War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1016: A Rural Continent

Chapter 1016: A Rural Continent

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

She thought Duan Ling Tian was merely trying to appease her.

"Really." Duan Ling quickly nodded without any hesitation.

He knew if he denied it, this silly girl would definitely risk her life and continue to further enhance her Fire Profundity to fight with Zhao Ming to death.

Feng Tian Wu looked at Duan Ling Tian solemnly, it did not seem like Duan Ling Tian was lying to her. The flame that was soaring from her body began to gradually disappear into thin air.

At the same time, colors immediately flooded her face.

"Barf!" In the next second, the energy of the Fire Spirit Body in her body suddenly trembled, and it shook her internal organs. Her throat constricted, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Silly girl." When Duan Ling Tian saw this, he was hit with a pang of heartache, and tender affection could be seen in his eyes.

"Hurmph! Initially, I thought you had some tricks up your sleeve, but I didn't expect you to turn pale and throw up after displaying the strength of only 3,000 ancient horned dragons!" Zhao Ming snorted loudly with a sneer on his face when he saw this. Originally, his expression had turned grave when he saw Feng Tian Wu mobilized her Heaven and Earth Energy that transformed into the Heaven and Earth Phenomenon.

He easily figured out the reason Feng Tian Wu could unleash such powerful strength. She must have used some secret technique that would endanger her life. Otherwise, she would not have been injured.

"Since you're willing to sacrifice your life for Duan Ling Tian, it must be because you love him. Since it's like this, I'll fulfill your wish, and let both of you die together!" Zhao Ming spoke unhurriedly. His tone was filled with a cold killing intent.

The moment the words left his mouth, the black fog around his body suddenly swirled and emitted a bloodcurdling aura.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The black fog became tumultuous and caused the air current to compress before a thunderous sound of explosion reverberated.

Meanwhile, a black energy materialized on Zhao Ming's hand out of thin air. It was condensed, and it emitted a horrifying aura that seemed as though it could destroy anything.

The killing intent in his eyes was so intense, it was practically overflowing when he shifted his attention to Feng Tian Wu.

Long before Zhao Ming's words left his mouth, Duan Ling Tian's expression had already turned grave.

A talisman soundlessly appeared in his hand. That was one of the three talismans his miserly father left him!

Out of the three talismans, he had previously used one when he killed Bai Nan Xiang, the strongest powerhouse from the Darkhan Dynasty's imperial family. Currently, there were two left.

Bai Nanxiang was a First Level Void Transformation martial artist. After he had activated his talisman, he killed him in just a blink of an eye.

'I wonder if this talisman could be used to kill Zhao Ming or not. After all, his current strength is equivalent to a Martial Monarch powerhouse. If the talisman doesn't work, I guess I have no other choice but to use the Devilseal Tablet to devilify myself.' Duan Ling Tian inhaled deeply as he made up his mind.

However, he seemed to have forgotten one little thing that was also the most important thing.

Previously, he was devilified by the Devilseal Tablet because the Devilseal Tablet took the initiative to communicate with him. If the Devilseal Tablet did not take the initiative to contact him, he had no way to devilify himself with the Devilseal Tablet.

Duan Ling Tian immediately focused his attention on Zhao Ming.

At the moment when Zhao Ming's body trembled as though he was about to make a move to kill Feng Tian Wu, Duan Ling Tian suddenly let out a yell that stunned Zhao Ming and rooted him to the spot.

"Appear!" Duan Ling Tian shouted and surprised Zhao Ming.

When Zhao Ming finally regained his senses and looked at Duan Ling Tian, it was just in time to see a piece of glowing paper that emanated a wave of terrifying aura floating toward him. It made his blood ran cold.


Almost at the same time when Duan Ling Tian threw out the talisman and shouted, "Appear!", a thunderous voice sounded from the sky.

A ghostlike figure materialized out of nowhere by Zhao Ming's side along with this fierce voice.

Unfortunately, he was too late.

When he materialized out of thin air, a vicious and bloody hole suddenly appeared between Zhao Ming's eyebrows. Blood gushed out from the hole. Zhao Ming's gaze immediately became unfocused as he fell to the ground.

When Zhao Ming finally realized what was happening, he did not even have the time to gather his thoughts before he died. He was killed by a streak of solidified energy that shot out of the talisman! Soon after, the talisman crumbled away into powder.

Zhao Ming's body fell from the air and disappeared before Duan Ling Tian's eyes.

"T-That was…" Shock was clearly written on Feng Tian Wu's delicate face. Her pair of autumn eyes were gleaming with disbelief.

The scene she just witnessed was definitely the most bizarre scene she had ever seen in her life!

She saw her Big Brother Duan threw a paper filled with scrawlings and shouted, "Appear!". In the next second, that paper mysteriously crumbled and turned into a powder that obscured the entire sky.

Meanwhile, Zhao Ming whose strength rivaled a Martial Monarch powerhouse and could unleash the strength of over 7,000 ancient horned dragons was killed in a blink of an eye when a bloody hole appeared between his eyebrows.

Although she could not clearly see how Zhao Ming died, she had an inkling it had something to do with the paper filled with scrawlings that crumbled into powder and obscured the sky.

"What's that?!" Feng Tian Wu was completely dumbfounded. She had no idea what the paper that Duan Ling Tian threw was. How could it possibly contain such powerful strength?!

Soon after, Feng Tian Wu's attention shifted to the black figure that appeared out of nowhere.

It was this person who had let out a thunderous shout earlier.


Duan Ling Tian, who was originally nervous, immediately heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the talisman his miserly father left him killed Zhao Ming in just a second.

However, the expression on his face quickly turned grave again.

Another talisman materialized in his hand as he glared fixedly at the black-clad middle-aged man who appeared out of thin air.

Earlier, when he saw Duan Ling Tian threw the talisman toward Zhao Ming and shouted "Appear!", this man had shouted in an attempt to stop him and descended from the sky in an unfriendly manner.

This man might be an acquaintance of Zhao Ming.

Due to the man's swift speed, Duan Ling Tian could sense this man's strength was in no way inferior to Zhao Ming.

Due to this reason, he hastily took out the last remaining talisman.

Duan Ling Tian noticed the black-clad middle-aged man who was originally glaring at him coldly suddenly turned tensed when the talisman appeared again in his hand.

Duan Ling Tian could not help but sigh in relief again.

He could see the black-clad middle-aged man was cautious of the talisman in his hand.


The scene when he threw the talisman out and killed Zhao Ming was witnessed by this man. It would be strange if that man was not cautious of the talisman in his hand.

"Dao Talisman! You're just a mere Mortal Stage Martial Cultivator from a rural continent, where exactly did you get those Dao Talismans?" The ordinary-looking black-clad middle-aged man asked in a deep voice as he looked at Duan Ling Tian.

"Rural continent? Mortal Stage Martial Cultivator?" Duan Ling Tian was stunned when he heard the black-clad middle-aged man's words. Even Feng Tian Wu who was standing by his side had a perplexed expression on her face that was so delicate it could topple an entire kingdom.

Since when did Cloud Continent become a rural continent?

Judging from the black-clad middle-aged man's words, it seemed like he was not from Cloud Continent.

On the other hand, what was a Mortal Stage Martial Cultivator?

"You're not from the Cloud Continent?" Duan Ling Tian asked solemnly as his eyes gleamed.

Since his memory had merged with the Rebirth Martial Emperor's memory, he knew there were many powerful demons living outside of Cloud Continent in the deep sea. Moreover, there were also Demon Emperors that even the Rebirth Martial Emperor found hard to overpower at his prime.

According to the Rebirth Martial Emperor' speculation, apart from the powerful Demon Emperors, the deep sea might also house some Martial Emperors who possessed remarkable strength.

Unfortunately, even the Rebirth Martial Emperor could not explore the secrets of the deep sea as he pleased. Although he was once known as the strongest person on Cloud Continent, he still had to advance with caution in the deep sea.

"From what I can glean from the Rebirth Martial Emperor's memory, he had heard many older Martial Emperors from Cloud Continent had once entered the deep sea to explore its secret. However, none of the older Martial Emperors had returned from their expedition. According to the Cloud Continent's inhabitants' speculation, these older Martial Emperors might have lost their way in the deep sea and could not find their way home. However, the Rebirth Martial Emperor speculated the older Martial Emperors might have either died in the hands of the powerful Demon Emperors in the deep sea or settled down somewhere in the deep sea. According to the Rebirth Martial Emperor's speculation, there may be other continents other than Cloud Continent in this world. This continent must be on the other side of the deep sea." Duan Ling Tian figured this out easily by browsing through the Rebirth Martial Emperor's memory.

The Rebirth Martial Emperor had previously read a passage of a written record in an ancient ruin. The record was left behind by a martial artist in the ancient time. The passage stated he had once met a powerhouse who came from a place outside of the Cloud Continent. That person managed to defeat him in a duel with only one technique.

The martial artist who had written the passage claimed to have a cultivation base at the Sixth Level Martial Emperor Stage.

'Even in the Rebirth Martial Emperor's prime, he only managed to reach the Fourth Level Martial Emperor Stage. Moreover, during his era, there was only him. He was the only powerhouse with a cultivation at the Fourth Level Martial Emperor Stage in the entire Cloud Continent! Due to this reason, he was undoubtedly the strongest Martial Emperor in the entire Cloud Continent at that time.' Duan Ling Tian easily learned about all this from the Rebirth Martial Emperor's memory.

'Defeating a Sixth Level Martial Emperor in one blow? If the Rebirth Martial Emperor who was in his prime faced a Sixth Level Martial Emperor, he would also be defeated in just one blow! A person who could defeat a Sixth Level Martial Emperor in just one blow! Just how terrifying was that person?!'

Chills ran up Duan Ling Tian's spine as he thought of this.

"Hurmph! Of course, I'm not from your rural continent!" The black-clad middle-aged man snorted loudly when he heard Duan Ling Tian's question.

Originally, he did not intend to answer Duan Ling Tian's question. However, dread filled his eyes, and he answered unwillingly upon seeing the talisman in Duan Ling Tian's hand.

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