War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1027: Target: Duan Ling Tian!

Chapter 1027: Target: Duan Ling Tian!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the Darkhan Dynasty's Imperial Palace.

The expressions of everyone who were looking at the sky changed. Some of them even began to tremble in fear as though they had seen something terrifying.

"I'm not dreaming! How's this possible?!" Many of them instinctively pinched their thighs. The pain from their thighs confirmed what they saw was real, and they were not dreaming.

More than ten soldiers from the Black Armored Army, including the strong middle-aged commander in black armor, simultaneously exploded in the sky. It was as though they had intended to do it together.

Blood rained down from the sky when they burst into flames simultaneously. It looked strangely beautiful.

However, the people watching on the ground were not in the mood to admire the scene before their eyes. Fear rose within them.

"This is too scary!"

"The four men didn't even move, but Commander Hong and more than ten soldiers from the Black Armored Army are all dead!"

"Commander Hong's a Ninth Level Void Interpretation powerhouse, but he died so easily."

"Who exactly are they?"

"No wonder they were so domineering with our Darkhan Dynasty's Imperial Family and dared to ask His Majesty to see them… It's because they're so terrifying."

Meanwhile, the Darkhan Dynasty's Imperial Palace was in a chaos as many people began to flee the palace.

In their opinion, the four men above the sky had bad intentions. Nobody knew if they would destroy the entire Imperial Palace or not.

They would definitely die if they stayed in the palace!


"Run, quick!"

"We'll die here if we don't run!"

The guards, eunuchs, and maids in the Imperial Palace ran out of the palace one after another as though the sky was falling.

There were also many who stood rooted the spot. Their bodies trembled, and they felt as though their legs were filled with lead.

They wanted to run, but they discovered their legs were not moving as they wanted.

"Who are these four men?"

At this moment, a loud voice spread through the entire Imperial Palace. It immediately calmed the people who were eager to escape.

"It's His Majesty!"

"His Majesty is here!"

"I heard His Majesty and a few Old Princes have broken through to the Void Transformation Stage a few months. They have no reason to fear that four individuals."

Many of them dismissed the thought of escaping. They stood in their position and discussed among themselves as they watched the five silhouettes that just ascended to the sky.

A middle-aged man in dragon robe was in the lead as four old men trailed after him like his shadow. They immediately caught the attention of those in the Imperial Palace as soon they appeared.

It was the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor and the four Old Princes.

Since the Martial Competition of the Ten Dynasties ended, the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor returned a big winner since he brought back many Concept Fragments and managed to create five Void Transformation powerhouses in the Imperial Palace, including himself.

The five of them could no longer endure it when they witnessed the Black Armored Army turned into a bloody shower of rain.

Soon after, the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor and the four Old Princes arrived in the sky and stood across the four individuals with the strong old man as their leader. There was fear in the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor's eyes.

"So you're the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor?" The middle-aged man behind the strong old man, who shouted twice earlier, looked at the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor in a hostile manner. His eyes gleamed coldly as though he was about to devour him.

"How dare you!" At this moment, one of the Old Princes standing behind the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor glared at the middle-aged man and shouted, "Do you not know the rules? What makes you think you're worthy of speaking to His Majesty, the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor before your master even spoke?"

"Worthy?" The middle-aged man was initially stunned, but he soon burst into laughter after he heard the Old Prince's word.

When his laughter died down, his expression immediately turned cold.

Subsequently, the middle-aged man slowly lifted his arm and muttered to himself, "I'm afraid you won't be able to see it when I prove I'm worthy."

Almost as soon as the middle-aged man spoke, he shook his arm and pointed a finger at lightning speed.


An extremely quick force shot out of his fingertip and created an ear-piercing noise.

From the beginning to the end, the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor and the other four did not have time to react at all.

When the four of them reacted, their expressions changed when they realized the Old Prince who had spoken out earlier had a bloody hole between his eyebrows.


Blood gushed out of the hole as the Old Prince fell to the ground with his lifeless eyes wide open.

The First Void Transformation Stage martial artist was dead!


The Old Prince's body fell on the spacious piazza in the Imperial Palace and turned into a bloody pulp. His blood spread everywhere and transformed into a tiny stream of blood.

All of a sudden, silence descended on the group of people who were watching in the Imperial Palace.

After they snapped out of their daze, they began to run out of the Imperial Palace in a frenzy.

"Oh, my god! His Majesty and the four Old Princes are Void Transformation powerhouses… But one of the Old Princes was killed so quickly, and the opponent didn't even do much,"

"That's terrifying! Who are these people?!"

"Could they be powerhouses from the Foreign Lands?"


The entire Imperial Palace had fallen into complete disarray. Not only the guards, eunuchs, and maids were fleeing, even the concubines, princes, and princesses in the harem began to flee as well.

The Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor was anxious as he looked at the chaos before his eyes.

However, he was not in the mood to deal with that now. He knew he had to handle the matter before him carefully. Otherwise, it would bring great disaster to his Darkhan Dynasty.

"Seniors, it's Darkhan Dynasty's honor to have the four of you here! As the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor… I wonder if there's anything I can do for the four of you?" Although he had just witnessed his Imperial Uncle being killed by this person, there was no hatred in the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor at the moment.

He knew it was useless for him to hate since there was no way for him to take revenge.

In order to protect the Darkhan Dynasty's Imperial Family, he would have to be humble before the four powerhouses whom he suspected came from the Foreign Lands. From the beginning until now, he did not dare to show his imposing manner as the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor.

"That person is only a follower. He's not even the leader, and he already possesses such a terrifying ability… He killed Imperial Uncle 11 whose cultivation base had broken through to the First Level Void Transformation Stage with just one finger! He was so quick and didn't even use the Heaven and Earth Energy, let alone the formation of the Heaven and Earth Phenomenon."

"Just that person alone is enough to destroy the Darkhan Dynasty's Imperial Family! It's obvious his status is below the old man since he followed behind him… How powerful is the old man's ability then?" The Darkhan Dynasty Emperor's heart jolted when he looked at the strong old man who was the leader of the pack. He immediately looked away. He shuddered and did not dare to continue his train of thoughts.

"Hmph!" The middle-aged man who killed the Darkhan Dynasty's Old Prince scoffed. "Of course there's something we need from you since we're here… I heard there's a person named Duan Ling Tian among the group of young powerhouses from your Darkhan Dynasty who joined the Martial Competition of the Ten Dynasties at Skywolf Fort?"

'Duan Ling Tian!'

The Darkhan Dynasty Emperor's eyes narrowed when he heard the middle-aged man's words.

Naturally, he was familiar with the name.

The person whom the name belonged to was the reason he received a massive amount of rewards from the Martial Competition of the Ten Dynasties.

"May I ask why you're looking for Duan Ling Tian?" The Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor asked in fear.


The sound of a slap reverberated suddenly. It seemed as though the middle-aged man barely did anything, but the fresh imprint of a hand appeared on the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor's face.

"Am I asking the question or are you asking the question?" The middle-aged man's voice was extremely deep when he spoke, and a killing intent appeared in his eyes.

Naturally, it was him who gave the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor a slap at lightning speed.

"So fast!" The expressions of the three Old Princes behind the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor changed one after another.

They could be forgiven for not seeing the previous attack coming. However, they still failed to notice the second attack even though they were mentally prepared.

At this moment, they realized that person was so far ahead of them in terms of ability that they could not even compare!

The Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor took a deep breath. Although he felt his dignity was being trampled on, he did not dare to speak as he pleased. All he could do was seethe in anger since he did not want what happened to the Old Prince to befall him.

"Senior, I don't know Duan Ling Tian very well… All I know is he's a young powerhouse from the Darkstone Empire! Before he represented our Darkhan Dynasty to join the Martial Competition of the Ten Dynasties, he was recommended by the Darkstone Empire to join the Martial Competition that our Darkhan Dynasty organized," the Darkhan Dynasty Emperor said slowly and pushed all responsibility to the Darkstone Empire.

"Darkstone Empire…" The strong old man spoke before the middle-aged man did. His eyes gleamed as he stared unblinkingly at the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor.

The intimidating stare made the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor shudder as goosebumps appeared.

"Where is it?" The strong old man asked after a pause.

"It's in the south," the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor said with fear written all over his face. He pointed in the Darkstone Empire's direction without any hesitation.

"Let's go!" The strong old man said almost as soon as the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor spoke.

He disappeared before the eyes of the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor and the three Old Princes who survived.

The Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor and the Old Princes narrowed their eyes immediately.

He just vanished before them?

How powerful was the old man exactly?

Their eyes narrowed again when they saw the old man and the two middle-aged men who initially stood behind the strong old man vanished one after another before their eyes after the strong old man had disappeared.

From the beginning until the end, they did not manage to capture their trails at all.

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