Vanguard of the Eternal Night

Chapter Ch150 - "Play"

translator: xiin

editor: kara

After a while, Victor picked up his glass, wanting to drink from it.

Tyron stretched out his hand and pressed the glass back down again.

Victor suddenly understood, "I can't eat or drink the things here? Is the hotel their stronghold?"

The old antique nodded approvingly.

Victor took advantage of how nobody here could understand his words and continued, "How long do we have to wait?"

"Wait until they've had enough of watching, or…" Tyron thought for a moment and casually picked up a water glass, throwing it at the bar.

There was a loud crash.

Everyone was startled by the noise. Victor's hair almost stood on end.

After Tyron had smashed the glass, he set his long legs up on the table and immediately started giving off the aura of a great demon king.

The old proprietress hastily cleaned up the bar but didn't say a single word of rebuke to Tyron. This was what made Victor finally notice the strange atmosphere in the hotel.

At this time, the great demon king spoke coldly, "Before I had come in, I gave you guys five minutes of time. Now, you've already used it all up. Wasting my time is wasting your own lives, you know?"

As he had finished speaking, someone came up from behind them.

Tyron raised his hand and threw the man to the ground directly. He stepped on him with a booted foot and said, "Show me the way or die."

A few seconds later, someone else came to show the way. After taking a look at Victor, they said, "He can't go in."

As soon as their voice had sounded out, Tyron suddenly flashed a knife.

The knife flashed so quickly that Victor had only been able to catch a small glimpse of it before a shallow cut appeared on the guide's lips.

Tyron: "I'll give you one chance to say the right words."

The guide stopped moving for a moment, then spoke respectfully, "The other gentleman doesn't need to go in."

Tyron didn't hesitate to withdraw the knife. He bowed his head to look at Victor and said, "Wait here for a moment. Do you have your gun? If necessary, just kill one directly. People here will pick on easy targets. You need to be more--"

"Willing to be generous!" Victor's eyes were glowing as he interrupted. He pulled open his coat and showed Tyron his tactical belt, "Actually, I've brought with me a set of tactical mines! And timers!"

Tyron looked at the collection, "……"

Victor continued, "If they dare try to bully you with numbers, you can whistle--don't worry, when I calculate the blasting power, the error margin won't exceed 1%."

The great demon king suddenly felt a little desolate. He'd only made preparations for a worst case scenario of washing this place with blood, but his Vic had already made preparations to raze the whole place to the ground…

Tyron went in. Victor sat outside, smiling broadly as he continued to look around at this place that was filled with new and exotic things.

Everyone in the hotel lobby looked at him. Those who didn’t belong to the organization had already left silently, and everyone else who were left were all assassins. It was like a pack of wolves surrounding a little white rabbit.

It had remained that way until Victor finally got bored. He took out a pack of portable equipment, pulled out three test tubes, then picked up the glass of water from earlier, and began to play with chemical experiments.

Two minutes later, the group of assassins' eyes were about to fall out of their sockets.

Victor took out a test tube of strong corrosive liquid and melted down their cup of poison. After that, he looked at the residue and set it on fire.

Another two minutes later, even the ashes were gone, and there was nothing but a plume of smoke.

The assassins: "……" What kind of poison could create this kind of effect?! Based on the scope of their knowledge, this was something that would kill and then destroy the corpse completely!

However, Victor didn't have the same type of common sense.

After he had finished playing with the glass of water, Victor had nothing left to play with.

He fell silent for a while, glancing around at the assassins with a faint curiosity in his eyes.

The scene fell into an awkward silence for a few dozen seconds, and then, the wolves turned around one by one.

Victor: "……???" Someone, come over, hey, get me a new glass of water? The biological paralysis toxin that you guys had extracted was very interesting, but the dosage was too small to be used in an experiment… Hey, why do you all look scared?

After another few minutes had passed, Tyron came out and saw Victor sitting in the middle of the room while countless assassin cubs shivered in all four corners.

From his point of view, the dragonfly wings on Victor's back shifted with his breathing and were particularly interesting.

Tyron couldn't help reaching out to touch them again. He then bowed his head and asked, "Thirsty?"

Victor said innocently, "No. Well, I was a little curious about the raw materials of the poisons they use here."

"Most of the time, it should be toxins that have been extracted naturally from plants and animals. Compound agents are too expensive and time-consuming to make." Tyron replied casually, "We can rob them before we leave."

Victor's eyes lit up. He asked carefully, "Did you meet with Vantico's teacher?"

Tyron: "Yes. Mediocre. Do you want to attend a banquet tonight?"

Victor: How was this related to going to a banquet??

Tyron continued, "To play a game. In the evening, we'll attend a banquet and assassinate a target. If I succeed, then I can look through the ancient books and materials here at will."

Victor: "What if he succeeds first?"

Tyron: "Then, I'll kill him first."

Victor: "……" Old antique, was that also okay?!

Of course, the old antique was joking. He was a person who abided by the rules… The main reason he would make such a joke was: It was impossible for him to lose.

Regarding Vantico's teacher, his codename was Gino. He was a mixed-race creature with some non-mortal blood, who had lived for over three hundred years. He was a respected elder figure in the organization.

The old antique: He can barely be considered older than a cub. Tsk.

Before nightfall, Tyron took Victor out for a walk in the streets. They looked around as they ate, and after eating the whole way, they had basically filled up their stomachs.

Victor was jumping at the chance to participate, "Can I go too? I've never been to a medieval banquet. What do we wear? What do we bring?"

Tyron: "Bring an invitation. Dress however you like."

Victor: "Did they give out invitations?"

"……No." The master assassin choked briefly. In a trance, he felt it had been thousands of years since he'd had to answer this kind of question that only cubs would ask, "If the organization prepared the invitations, they wouldn't be able to keep themselves clean of the matter after the deed has been done. The things that are required to get the job done should be dealt with by ourselves so that only one person has to take responsibility if something goes wrong."

Victor said, "We'll have two people taking responsibility."

Tyron laughed for a moment, then picked up his kebab, ate it in a few bites, and said casually, "Where's your notebook? Let me use it for a bit."

He took Victor's notebook and easily tore out a dozen or so pieces of paper. He wrote and drew on the sheets.

Victor was very curious, "What are you doing?"

Tyron's reply was very concise, "Playing."

Victor: "……" Great. The old rascal's standard answer.


Half an hour later, Tyron started to build his camouflage. Victor watched with wide eyes as Tyron folded up a piece of cloth and inserted it into his hair, instantly changing the shape of his face. After that, Tyron picked up some plant ash, smearing it carefully and somehow making his nose change a little…

After a few more changes, Victor almost couldn't recognize him anymore, "Is, is this the godly art of cosmetics?"

Tyron put his hands behind his back and took a deep breath. In that instant, his aura changed. He looked like a senior housekeeper, who puffed up his chest and purposely lifted his feet as he walked around with a medieval aristocratic family.

He walked to the intersection where the carriages were parked outside the banquet venue, then targeted the noble ladies who were getting on and off the carriages as he began to scam people.

Victor: "……"

Victor had tried hard to keep his eyes locked onto him, but he had almost lost track of him several times.

This was a very magical thing. It seemed that before, Tyron had stood out like a crane standing among chickens simply because he'd been too lazy to camouflage. Now, he'd deliberately covered himself up and immediately turned into a drop of water that had fallen into the lake; even other droplets of water couldn't distinguish him from themselves.

About ten minutes later, Tyron came back with a large stack of invitation cards.

Victor was shocked, "Do we need so many? That's enough for an entire football team to get in!"

Tyron hushed him with a 'shh', then pulled Victor with him to kabedon in a corner.

Then, he stretched out his long arm and held Victor in his embrace. He kissed Victor easily before saying, "Take a look at the one with the lute."

Victor looked at them for a long time before figuring it out, "This… this person is also stealing? He's Vantico's teacher?!!!"

Tyron: "Mm."

After a while, Gino, who had disguised himself as a bard, quietly went to a corner to open up his stolen invitation--

He instead saw a piece of Victor's note paper with a small flower drawn on it. The petals were densely packed and extremely ugly.

Gino: "……"

Fine then. Mr. Assassin had to go back and approach another nobleman with an invitation card to steal another one. Then, he found out that it was yet another piece of notebook paper. This time, there was a fly drawn on it.

After going back and forth twice more, he had stolen a pig's head notebook paper and a big-headed doll notebook paper. Mr. Gino obviously had no way of knowing that the doll was called a rainy day doll, but that didn't stop him from getting angry.

Gino: "Odin!" Great!

Teacher Gino had a belly full of anger as he went back to steal another one.

This time, he opened it up tentatively: There was no drawing on it, only a small amount of food residue.

He smelled it carefully. It still held the smell of kebabs.

Gino: "…………"

How could there be such an annoying master assassin in the world!?!

The nobles who'd had their invitation cards stolen had finally finished exchanging greetings amongst themselves. However, when they had tried to enter the venue, they suddenly discovered that there was a problem, and a commotion had broken out at the entrance.

Victor worried, "What'll we do now? Can we still get in?"

Tyron: "Walk in."

He gave an invitation to Victor and said, "All the beautiful girls standing in the corner are prostitutes. As long as you have an invitation and allow them to get in, they'll be available for the night for free."

Victor was in a daze as he accepted the invitation. "Wait a minute, could it be that we're not going in together…?"

Tyron looked him over, then said, "Forget it. They'll be getting the better end of the deal with you. Go in alone, be good."

Victor was flattered and said, "Okay then. I won't disturb your plan. Don't go overboard with playing. After all, they're Amusing Vantico's elder…"

The old antique promised, "I won't go overboard."

Victor looked at him suspiciously for two seconds.

Tyron said: "I guarantee that I won't bully him into tears."

Victor: "……"

After watching Victor enter the banquet venue, Tyron went up to a certain bard and asked for directions. As he did so, he stole a necktie, a lute, a pick, and a pouch that was used to collect tips. He then transformed into a bard on the spot.

The real bard was so dazed and confused by Tyron that he held the map that had just been stuffed into his hands and called out excitedly, "Yes! The holy land is in that direction!"

By the time he had turned back around again, Tyron was long gone.

Mr. Tyron, the bard, had run off to steal Bard Gino's business.

sorry! it's one day late because i ran into some computer problems @[email protected]

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