War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1213 - Greediness

1213 Greediness

Translator:Insignia | Editor: Insignia /EndlessFantasy Translation In the entire Lost Stone Forest, only Martial Emperor Shi Qi was able to block his attack after he was devilified.

Even if the attack he cast earlier was not his full strength, it was not something a Martial Monarch could withstand, not even a powerhouse who had entered the peak of Martial Monarch Stage.

"Young man, your strength is powerful." Martial Emperor Shi Qi whose body was tall and lofty looked at Duan Ling Tian solemnly. "As fellow Martial Emperors on Cloud Continent, I've never heard of you before. Who are you actually?"

Martial Emperor?

The moment these words left Martial Emperor Shi Qi's mouth, the group of Martial Emperor's disciples and followers who had just arrived, including the two Martial Emperor's direct disciples with the surname Zhao and Sun, understood immediately. "So he's really a Martial Emperor."

Only those group of Martial Emperor's disciples and followers who were present on the scene since the very beginning, including Zhou Yi, knew that this purple-clad young man was not a Martial Emperor.

Or at the very least, he was not a Martial Emperor just a moment before.

His strength was elevated to such a powerful level because of the stone tablet that lacked a corner in his hand.

All the strength that he possessed right now came from that mysterious stone tablet.

"If I can get my hands on the stone tablet, does it mean that I'll also possess the power he currently possesses?" The dread on Zhou Yi's face disappeared as his gaze shifted toward the Devilseal Tablet in Duan Ling Tian's hand. It was replaced with a look of greediness as he itched to take the Devilseal Tablet for himself.

'Perhaps, after I get my hands on this stone tablet, the elevation the stone tablet gives me would be much greater than his! After all, if it wasn't for this stone tablet, his strength wouldn't be powerful than mine.' The moment Zhou Yi thought of this, his heart burned with an even stronger fire.

"Go away!" When Duan Ling Tian noticed his consciousness was dissipating at an alarming speed, or to be more precise, when he noticed his consciousness was being suppressed by the energy from the Devilseal Tablet, Duan Ling Tian bellowed and made his move again.


This time, he took hold of the Devilseal Tablet and threw it toward Martial Emperor Shi Qi.

To him, Martial Emperor Shi Qi was undoubtedly a huge obstacle blocking him from killing Zhou Yi.

If he wanted to kill Zhou Yi, he must get rid of this obstacle first.


A loud sound resonated. It was the sound of Martial Emperor Shi Qi receiving another blow from Duan Ling Tian. In the next instant, a rolling wave swept out.

This time, the crowd were already prepared for it and was not too injured.

However, the scene before them still shocked them.

Although Martial Emperor Shi Qi managed to endure, he was sent flying like an arrow that was shot out a bow when the Devilseal Tablet in Duan Ling Tian's hand was thrown out. Moreover, he even coughed out a mouthful of blood.

After Martial Emperor Shi Qi was sent flying for more than ten meters, he finally came to a halt. His face turned green before it paled. It was obvious that he was injured.


The scene fell silent.

"M-Master is hurt?" Zhou Yi's eyes narrowed when he saw this scene. Horror dawned on his face.

No matter what, it had never crossed his mind that his master who was like an invincible Battle God would be injured.

On top of that, he was actually injured by the leader of the low-level first-rate force that he had looked down on.

"Although Master has not used his spirit weapon yet… B-But isn't this stone tablet in Duan Ling Tian's hand too spectacular?" Zhou Yi only felt chills running down his spine when he looked at the Devilseal Tablet in Duan Ling Tian's hand again. At the same time, the greediness in his eyes became even more distinct.

He found the stone tablet in Duan Ling Tian's hand to be even more unusual.

"Master!" Horror also dawned on the other two Martial Emperor's direct disciples after they saw that Martial Emperor Shi Qi was injured.

"Lord Martial Emperor!" The other Martial Emperor's disciples and followers were also baffled when they saw the scene that had unfolded before their eyes. Martial Emperor Shi Qi who was almost invincible in their eyes was actually injured?

At this moment, Duan Ling Tian was at the center of attention.

"Who is he? Why is he so strong?"

"It looks like even Lord Martial Emperor doesn't know who this Martial Emperor is as well."

"Don't tell me he's actually a reclusive Martial Emperor?"

The group of Martial Emperor's disciples and followers who had just arrived not too long ago began to speculate. They were very curious about Duan Ling Tian's identity.

In the end, they all came to the conclusion that Duan Ling Tian had to be a reclusive Martial Emperor.

There were not more than ten Martial Emperors who were publicly known on Cloud Continent. They had never heard of him among these ten people.

Purple hair with red crimson eyes. He did not look human at all.

"Perhaps he's a Demon Emperor." Soon after, someone began to speculate.

Demon Emperor!

A person that was in no way inferior to Martial Emperors and was cultivated from a Demon Beast. On the entire Cloud Continent, there were more than ten publicly-known Demon Emperors. The number was a few people more than Martial Emperors.

"I've heard of a few Demon Emperors, but I've never heard anyone who has the same characteristics as he does," one of the Martial Emperor's disciple said.

"You guys are all wrong." Right at this moment, the group of Martial Emperor's disciples and followers who were here since the beginning shook their heads one by one. "He's not a Martial Emperor or a Demon Emperor."

"Not a Martial Emperor or a Demon Emperor? You guys must be kidding!" The group of Martial Emperor's disciples and followers who had just arrived on the scene frowned immediately. Disbelief was clearly written on their faces.

Someone who was able to injure the Lost Stone Forest's Martial Emperor Shi Qi was not a Martial Emperor or a Demon Emperor?

What a joke!

"Perhaps his strength is equivalent to a Martial Emperor or a Demon Emperor right now… However before he took that stone tablet out, he's definitely not a Martial Emperor or a Demon Emperor!"

"That's right! Before he took that stone tablet out, he couldn't even defeat Senior Brother Zhou!"

"According to Senior Brother Zhou, he's only a leader of a low-level first-rate force. He only became powerful because of that bizarre stone in his hand. All of us witnessed this with our own eyes!"

The group of Martial Emperor's disciples and followers who were present on the scene from the beginning chimed in one after another.

For a moment, the group of people who had just arrived, including the two Martial Emperor's direct disciples, were stunned.

They did not expect the truth would be like that.

"Damn it! They actually revealed everything!" Zhou Yi's face was dark. He did not expect the group of Martial Emperor's disciples and followers who were present on the scene from the very beginning would disclose the story about the stone tablet in Duan Ling Tian's hand. This had completely disrupted his plan.

In fact, he had already decided to take that stone tablet for himself after his master had gotten rid of Duan Ling Tian.

Although his master was injured by Duan Ling Tian, he still had faith in his master since he had not used his Spirit Weapon yet.

His master's Spirit Weapon was a Quasi Royal Grade Spirit Weapon that was far superior to grade one Spirit Weapons.

There were only a few Quasi Royal Grade Spirit Weapons on the entire Cloud Continent.

It was said that it was a relic left behind from 10,000 years ago.

During these 10,000 years, many outstanding weapons craftsman were born, but none of them could craft a Quasi Royal Grade Spirit Weapon.

He believed that as long as his master used his Quasi Royal Grade Spirit Weapon, he would definitely be able to kill Duan Ling Tian.

At that time, he would be the like the fisherman who would benefit when the snip and the clam grappled by taking that stone tablet in the dead Duan Ling Tian's hands.

He had a feeling that as long as he could get his hands on the stone tablet, his life would undergo an earth-shattering transformation.

However, now that everybody knew the stone tablet in Duan Ling Tian's hand was unusual, even if Duan Ling Tian died, it would be impossible for him to take that stone tablet for himself.

Even his master would most likely be interested in obtaining that stone tablet.

As it turned out, Zhou Yi had guessed correctly.

When the injured Martial Emperor Shi Qi heard the exchange between the group of Martial Emperor's disciples and followers and found out that the Devilseal Tablet in Duan Ling Tian's hand was unusual, his eyes brightened immediately. His interest was piqued as well.

After that person whose strength was originally weaker than his direct disciple, Zhou Yi, activated this stone tablet, he possessed strength that was superior to himself when he was not using any Spirit Weapon?

"Initially, I thought you're a Martial Emperor or Demon Emperor… But I never thought your strength actually came from the stone tablet in your hand." A strong hint of greediness could be seen in Martial Emperor Shi Qi's eyes when he looked at the Devilseal Tablet in Duan Ling Tian's hands.

Although he was a Martial Emperor and there were not many things he was interested in, once he was interested in something, he would spare no effort in obtaining it.

At this moment, he was interested in the stone tablet in the purple-clad young man's hand.

'Such a marvelous stone tablet… If I get my hands on it and obtain its power, perhaps I'll be able to become the strongest person on Cloud Continent! At that time, those people will have to go through me before they can do anything.' The moment Martial Emperor Shi Qi thought of this, he became even more interested. He was itching to get his hands on the Devilseal Tablet in Duan Ling Tian's hand.

There was no doubt 'those people' he had referred to were the other Martial Emperors and Demon Emperors on Cloud Continent.

"From today onward, that stone tablet in your hands will belong to me, Martial Emperor Shi Qi!" Nobody knew when a seven-foot-long spear had appeared in Martial Emperor Shi Qi's hand. The moment it appeared, a vast rolling energy surged into it.

With a flick of that long spear, a heaven-defying phenomenon took place immediately!

The Heaven and Earth Energy whirred in the sky, mobilized by the Martial Emperor Shi Qi's energy.

Earlier, he had more or less discovered the strength of the purple-clad young man before him. Without using any Spirit Weapon, he was not a match for the purple-clad young man.

He was confident he could defeat him if he used his Spirit Weapon.

However, under Martial Emperor Shi Qi's greedy eyes, Duan Ling Tian ignored him completely. Instead, only his afterimage remained in front of Martial Emperor Shi Qi as he rushed toward the distance.

In that direction, a red-clad woman stood alone. It was Feng Tian Wu.

When Duan Ling Tian was flying toward Feng Tian Wu, he hastily said to her using Voice Transmission, "Tian Wu, follow me! I don't think I can hold on any longer!"

At this moment, he could clearly feel his consciousness was turning weaker and weaker.

It would not take long before it would be completely suppressed by the Devilseal Tablet's energy!

At that time, he did not know if he could regain his consciousness.

It was precisely because of this reason he felt he did not have much time left. He needed to save Tian Wu from this place in the shortest time possible. The rest did not matter anymore.

Zhou Yi could guess Duan Ling Tian's intention when he saw Duan Ling Tian's afterimage after he headed in Feng Tian Wu's direction. He quickly reminded Martial Emperor Shi Qi, "Master! He's trying to escape!"

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