I'll have to work hard and carve a place for myself in the Upper Province before your arrival so I can take care of you when you arrive, Junior Brother Ling Tian." Gu Li smiled.

"I believe you'll definitely be able to carve a place for yourself in the Upper Province, Senior Brother Gu Li." Duan Ling Tian smiled as well.

Some people might not be friends even though they had known each other for a long time. However, both of them were compatible. Although they had only known each other for less than a day, they became fast friends and sincere ones on top of that.

"Junior Brother Ling Tian, when we were at the summit of the Heaven Palace, I saw you fighting the Luo Brothers. Your Territory and True Origin seem to be similar to Li Feng's Territory and True Origin when he appeared in the Rising Sky Mansion's district previously. Could it be that you actually know him?" Gu Li asked as he suddenly recalled this matter.

"Senior Brother Gu Li, how do you know my Territory and True Origin are similar to Li Feng's Territory and True Origin?" Duan Ling Tian asked, puzzled.

If someone from the Sky Hurdle Mansion or Raging Wave Mansion felt his Territory and True Origin were similar to Li Feng's Territory and True Origin, he would not find it surprising since many people from the Sky Hurdle Mansion and Raging Wave Mansion were present during the Rising Sky Ranking Battle.

However, Gu Li was a disciple from the Mystical Sky Mansion. He was neither from the Sky Hurdle Mansion nor the Raging Wave Mansion.

"When the Rising Sky Mansion's district was holding the Rising Sky Ranking Battle, a friend of mine happened to be there. My friend's a Dao Talisman Master so he's particularly competent with the Mirror Image Talisman. Due to the reason that the Rising Sky Ranking Battle was held in the Nimble Chess Set Formation in Nimble Valley, ordinary Mirror Image Talismans wouldn't have been able to record what had transpired inside," Gu Li explained, "Although the Mirror Image Talisman my friend inscribed was unable to perfectly record everything that had taken place in the Nimble Chess Set, it could still record some footage. In that footage, I saw Li Feng and his Territory and True Origin. They're almost identical to your Territory and True Origin. Not only that, I've heard rumors that you knew Li Feng when you first joined our Mystical Sky Mansion."

When Gu Li reached the end of his sentence, he paused for a moment and looked at Duan Ling Tian, waiting for his reply.

"Senior Brother Gu Li, although we've known each other for less than a day, we hit it off right from the start. Due to this reason, I won't hide this from you," Duan Ling Tian said.

Although they had known each other for less than a day, Duan Ling Tian had regarded Gu Li as a friend he could be open with. He was also certain Gu Li would never betray him.

"Oh?" When Gu Li heard Duan Ling Tian's words, he became even more curious.

"To be honest, Li Feng who appeared in the Rising Sky Mansion's district previously is actually me," Duan Ling Tian told him honestly.

"What?!" It was apparent that Gu Li was shocked by his words. "Junior Brother Ling Tian, what's going on? As far as I know, whether it's you or Li Feng, both of you did not have any trace of disguise at all. I've seen Li Feng's appearance through the Mirror Image Talisman before this. He's ordinary-looking, completely different from your handsome appearance!"

"That's because I know a Disguising Secret Tactic that allows me to change my appearance by using my True Origin," Duan Ling Tian spoke slowly as the muscles on his face began to shift. In the end, under Gu Li's shocked gaze, he transformed into an ordinary-looking young man.

Gu Li was not unfamiliar with this ordinary-looking young man.

He looked exactly like Li Feng whom he had seen in the Mirror Image Talisman previously.

"I can't believe there's actually such an amazing Disguising Secret Tactic in this world," Gu Li praised him when returned to his senses and gave him a thumbs up.

"Junior Brother Ling Tian, is there any reason you disguised yourself when you joined the Rising Sky Ranking Battle?" Gu Li found this a little strange.

"Senior Brother Gu Li, the reason I joined the Rising Sky Ranking Battle was due to…" Since Duan Ling Tian did not intend to conceal Li Feng's identity in front of Gu Li, he disclosed everything that happened with Han Xue Nai to him.

"I see." After listening to Duan Ling Tian, Gu Li finally understood Duan Ling Tian's reason. "In that case, this Xue Nai girl must be extremely grateful to you since you killed Xu Jing, the Young Mansion Master of Rising Sky Mansion, and allowed her to escape from the marriage arrangement."

"Xu Jing's not dead." Duan Ling Tian shook his head. His eyes shone coldly when he thought about Xu Jing.

"How's that possible?!" Upon hearing this, an expression of disbelief appeared on Gu Li's face. "Although the footage my friend recorded through the Mirror Image Talisman wasn't that clear, I saw you piercing the place between Xu Jing's brows with a sword… It's impossible that he's not dead!"

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