Versatile: Alternate World

725 Online Sensation

After a long day of playing the game, I logged out and quietly lie on my bed. There are so many things that have changed and it's going smoothly. I couldn't be any happier. But since things continue, the world will continue moving as well.

After resting for a bit, I stand back up and sat down on my bed, pulled out my Holophone, and checked the videos on the streaming website. Nowadays, there are many streamers in the Alternate World who have already streamed the game from different perspectives which makes it fun to watch sometimes.

Scrolling through the countless videos, I soon stumbled on the video about the raid but this time, it was focused on the battle against the mantis and its second phase which is the Brain Jacker. There, on the video shows everyone who is present at that time. Sigma and the others are clearly caught in the camera.

The live comments were wild as most of them recognize the people there and many tell everyone that the fighters in the video are rankers.


DracoNanny: Holy crap, these guys are the famous rankers.

123123Drink: You mean, those lists that players put on the internet? Those rankings of players who are famous and stuff?

DracoNanny: Yeah, I am quite sure. I recognize those siblings over there, the one holding one shield and a sword and the female Magician who is wearing a witch hat. They are famous as the Mercenary Siblings as they take quests on other players, take some requests in exchange for gold or real money, and even power leveling in certain levels as well. They are quite famous since they are very capable and if you are struggling on some kind of quest, as long as you pay, you will receive aid from the two.

Trumpeting Trumpet: Look at the woman who is crossing her arms, isn't that the famous "Immovable Holy Knight?" I didn't know she participated in this event.

Juicymel112: Oh yeah, that's her alright! Who would have thought that she would willingly fight a boss with other players? Most of the time, she barely participates in battle strategies with others and wins fights by herself.

123123Drink: Is she the one I heard in the rumors who solves most of the enemy problems by using the [Chains of the Heavens] attack most of the time and controls them like her real arm or extension to her body?

Trumpeting Trumpet: Yep, that person alright. She is one of the major players that you would think to be some kind of berserker even though their classes state otherwise.


The comments go on and on. It's quite amazing that even some players around the world recognize my parents and some of my friends. They might not be actors and actresses in movies and television shows, but they are slowly garnering popularity and that is something else.

After checking much stuff on the videos, there are many videos of ranking the rankers and identifying who are the rankers that deserve the top 10 ranks.

Then, there is the forum, where most people who are not watching videos or playing the game are lurking, talking, or fighting with each other. And now, they are fighting on who to rank up again as the best rankers available in the game.

I checked the rankings and the rankings are changing every second. Some names climbed up, some climbed down, some retain their rankings while some fell down to the very bottom never to be seen again.

As for me, I landed on rank 7 all of a sudden despite the fact that I have not contributed much. So I checked out what was going on and why my rank became so high, and soon realized why they did so.

Due to my material trading in the shop, some players have identified some of the items that I have put on the trading as some of the items that can only be obtained in some of the most difficult dungeons and are randomly given to some players who kill the boss. It's easy for players to know this info as there are some dedicated players who compiled info on them and posted it on the internet, allowing them to gain the nickname of Info brokers.

And with countless players contributing, there is bound to happen that some info will be recorded there as well.

Now, back to why I got to rank 7. Since the players saw how I was so rich with this stuff and I just randomly give them by trading random materials made them appreciate the effort I did. Not only do they get some good stuff, they only exchanged it with simple stuff that can be obtained easily by them. Plus, having them in my arsenal also signifies that I managed to clear this dungeon without everyone knowing.

But since I was not that famous compared to the others, most of my exploits are something that has been confirmed. But as for the rest of my honors, no one knows about them and that contributed too much to why I am not taking a very high rank.

They are continuously ranking players up and down but there is one thing for sure. My friends and family are being debated on the rankings and they are being considered famous now. Knowing how popular the forum is and with the number of players participating in the game, it is only normal that the players will more likely recognize the heroes themselves.

But there is one thing absolute in the ranking.

Sigma. She is always remaining at the very top. Even with the constant climbing, Kaisar seems to have trouble reaching the first spot all by himself. And yet, Sigma, who is not even thinking about it, has been on that spot effortlessly.

Of course, I don't know why. But who cares really...

I turned off my Holophone and lie back down on my bed, contemplating whether becoming famous would be beneficial in the future or not. Knowing Kaisar, he used that popularity to rise up and soon enough, commit the crime just so they can remove me and his rivals.

Perhaps, sleeping would at least help me rewind what I have experienced and what I have learned from today's incidents.

Soon enough, my eyes felt heavy before I fell into unconsciousness.





"Wake up...."

I opened my eyes and before me is the dimensions where the giant tree that I am assuming to be the Yggdrasil was but this time, things seem to have changed...and the girl from before is also back, waiting for me once more.

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