Chen Qiyu stared at him with an expression of conflict.

In fact, she was even a little taken aback.

After all he had been through, he was surprisingly optimistic.

However, it was his last sentence that stirred her the most.

She was deeply touched.

Back when they were still living in the Duke Mansion, they had always resented each other and refused to be the first to yield.

She had never imagined that there would be a day that they could forget their differences and sit down together for a calm conversation.

Chen Qiyu's eyes brimmed with warm tears, and she looked down slightly to hide them.

After Chen Xuping had said everything he wanted to say, he left the house.

However, the moment he stepped out of the house, he caught sight of Aunt Liu standing right around the corner.

She flinched when she saw him come out, but thinking of something, she eventually stepped forward and curtsied to him. "Young Master."

Chen Xuping nodded and left without a word.

Although he had accepted Chen Qiyu, he was still a little awkward in front of Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu felt the same about him.

After watching him disappear into the distance, she turned and entered the house.

She had heard everything he had said to Yu'er just now.

Looking at her daughter sitting in the chair, she opened her mouth to speak. Just then, Mei'er came in with a village doctor, and she had no choice but to hold her tongue.

There was no physician in the village, only a village doctor.

However, this village doctor was well respected by the villagers, hence Mei'er invited him over.

Chen Qiyu's injury was nothing too serious, all she needed was some medicine to reduce the swelling and bruising.

After prescribing some medicine and giving her further instructions, the village doctor left.

While Mei'er was seeing the doctor off, Aunt Liu could no longer contain her anxiousness and turned to Chen Qiyu. "Is what your brother said true? About Mr. Zhao being interested in you?"

Chen Qiyu replied a little wearily, "Don't make wild guesses, Mother. He's way out of reach for someone with a tarnished body like me, so I advise you to cease your wishful thinking. I just want to spend the rest of my days unmarried and taking care of you and Father."

Aunt Liu frowned and said disapprovingly, "My child, you should seize this wonderful opportunity. It's your blessing to be fancied by a good man like Mr. Zhao. You…"

"I know Big Brother Zhao's a good man. That's why a person like me will never be worthy of him." Chen Qiyu cut her off irritably.


She knew that her mother wanted the best for her, but she should still read the situation.

Her annoyance rendered Aunt Liu speechless with distress and heartache.

On the one hand, she felt sorry about what her daughter had to go through, and on the other, she wished for her daughter to find a person who would take care of her for the rest of her life.

"Mother, I'm tired. I want to sleep for a while." Chen Qiyu made up an excuse to avoid having to listen to another word from Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu had no choice but to give in to her daughter's obstinacy. Sighing, she said gently, "All right then. Rest well."

However, after Aunt Liu was gone, Chen Qiyu found it difficult to fall asleep.

In the middle of the night, Chen Qiyu was suddenly awakened by a feeling of suffocation. When she opened her eyes, she saw a dark figure sweep into her room.

Before she could shout for help, the person knocked her out with a knife-hand strike on the back of her neck.

The man in black hoisted her onto his shoulders and made his exit promptly.

Outside, the Chen Family's small courtyard had caught fire, which was turning into an inferno.

Duke Chen and Aunt Liu were sleeping there, and the flames had already engulfed the house they were in.

Chen Xuping scrambled to rescue them.

Mei'er ran out at the sound of the commotion, just in time to see the man in black leaving with Chen Qiyu.

Alarmed, she immediately shouted at the top of her voice, "Who are you? Put my mistress down this instant…"

Frowning, the man in black knocked her unconscious right away.

Mei'er's shrill cry had managed to reach Chen Xuping, who was at the front of the house, but his hands were tied.

On the one hand, Duke Chen and Aunt Liu were trapped in the burning house, and on the other, Chen Qiyu was being abducted.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and decided to rescue the two in the fire first before going for Chen Qiyu.

The man in black carried Chen Qiyu out of the Chen Family's residence smoothly.

However, he had only rode out of the Chen Village when his path was blocked.

He had no choice but to pull on the reins, and his horse let out a loud neigh before coming to a halt.

Jiang Chong stared at the man in his path, his eyes as sharp as a falcon's.

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