Chapter 1080: Amnesia

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

However, Feng Tian Wu made a sudden move when Duan Ling Tian was looking at her expectantly!


Feng Tian Wu charged at him quickly with her sword pointed.

Although flames surrounded her body, the aura she emitted was so cold it chilled Duan Ling Tian's heart.

Feng Tian Wu's speed was not fast in Duan Ling Tian's eyes, but he did not intend to avoid her.

He stood there quietly with tenderness in his eyes as he stared at Feng Tian Wu charging at him with her sword.

At this moment, it was as if the only thing left in his world was the fiery-red figure approaching him.

Although the figure seemed to have transformed into a red beast intent on devouring him, there were no changes in his expression or his gaze. It was gentle like water as always.


Feng Tian Wu had a cold expression on her face as she stabbed her sword forward and pointed it at Duan Ling Tian's heart as though she was planning to kill him with just a move.

She slowed down immediately when she saw Duan Ling Tian remaining motionless, but she was too close to Duan Ling Tian.

In the end, the sword stopped a hair's breadth away from Duan Ling Tian's chest.

'Why… Why didn't he avoid it?'

'Why does my heart hurts when I attacked him with my sword?'

Feng Tian Wu looked like a ball of flame the moment she arrived in front of Duan Ling Tian. Her heart trembled without a reason.

At the same time, she felt a little panicked.

When she saw how close her sword was to her Duan Ling Tian heart, she hurriedly moved to withdraw it.

Unfortunately, she was too slow.

The inertia brought her forward and sent the tip of the sword in her hand into the purple-clad young man's chest.


Blood splattered on her body and hands.

She felt a throbbing pain in her heart when she saw the blood on her hands.


She dropped her sword and covered her chest. She was in a daze. It felt as though she had lost something in that split second.

The feeling of helplessness and panic almost suffocated her.

Feng Tian Wu's beautiful face paled as she lowered her head and muttered to herself.

"I… Why do I feel pain in my heart?"

"Do I really know him? His eyes… why are they so gentle… What's our relationship like?"

"Why didn't he avoid it? Why?"



A loud bang reverberated and snapped her out of her daze.

"Young Master!"

After Xiong Quan broke the door, his face changed dramatically when he saw the scene before his eyes. He flew in hurriedly and instantly arrived before the tottering purple figure.


Within the time required to raise a hand, Xiong Quan pulled out the red flexible sword in the purple-clad young man's chest and threw it on the ground. At the same time, he used Origin Energy to stop the bleeding.

"Thank God… We're lucky…"

Xiong Quan breathed a sigh of relief when he realized the sword did not stab his heart, and the purple-clad young man's life was not in danger.


Duan Ling Tian finally moved after Xiong Quan pulled out the sword. He was staring blankly at Feng Tian Wu as though he had lost his soul. He did not even react when Feng Tian Wu stabbed the sword into his chest.

He spat out a mouthful of blood when he coughed. The blood that stained the ground was like a blooming red rose.

"Young Master? Who hurt you?" Xiong Quan's face sank as killing intent appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten that Duan Ling Tian was stronger than him. He seemed to have forgotten he would not be a match for someone who was capable of hurting Duan Ling Tian.

Shortly after, Xiong Quan got his answer. The answer shocked him.

"You… Why didn't you avoid it?"

An emotionless voice sounded and attracted Xiong Quan's attention. His eyes landed on the red-clad woman nearby.

"Oh, god… Ms. Tian Wu, you… You're awake?!" Xiong Quan stared at her with widened eyes. A hint of amazement was visible on his face.

"Young Master… You… You found the Soul Fixing Root and the Soul Stabilizing Grass for Ms. Tian Wu? This Lu Clan's pretty good. They even have the precious materials that you said is extremely rare on Cloud Continent." Xiong Quan smiled.

However, the smile froze on his face soon after.

He finally noticed the bloodstains on Feng Tian Wu's hands. His face changed immediately. "God… Ms. Tian Wu, you… It was you who stabbed the Young Master?"

If it was someone else, he would fight to the death to avenge his Young Master even if he knew he was no match for them.

However, Feng Tian Wu was his Young Master's woman. His future Young Mistress.

He could not do anything even if he was angry.

"Why should I avoid it? You…. Would you have killed me?" Duan Ling Tian, pale from the excessive blood loss, responded to Feng Tian Wu's question with a question.

Feng Tian Wu remained silent after hearing his reply.

There was a burst of sharp pain in her heart when she saw the man's pale face. It was as though her heart had split into two halves.

She could not figure out why.

"Unless… Unless I really know him? But why can't I remember anything?"

No matter how Feng Tian Wu struggled to remember, she could not recall anything about the man in front of her. However, she felt her heart ache without reason when she saw the man hurt.

It convinced her that she had a very close relationship with the man.

At this moment, Feng Tian Wu's hostility toward Duan Ling Tian disappeared.

When Duan Ling Tian noticed that, he breathed a sigh of relief and a heartfelt smile crept up on the corner of his mouth.

He knew he was right in not avoiding her attack.

At least he managed to break through Tian Wu's psychological barrier even with her temporary amnesia. It was a good start. At least, Tian Wu no longer rejected him. Maybe she would even accept him soon.

If he had avoided that attack, Feng Tian Wu would probably attack even more given her temporary memory loss. It was very likely Feng Tian Wu would not accept him as she did now.

"Young Master… What happened between you and Ms. Tian Wu?"

Xiong Quan who standing by the side felt confused when he saw Duan Ling Tian laughing even though he was hurt.

"Xiong Quan, I only found the Soul Fixing Root in Lu clan. I didn't find the Soul Stabilizing Grass… Although Tian Wu woke up after she took the refined Soul Fixing Root potion, she seemed to have lost all of her memory of me," Duan Ling Tian explained briefly to Xiong Quan.

"She lost her memory? No wonder..."

Xiong Quan felt as though he was listening to a far-fetched story when he heard Duan Ling Tian's explanation. He recovered from the shock and came to a realization. This explained why Ms. Tian Wu who used to love his Young Master would hurt him.

It turned out that Ms. Tian Wu had lost her memory.

"Young Master, what should we do now?" Xiong Quan asked.

"As long as we're able to find the Soul Stabilizing Grass and refine it into a potion for Tian Wu to consume, her damaged soul will be healed. At that time, she will naturally remember everything," Duan Ling Tian said.

"Alright then." Xiong Quan nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried that Ms. Tian Wu would not recover. Who knew if she would stab his Young Master another one or two more times?

Feng Tian Wu heard Duan Ling Tian and Xiong Quan's conversation.

"I… How did I lose my memory?" Feng Tian Wu asked as she looked at Duan Ling Tian.

Although the expression on her face was still cold, she did not reject Duan Ling Tian as she did before. It could be seen from the way she initiated the conversation with Duan Ling Tian.

When Duan Ling Tian heard Feng Tian Wu's inquiry, he could not help but recall the past. It was painful for him, but he recounted everything in detail to Feng Tian Wu.

He told Feng Tian Wu about how she forcefully elevated her Fire Profundity for him until the Fire Spirit Body's strength erupted.

Naturally, he also told her about how he suppressed the volatile Fire Spirit Body's strength after he devilified even though it still damaged her soul in the end.

He told her about everything that had happened after that.

"So that was what happened… In the past, I sacrificed everything for you including my own life?" Feng Tian Wu muttered.

Although Feng Tian Wu learned of the past from Duan Ling Tian, she had lost her memories after all. It was as though she was listening to a story when Duan Ling Tian recounted the past. It was impossible for her to be close to Duan Ling Tian like before.

Although she was cold toward him, she no longer rejected him.

Duan Ling Tian was very satisfied with that.

At least he did not have to worry about Tian Wu attacking him anymore.

'Now, I'll have to wait until we find the Soul Stabilizing Grass to restore Tian Wu's memory… Even if Tian Wu knows her past, she won't be like her former self without her memory,' Duan Ling Tian thought to himself.

The current Feng Tian Wu was as cold as ice and completely different from how she used to be.

It was not just him. She treated everyone coldly as though they owed her money.

Duan Ling Tian was a bit helpless in that regard. He tried to change her, but he realized there was no way to change it.

Eventually, Duan Ling Tian ran out of ideas and let her be.

At the Lu Clan's estate. In one of the mansions on the East side.


A figure swept down speedily like a goshawk and landed steadily in the backyard of that mansion.

In a pergola in the backyard, a grey-clad young man sat in front of a stone table. He held a wooden sword in his hands with a gloomy face. It was hard to discern the thoughts running through his mind.

"Young Master, are you thinking about little Young Master again?"

The person who spoke was an old man. He saw the wooden sword in the grey-clad young man's hand when he walked into the pergola.

"Elder Guan, do you still remember this wooden sword?" The grey-clad young man asked as he twirled the wooden sword in his hands.

"I remember."

The old man nodded and sighed. "This is a gift for little Young Master's fifth birthday. You made the wooden sword for him personally… Back then, little Young Master was really happy when he received the gift."

"Yes… Almost thirty years have passed just in a blink of an eye." The grey-clad youth nodded.

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