
“Godmother, you look like you’re only in your thirties. Don’t mention the word ‘old’all the time.”Cheng Qingyun set the tea set for her. Ming dongmei brewed sweet tea and liked to put rock sugar in the bowl. The rock sugar wrapped the tea leaves and the tea water was clear and sweet.nMing dongmei said unintentionally, “Qingyun, after the film festival is finished, let’s go to the town where we lived before Autumn Moon.”nCheng Qingyun secretly clenched her sleeves.nShe would never return to that town. That was her nightmare...n“Godmother, my house has been gone for a long time.”Cheng Qingyun lowered her head and looked dejected. “Whenever I think of that small town, I always can’t sleep at night. I miss my parents.”nMing dongmei raised her head and suddenly revealed a bright smile. “Qingyun, you should still remember the old lady in the town, right? She recently came to Jingdou to visit her relatives, so I invited her over.”nCheng Qingyun’s fingers were unsteady, and she nearly knocked over her teacup.n“What?”nAt this moment, the door opened, and a hunchbacked old lady walked in. She was leaning on a walking stick. Her hair was white, and her clothes were tattered. It was obvious that this was the first time she had come to such a high-class and luxurious place, and she appeared very reserved.nHowever, when she saw the bright and beautiful Cheng Qingyun, she was very surprised. “Isn’t this... a Yun family’s servant girl?”nCheng Qingyun’s heart was pounding.nCheng Qingyun’s mother was as beautiful as a flower in her early years, and she had a good relationship with Cheng Kaiyuan, the person in charge of the Cheng family. However, she didn’t expect that this man would put on his pants and not recognize her. After leaving a sum of money, he disappeared without a trace. From then on, Cheng Qingyun’s mother began to drown her sorrows in alcohol, and she was willing to fall into depravity.nThe mother and daughter lived in the dirtiest slum in the town. Cheng Qingyun’s mother became a prostitute, and she liked to bring men home for business. When the curtains were pulled, it was unsightly. Her mother did this kind of thing, which caused the young Cheng Qingyun to be constantly criticized by her neighbors. She could not raise her head.nNow, Cheng Qingyun recognized the hunchbacked old lady in front of her. She was the most gossipy neighbor in the town.nThis old lady had once cast a disdainful look at the young Cheng Qingyun. She often said to her, “You little girl, don’t learn from your mother. Study hard and be a good person. Don’t do those dirty things.”nCheng Qingyun’s body trembled slightly.nThe old lady walked in front of Cheng Qingyun and narrowed her eyes. “Aiyo, I haven’t seen you for many years. How are you doing, Little Girl?”nCheng Qingyun looked at Ming Dongmei.nMing Dongmei looked at her coldly.nAt that moment, Cheng Qingyun knew that her carefully fabricated lie had been broken by reality. There were many people in the town, and most of the neighbors knew each other. Cheng Qingyun pretended to be Ming Qiuyue’s child. She could lie to outsiders, but she couldn’t lie to a native.n“Old Lady, she shouldn’t be the child of the old Gu family, right?”Ming Dongmei asked.nThe old lady shook her head. “There’s nothing wrong with my eyes. This daughter is clearly from the Yun family. “I know teacher Gu’s child. She’s obedient and obedient. “Teacher Gu is really pitiful. He chased after a thief and got injured. His wife later died of illness, leaving behind a little girl. I wonder where that little girl has gone in the past few years.”nA chill ran up Cheng Qingyun’s spine.nMing dongmei sent someone to take the old lady away.nMing Dongmei put down the tea set in her hand, stood up, and walked to Cheng Qingyun’s side. “What else do you have to say? I was blind. I listened to your nonsense with just a necklace and was played around by you.”nShe was clearly a Ji Girl’s child, yet she still pretended to be someone else.nCheng Qingyun’s body trembled slightly, but she still pretended to be calm. “When did you find out?”n“PA --”nA fierce slap landed on Cheng Qingyun’s face.n  ",

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