War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1463 - Golden Roc Mass Tactic

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After the two inner court deacons watched Duan Ling Tian leave the third level of the Merit Pavilion, his silhouette proceeded to disappear before their eyes as he climbed up to the fourth level.

"Could he be the last disciple of an inner court elder or something?" One of the inner court deacons muttered.

Since he was only an outer court disciple, it would only be possible for him to take out that many Merit Points if he was the last disciple of an inner court elder.

The last disciple in this context meant the final disciple, of which his Master would never take in any disciple anymore.

Usually, the last disciple was always someone who was highly doted on and highly regarded by his Master, so much so that his Master would spare no resources to train him.

"Even if he were the last disciple of the inner court elder, he'd not have been that rich either… That was a total of 700,000 Merit Points for goodness' sake! Not 70,000 Merit Points! He didn't even bat an eye when he swiped the card." The other inner court deacon smiled wryly.

Just like him, no matter what, he was still an inner court deacon and held a position in the Moon Illumination Sect that was on par with an outer court elder. However, his entire wealth only accumulated to barely 500,000 Merit Points.

When he did not make any comparison, it was alright, but when he did, he would only infuriate himself.

He had never even heard about such thing as an outer court disciple swiping 700,000 Merit Points away casually, let alone seeing it.

Whilst the two inner court deacons were in shock over Duan Ling Tian's extravagant spending, he had already gone up to the fourth level of the Merit Pavilion, which was also the final level.

There was also a counter by the huge entrance of the fourth level of the Merit Pavilion with an old man in white robes with a white beard sitting behind it.

The old man was resolutely sitting right there, appearing like a dormant, gigantic beast. In just one glance, he oozed a sense of invisible pressure.

When the old man's Spiritual Energy swept out, Duan Ling Tian was overwhelmed by an unfamiliar sense that he had never experienced before.

"What powerful Spiritual Energy! He's definitely not in any way inferior that Elder Gan," Duan Ling Tian thought to himself.

This white-robed old man who was on the fourth level of the Merit Pavilion had Spiritual Energy so powerful that he was in no way inferior to Fang Gan, the inner court elder on the second level of the Merit Pavilion. It was apparent that he was an inner court elder too.

"Are you Duan Ling Tian?" Just when Duan Ling Tian walked over to the counter and took off his Spatial Ring sensibly without the need for the old man to instruct him, the sturdy, white-robed, old man finally opened his mouth and studied him with interest and astonishment in his eyes.

"Do you know me, elder?" Duan Ling Tian was stunned. It had never crossed his mind that he would be recognized. Could this old man have also gone to the outer court district yesterday and witnessed the Death Duel between him and Feng Fan?

"That old fella Fang Gan has just transmitted a Voice Transmission Talisman to me, saying that you've come to the Merit Pavilion and even praised you in an extravagantly colorful phraseology… Now that I see you firsthand, you're indeed a fine man. As for the others…" Before the old man finished his sentence, a powerful aura had already risen up from his body and swept out as though it had transformed into a gigantic beast that had its bloody mouth gaping wide open as it pounded towards Duan Ling Tian to swallow him whole.

Duan Ling Tian had never thought that the old man would suddenly overwhelm him with his own power, so at that moment, he was completely unguarded as well.

The powerful menacing aura charged at him head-on and gave him a tremendous sense of pressure.

However, one should not forget just how powerful his body and just how tenacious his will was. Of course, he would not be affected by the old man's manner. No matter how strong the wind blew, he would still stand steadfastly on his ground, remaining firm and unshaken like a mountain.

Seeing how his own imposing manner did not make the purple-clad man take a step back — not even the slightest change in his expression at all — astonishment could be seen in the old man's eyes right away. "It looks like that old fella Fang Gan didn't speak in superlatives."

It was obvious that he acknowledged Duan Ling Tian's strength.

"Elder Fang Gan, you flatter me. I'm just an ordinary outer court disciple," Duan Ling Tian replied humbly.

"An ordinary outer court disciple?" The white-clad old man snorted. "I've never seen any ordinary outer court disciple who could defeat and kill Feng Fan who was ranked in the Earth Rankings. Young man, having talent is a superb thing, but too much humility will make you lose your dashing spirit of a young person."

"Thanks for the guidance, Elder." Duan Ling Tian sweated profusely. This elder had actually told him off for not showcasing a full display of his abilities.

"That's enough. Put your Spatial Ring here and enter," said the white-clad old man, waving his hand.

"Alright." Duan Ling Tian nodded. After he had put his Spatial Ring down, he walked to the fourth level of the Merit Pavilion.

Before he entered, he had already guessed that this level of the Merit Pavilion must be the place that housed all sorts of Saint Grade Martial Tactics. This was because it was already the last level of the Merit Pavilion and he had never seen a set of Saint Grade Martial Tactic at all in the previous levels.

One of the main reasons he came this time was the Saint Grade Martial Tactic.

To be more precise, he was there for the Human Rank Prominent Saint Grade Martial Tactic.

Before he came, he already had a target. Therefore, he did not spend very long choosing this time.

Even on the fourth level of the Merit Pavilion of the Moon Illumination Sect, there were not many Human Rank Prominent Saint Grade Martial Tactics. Duan Ling Tian's gaze instantly locked on to one of them, specifically the Saint Token that stored the Saint Grade Martial Tactic.

Beside the Saint Token was a paragraph of descriptions, introducing the name of the Saint Grade Martial Tactic inside the token and the techniques it contained.

Looking at the description by the side of the Saint Token, Duan Ling Tian muttered, "The Roc Soaring The Nine Heaven, the Gargantuan Taishan, the Golden Shirt… Yes, it's this one. So, it turns out that the Saint Grade Martial Tactic that contains these three techniques is called the Golden Roc Mass Tactic." The Golden Roc Mass Tactic was also the Saint Grade Martial Tactic that Feng Fan, who died by his hand yesterday, had cultivated.

The Golden Shirt, the defense technique this Saint Grade Martial Tactic contained was the upgraded version of the Silver Shirt, the defense technique that Duan Ling Tian cultivated. Right now, the Silver Shirt that he cultivated had already reached the highest stage: the Impeccable Stage.

Unless he switched to cultivate the Golden Shirt, he would not be able to develop it any further.

If he switched to the Golden Shirt, he did not have to start from the beginning as he could just transform it to the third stage, the Competent Stage of the Golden Shirt.

Its force was the same as the highest stage of the Silver Stage.

Before he went to the Merit Pavilion, Duan Ling Tian had already made up his mind to choose the Saint Grade Martial Tactic that contained the Golden Shirt.

Other than Golden Shirt, he had taken a liking to the Gargantuan Taishan too.

The Gargantuan Taishan was a close-range offensive martial technique. He had experienced its powerful force before.

Ever since he had come to Dao Martial Saint Land, attacking at close-range had always been his disadvantage. He could only rely on the Sound of Death, the sole close-range offensive technique that was contained in the Colossal Aerolite Arrow, the Saint Grade Martial Tactic that he cultivated.

The Colossal Aerolite Arrow was a Saint Grade Martial Tactic that focused on long-range offense, so the Sound of Death was still a little lackluster compared to the Gargantuan Taishan.

The Golden Roc Mass Tactic was a Saint Grade Martial Tactic that focused on close-range offense.

"Feng Fan's Thousand Mass Sword is already in my hand, so if I cultivate the Gargantuan Taishan, its force will be far from being comparable by the Sound of Death when I match it together with the Thousand Mass Sword even if I've just started to cultivate it." Duan Ling Tian was very clear about this.

The Thousand Mass Sword was inscribed with the Two-Star Inscription: the Thousand Mass Saint Inscription. If it was activated, it would cause the massive sword to be as heavy as a thousand tons, but it would not burden the caster at all.

"This is it then." With a jolt in Duan Ling Tian's heart, he reached out a hand to take the Saint Token that contained the Saint Grade Martial Tactic, the Golden Roc Mass Tactic, in his hand.

Just as the Saint Token was in his grip, his face changed without reason suddenly. In the next instant, he quickly pulled his hand holding on to the Saint Token back as fast as lightning before taking two steps backward.

At the same time, another hand swept past where the Saint Token was lying at a breakneck speed and even elicited a gust of wind.

However, this hand was still too slow.

Duan Ling Tian had beaten him to snatch the Saint Token first.

"Hmph! You're an outer court disciple, yet you still dare to compete with me for the Golden Roc Mass Tactic? Don't even think about having it today before I've even borrowed it!" A snort resonated. It turned out to be a young man who had somehow appeared beside Duan Ling Tian out of the blue. He was now glaring at him with disdain and at the same time, he looked down at him in a haughty manner.

Finally, Duan Ling Tian could clearly see that the person who reached out to take the Saint Token after he did was an inner court disciple. He could see this from the inner court disciple Order Token that was hanging by his waist.

If it were a polite inner court disciple who explained that he was in rush and wanted to borrow the Golden Roc Mass Tactic first, perhaps Duan Ling Tian would have given it to him and let him borrow it first.

However, this inner court disciple wanted to seize the Saint Token in his hand in the first place and after that, he had even talked to him in a haughty tone as though he was giving an order.

At once, Duan Ling Tian's face turned grave.

He was always a person who could be persuaded by a soft approach, but would never be cowed by fear.

Therefore, in the face of this rude inner court disciple, Duan Ling Tian merely cast a cold glance at him and did not bother to reply him before he walked towards the other section of the Merit Pavilion.

The items housed in this section were not Saint Grade Martial Tactics but some jade tokens that were stored with various messages.

These jade tokens covered all fields and contained everything, and they were exactly what Duan Ling Tian needed.

Although it had already more than one year since he had gone to Dao Martial Saint Land, there were still many things regarding the place that he did not really understand. Through all these jade tokens, he could gain further understanding on this mysterious yet vast Dao Martial Saint Land.

"How dare you ignore me?" Watching how Duan Ling Tian just left with the Saint Token after casting a nonchalant glance at him, the inner court disciple was first stunned and by the time he snapped back to his senses, he burst into fury.

It had never crossed his mind that the moment he came out of his closed-door cultivation and gone to borrow the second half of the Golden Roc Mass Tactic to read, he would happen to come across such an outer court disciple who did not know what was coming for him.

In the outer sect of the Moon Illumination Sect, the only people who could elicit dread from him were the five outer court disciples who were placed in the Earth Rankings.

As for the other outer court disciples, he thought nothing of them at all.

He had seen the five outer disciples who were established in the Earth Rankings before, so he could tell that this outer court disciple was not one of the five.

If it were not for the fact that battling was not allowed in the Merit Pavilion, he would have long taught this insolent outer court disciple a lesson.

Looking at Duan Ling Tian's silhouette, the inner court disciple threatened, "Boy, everyone needs to pay for their foolishness… I'll give you one last chance to send the Saint Token over and apologize to me! Otherwise, whatever takes place after you've left the Merit Pavilion will be out of your control."

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