"I have tried to tell her before your wedding, but she said she will hear the story later," Blue told him and Gael laughed softly.

"Thank you for trying, I hope she will listen to your story next time." He would make sure there would be a next time. He needed to see his child as well.

This curse, sure enough, would be the death of him someday, since he had been dying because of it. Only if Lise could feel a bit of what he felt for her, even ten percent of it, would be enough to make her stay. That was how bad he fell for her.

His own obsession was a curse for Lise, since Gael would stop at nothing to find her and their child.

"She left with the man that killed my family," Blue mumbled, she turned her head and stared at the blue sky. If it was a little bit darker and gloomy, it would look like Chaos' eyes.

Gael said nothing about it.

He had been avoiding talking to her these past two days because he didn't want to talk about Lise or Sol, because there were a lot of complicated things and feelings that entailed that topic.

"I will kill him one day."

Talking about killing people did not really suit an eight years old child, but Blue had gone through more than any child her age. Moreover, the way her mind worked had never been the same as those her age.

"Do you know where Chaos is?" Gael asked her after a long spell of silence between them. He knew that she had been on edge because of Chaos' disappearance and this time, even Knox seemed worried about Chaos' whereabouts.

"No." She wished she knew…


"What do you want from my brother?" Jasmine entered Lise's room without even knocking on the door first, she even had the audacity to look down on her.

Lise knew that Jasmine would always be like this when she treated someone that she didn't like, but it didn't mean she was in the mood to tolerate her antiques.

"You slept with him?" Jasmine tilted her head when Lise didn't answer her and continued what she was doing; sleeping. "Are you even aware that you are the wife of a monster? Oh, what do you call it? A non- human being?"

Lise closed her eyes, the same thing she practiced when Gael touched her. She would simply think that she was not in this place, and was somewhere far away, where she wouldn't feel any pain or hatred, where she could feel peace and happiness…


A pillow flew through the room and hit Jasmine right in her face, as she didn't see it coming. One moment, Lise was pretending to be asleep, the next moment, she had thrown a pillow at her face.

Jasmine shrieked in annoyance, her face reddened as her pride was hurt. How could a mere girl like Lise throw a pillow at her?

"YOU!" she roared, as she charged toward Lise. She would strangle her to death now and probably her father would praise her for that, since she was that creature's wife after all.

Lise sensed the danger and immediately jumped to her feet. She took a flower vase and slammed it against the wall, as she held it by the neck and pointed the sharp edge at Jasmine with a cold expression.

"Come here," she said coldly. Her eyes ablaze with hostility, she didn't even try to hide it anymore.

Jasmine halted her steps upon seeing that, and frowned. This was not the Lise she knew. They were not close, but Lise and Sol had been childhood friends for years.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Jasmine jutted out her chin arrogantly. She was a trained member of this organization, broken glass wouldn't make her back down. But, the way Lise looked at her told her that she didn't care about what Jasmine might do to her about this threat.

"If I have to."

"Oh, you will not dare." Jasmine laughed.

"You don't know what I have been through." I have killed more people than you could imagine. Lise thought to herself. "If you think you can intimidate me, don't waste your time."

"Really? It's not wise to treat the owner of the house you live in." Jasmine chuckled. "What are you now? A beggar? Oh, please go back to your hubby."

Lise put down the shard of the vase in her hand, but still gripped it tightly beside her body, as she walked toward Jasmine.

Yet, the thing that made Jasmine widen her eyes in surprise was Lise literally walking on those sharp pieces of glass shards on the ground, injuring her own feet, but she didn't even flinch when her blood left trails behind her.

"I don't know what's the problem with you, but Sol asked me to stay and until he said otherwise, I will not leave this place just because you asked me. I won't receive orders from you." Lise was standing right in front of Jasmine, they were about the same height. "Now, leave this room before I do something that you think I will never dare."

Jasmine glared at her viciously. "You are only a burden," she said, smirking triumphantly when she saw pain cross her eyes.

After saying those hurtful words, Jasmine walked out of the room, but bumped into Sol in the corridor.

"What are you doing here?" Sol asked her viciously, but when he realized where she came from, he immediately rushed into his bedroom, where he found Lise standing on the scattered pieces of broken vase. "What happened?!"

Sol didn't waste his time and immediately lifted Lise and sat her down on the chair, away from the sharp shards. He frowned deeply when he saw her bleeding feet.

However, what left him stunned was when Lise covered her face and cried loudly.

"It hurts… it really hurts…"



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