War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1100: Invincible Compared to Those Below the Martial Monarch Stage

Chapter 1100: Invincible Compared to Those Below the Martial Monarch Stage

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

There were three Profundity Fragment. More accurately, there were three Monarch Stage Profundity Fragment. One of it was undoubtedly the Monarch Stage Wind Profundity Fragment.

With it, one could progress from the Ninth Level Advanced Wind Concept and comprehend the Monarch Stage Wind Profundity in a short amount of time!

Wind Concept was the Concept Duan Ling Tian wanted to elevate.

If he managed to transform the Wind Concept into Wind Profundity, he would automatically comprehend another Profundity as well. It was the Fire Profundity.

Apart from that, he had two other Monarch Stage Profundity Fragments. One of them was the Third Level Monarch Stage Sword Profundity Fragment.

It was different from the previous Profundity Fragment he obtained from the Martial Emperor's secret treasure. This Profundity Fragment was one of the three Profundity Fragments he found within the body of the Tempest Sword Monarch from the Sword Monarch's treasure.

At that time, there were two other Profundity Fragments within the Tempest Sword Monarch's body.

A Third Level Monarch Stage Wind Profundity Fragment and a Third Level Monarch Stage Thunder Profundity Fragment.

He exchanged the former for an Eighth Level Monarch Stage Thunder Profundity Fragment, and he used the latter to return a favor to the Five Element Sect.

This Sword Profundity Fragment was the only Sword Profundity Fragment in Duan Ling Tian's hand.

The reason he was in a rush to break through the Sword Concept and complete the transformation into Sword Profundity was due to the word 'Sword' left behind at the Azure Forest of the Imperial Kingdom by the Sword Saint, Feng Qing Yang.

The word 'Sword' contained an obscure message. He had memorized it so that he could comprehend it anytime he wanted. The word 'Sword' contained the Sword Dao that could help him elevate his Sword Concept to Sword Profundity.

That was the reason he picked the Sword Concept to comprehend.

He had a feeling that once he comprehended the Sword Profundity, it would improve tremendously when he comprehended the Sword Dao in the word 'Sword'!

The last Profundity Duan Ling Tian chose to comprehend was the Earth Profundity.

The choice was obvious since the Earth Profundity was similar to the Earth Concept. It could communicate and draw support from Earth energy if one was close to the ground! It was one of the strength of the Earth Profundity.

The Thunder Profundity Fragment was temporarily abandoned by Duan Ling Tian.

"I'll comprehend these three Profundities first!" Soon after, Duan Ling Tian gently closed his eyes and calmed his heart while he comprehended three different Profundities through three different Profundity Fragments.

Currently, Duan Ling Tian's cultivation base was at the Ninth Level Void Transformation, and he had comprehended five types of Ninth Level Void Transformation Stage Concepts.

He was no doubt an anomaly among all the martial artists at the peak of the Void.

When the five types of Ninth Level Void Transformation Stage Concepts pressured each other, it would be very easy for him to comprehend the Profundity even though it was slower compared to using Profundity Fragments to comprehend it.

Moreover, Duan Ling Tian could simultaneously comprehend three different Profundities through three different Profundity Fragments. The speed of him comprehending Profundities would definitely be faster.

"Elder Duan!" At the moment when Duan Ling Tian was about to begin comprehending the three Profundities, an urgent voice sounded from outside the room. "The Clan Leader's here. He's waiting for you at the main hall."

The Clan Leader?

Duan Ling Tian opened his eyes and knitted his brows together. "Couldn't he come earlier or later. Does it have to be now?"

Although he complained about it, he still put the three Profundity Fragments away and stopped his comprehension. He got off the bed and left the room.

Shortly after, Duan Ling Tian arrived at the main hall.

"Elder Duan, you've finally exited the Profound Assimilation Formation after three months… It must have been a fruitful trip for Elder Duan." The Clan Leader of Lu Clan, Lu Rui's eyes brightened after he saw Duan Ling Tian.

"It was alright." Duan Ling Tian nodded, but he did not show much joy on his face.

Fruitful trip?


After entering the Profound Assimilation Formation, he managed to elevate all his Concepts to its' peak which is the Ninth Level Advanced stage.

Moreover, his Wind Concept could raise his Fire Concept to the same level. That meant he actually mastered five type of Ninth Level Advanced Concepts.

Five types of Ninth Level Advanced Concepts were equivalent to five types of Ninth Level Void Transformation Stage Concepts.

What does that mean?

It meant that if he used all five types of Ninth Level Void Transformation Stage Concepts, it would be equivalent to 5,000 ancient horned dragons' strength without the Origin Energy, the support from Earth Energy, and the fueling of the Fire Concept with the Wind Concept.

It would be even more frightening if he used the Earth Energy and fuel the Fire Concept with the Wind Concept.

'Currently, I should be invincible compared to everyone below the Martial Monarch Stage!' Duan Ling Tian secretly thought.

"Elder Duan, I know I shouldn't bother you since you just came out of the Profound Assimilation Formation…" Lu Rui said slowly as looked at Duan Ling Tian.

When he said that, Duan Ling Tian gave him a look. It made him paused and smiled bitterly in response.

"However, I'm out of ideas this time… Guild Master Cheng had been waiting for three months," Lu Rui continued to say. There a helpless expression on his face when he spoke.

"Guild Master Cheng? He had waited for three whole months?" When Duan Ling Tian heard Lu Rui's words, he was puzzled. "Who's that? Why did he wait for me for such a long time?"

"Guild Master Cheng is the Guild Master of the Alchemist Guild's Main Guild in the Southern Outer Land… He's also a grade one alchemist like you," Lu Rui answered Duan Ling Tian.

"Guild Master of the Alchemist Guild's Main Guild in the Southern Outer Land? Why is he looking for me?" Duan Ling Tian asked with furrowed brows. There was a hint of annoyance in his voice.

He should have been comprehending Profundities through the Profundity Fragments now, but he was interrupted because of some Guild Master from the Alchemist Guild's Main Guild in the Southern Outer Land.

Due to that, he had an extremely bad impression of the Guild Master of the Alchemist Guild's Main Guild in the Southern Outer Land even though he had not met him.

"He didn't say… But, I'm certain it has something to do with the grade one pills with more than 90% purity that you've refined." Lu Rui guessed.

Duan Ling Tian nodded in agreement. It was the only possibility.

"Go and tell him that I'm not interested in meeting him no matter who he is," Duan Ling Tian said in a slightly nonchalant tone.

He would not be bothered even if it was the Guild Master of the Alchemist Guild's Supreme Main Guild from the Inner Land, let alone a mere Guild Master of the Alchemist Guild's Main Guild in the Southern Outer Land.

"Haha… I came from afar just to have a chat with you and exchange knowledge in medicine refinement. Elder Duan, you don't have to keep me a thousand miles away."

Before Lu Rui could respond, a loud laughter sounded from outside the main hall.

Following that, Duan Ling Tian and Lu Rui saw two figures walking into the main hall.

The one in the lead was a silver-clad old man, while a green-clad middle-aged man followed at the back.

Unlike the bright smile on the old man's face, the green-clad middle-aged man had an indifferent expression.

The voice from earlier obviously belonged to the silver-clad old man.

Lu Rui's face sank when he saw their sudden appearance.

This place was not just Elder Duan's temporary residence, it was also the Lu Clan's estate.

Their sudden entrance was not only disrespectful to Duan Ling Tian, but it was also disrespectful to the Lu Clan.

"Elder Duan. I'm Cheng He, the Guild Master of the Alchemist Guild's Main Guild in the Southern Outer Land," the silver-clad old man introduced himself to Duan Ling Tian.

Cheng He did not seem to notice the dark expression on Duan Ling Tian's face and proceeded to seemed to introduce the green-clad middle-aged man, "This person behind me is the guard provided by the Alchemist Guild in the Inner Land… His name is Leng Chi."

Leng Chi lifted his head slightly and nodded faintly as a greeting when he heard Cheng He's introduction.

"That's how Leng Chi is. I hope Elder Duan don't mind." Cheng He looked at Duan Ling Tian as the smile on his face turned brighter.

"How he is has nothing to do with me. However, you entered my residence without my permission…" Duan Ling Tian paused as he looked at Cheng He coldly. He continued to say, "Your parents… Didn't they teach you manners?!" His tone turned scathing as he continued talking.

Your parents did not teach you manners?

After Duan Ling Tian said that, Lu Rui who standing next to him instantly froze.

Although he could see that Elder Duan was mad, he did not expect him to be so blunt.

This old man before them was the Guild Master of the Alchemist Guild's Main Guild in the Southern Outer Land. He was the top grade one alchemist in the Southern Outer Land.

Naturally, he was the top alchemist before Elder Duan appeared.

However, he was still a valuable grade one alchemist after all. Elder Duan had undoubtedly disrespected him with the way he criticized him.

However, Lu Rui disregarded this matter. He remembered Elder Duan was not an ordinary person.

10,000 years ago, people like Cheng He would not even be qualified to tie Elder Duan's shoelaces in his past life.


The minute Duan Ling Tian finished his sentence, Cheng He's smile froze on his face before it turned distorted.

The green-clad middle-aged man looked at Duan Ling Tian again with coldness in his eyes.

He exuded a terrifying aura from his body that was headed straight for Duan Ling Tian like blades and swords.

Wherever the aura passed, the air seemed to condense.

Duan Ling Tian remained unperturbed. He did not take it seriously at all.

Although Duan Ling Tian did not take it seriously, it did not mean others would not take it seriously.


Lu Rui moved like a breeze and stood in front of Duan Ling Tian.


The vast aura pressed against Lu Rui. It caused him to turn red before he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The blood splattered all over the ground. It was extremely terrifying.

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