Transmigrated As My Former Uncle's Sweetheart

1188 Don’t You Dare Touch Her

The carriage rumbled up the mountain.

It was a bumpy and also extremely secluded road. The only sound that could be heard was the occasional chirping of birds in the forest.

Just then, a gang of masked men in black jumped out from the dense thicket nearby, brandishing the weapons in their hands as they shouted, "If you don't want to die, hand over all your money!"

It seemed that they were bandits who had been lying in wait here to rob passers-by of their riches.

However, the Yuan Family's guards were no pushovers either. In an instant, they formed a protective circle around the carriage and drew their swords to face the bandits.

"How dare you hoodlums stand in the way of Princess Consort Rui's carriage? Leave right now, and you will go unpunished!"

Seeing that the guards were not at all intimidated, the bandits wasted no time in raising their weapons and charging them.

Refusing to be outdone, the guards dashed forward as well.

A fierce battle broke out between both parties as they collided with each other.

Although the Yuan Family's guards were well-trained, they were clearly no match for the bandits and were mowed down in no time.

Just then, a bandit came racing toward the carriage.

Alarmed, the guards tried to stop him but ended up being knocked to the ground.

The carriage curtains were thrown apart, revealing Yuan Xin sitting inside. Despite her effort to remain calm, her expression gave away her panic, and she shouted sternly at the bandit who had charged in, "Get out this instant, you insolent thug!"

Ignoring her, the bandit shot out an arm to grab the maidservant sitting beside her with her head bowed.

Yuan Xin turned pale. "Don't you dare touch her!"

Her reaction confirmed the bandit's suspicions of the maidservant's identity.

However, the moment his fingers closed around her wrist, she suddenly raised her head and looked at him.

The sight of her unfamiliar face under the veil startled the bandit. Shock spread across his features, but just when he was about to turn away, he felt a sudden prick on his arm.

Before he could wonder what it was, his body went stiff abruptly, and he toppled to the floor.

When the maidservant pressed her sword to his neck, his eyes widened in horror, and only then did he realize that he had fallen into their trap!

Yuan Xin's panicked expression was replaced by a contemptuous smile, and she bent over to remove the bandit's mask.

His face did not surprise her. In fact, it seemed to have confirmed her expectations.

"Lu Er's plan of flushing you out really worked!"

Long Chi's pupils shrank as he lay paralyzed on the floor.

So this was Lu Liangwei's plan – again!

However, he could not help being surprised when the maidservant removed her veil and revealed her appearance.

No wonder he could not find a single trace of Lu Liangwei even though he had turned the entire capital city upside down – it was because his royal uncle's rescue party had arrived.

It was Royal Uncle's guards who had hidden Lu Liangwei away.

While he was lost in thought, he felt a sharp pinch on his chin. Lu Liangwei's cold female guard was hunkered down beside him, and she tossed a black pill into his mouth.

"This pill's a deadly poison recently developed by my mistress. I advise you to cooperate with us, or else she won't give you the antidote, and the poison will eat away at your guts and kill you."

Long Chi's face remained calm, but his heart was pounding furiously.

His past clashes with Lu Liangwei had taught him not to doubt Chu Jiu's words.

He had already experienced Lu Liangwei's capability of using poisons firsthand.

However, no matter how panicked he was inside, he refused to show it on his face.

The fight outside the carriage was still ongoing, but the tide had turned.

A group of people had appeared out of nowhere. They were dressed in fitted clothes, but unlike the bandits, they did not wear masks. Each of them was strong, agile, and highly skilled in combat, and it was not long before they overpowered the bandits.

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