Thriller Paradise

1398 Say my name (Part Eleven)(Chapter preview)

"What? Mister?" The driver had obviously heard brother Jue's words, and the latter's tone and voice clearly indicated that he was talking to the driver. The driver could not have remained unmoved."Are you talking to me?"

"That will depend on what 'I' you are referring to ..." Feng bujue spread his arms and collapsed in the back seat. He looked at the rear-view mirror and said,"are you referring to a normal taxi driver? Or is he referring to Bruce Wayne? Or ... Was he referring to Batman? Hehe ... Which one do you think is the real you?"

The car started to speed up, but the driver stepped on the gas pedal not because he was nervous. He did it on purpose.

"It seems like you know more than I expected ..." The second time he spoke, the driver's voice and tone had changed. It became deep and cold.

"The same goes for you," Feng bujue said."Looks like you've heard the recording of my conversation with doctor Quinn and have found a lead that can track me down ..."

"Your observation skills are also sharper than I thought ..." At this point, we no longer had to call him "driver." That's right, he was Bruce Wayne, or Batman.

"Observation skills?" Brother Jue repeated those four words and then laughed in disdain."Ha!"

"What are you laughing at?" Wayne asked.

"There are a lot of funny things," Feng bujue said."First of all, a certain someone seemed to think that as long as he put on some Foundation, changed into a cheap jacket, washed off the expensive hair wax, and put a scar on his face ... It would be a flawless disguise.

"Secondly, this 'rental car' that a certain someone is driving ..." At this point, Feng bujue even raised his hands to make a quotation mark."The car's frame is already fixed to look like a real car, but the tires used are expensive. What's even more outrageous is ... The interior of the car is clean and there's no smell. There are no messy decorations in front of the car ..."

"Okay ... I have to admit that I rarely have the chance to take a taxi." Wayne was a little unhappy at being criticized, but he still kept calm."And ... Before you, I've already used this disguise and this car ... To deceive many people, so I didn't realize there were so many flaws." He shook his head."No matter what, I will remember your words ... I will improve in the future."

As the conversation went on, the car accelerated. In the blink of an eye, they had left the road with more cars and entered a small road with less traffic.

"Improve? For who?" Feng bujue said,"to deal with a bunch of amateur criminals? Or to deal with a few characters like ZAZ?" His words were full of sarcasm."Do you know what's the most ironic? When you appeared in my line of sight, what made me doubt you wasn't your 'observation ability', but 'general knowledge'... This really disappoints me.

"Of course, there are things that are worth my attention. For example, the speedometer in front of you that only supercars or racing cars have, and the button on the other side of the steering wheel that you've been covering with your hand ... These two things gave me a very bad idea ..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the car they were in had reached a speed of 140 kilometers per hour, and it was still rising.

Wayne's driving skills were amazing. Driving at this speed through the complex urban terrain was as easy as riding a bicycle for him.

"I can feel that ... You're a person who thinks highly of yourself and has the ability to bear that pride." When Wayne replied, the taxi had already arrived near the pioneer bridge in Gotham."Unfortunately ... You're also a person who will bring chaos and evil to this world ..." He pressed the switch on the back of the steering wheel."So, I can only ask you to disappear ..."

After that, Wayne pressed the button that brother Jue thought was suspicious.

As soon as he pressed the button, the steering wheel in front of Wayne retracted back into the car. At the same time, the roof of the car above the driver's seat quickly unfolded, forming a gap.


In the next second, with a loud bang, Wayne, who was wearing his seat belt, was bounced off the roof of the car together with the seat under him.

As for the taxi itself ... At a speed of nearly 200 kilometers per hour, it went downhill along an uninhabited path under the pioneer bridge. Three seconds later, it crashed through the guardrails by the river and fell into the cold Gotham River.

The splash of water caused by the big iron block falling into the water had not yet dissipated. Wayne, who had been bounced into the air, bent down and pressed a "safety switch" under the seat.

The reason why this switch was installed at the bottom of the seat was obvious ... Because it was used to detonate the entire car, it was designed to be able to be pressed only when the ejection function of the driver's seat was activated.


When the self-destruct device was activated, a flash of fire followed by a muffled sound ... It exploded underwater.

Wayne, who had just pressed the switch and gotten out of his seat, did a few exercises in the air nearly 10 meters in the air and then landed steadily.

Just as he had planned, on a night like this, in such a sparsely populated place, there were no witnesses to the whole incident.

Of course, it didn't matter even if he did ... No one would recognize him. Even though to Feng bujue, Wayne's disguise was useless, for most normal people ... That was enough.

If you understood the United States police's process of "asking the suspect's characteristics from the witnesses," you would be able to come up with the most effective disguise.

Exaggerated wigs, fake beards, makeup techniques to modify the facial contours, and so on, these common techniques in film and television works were actually not so practical. Sometimes, it would even make the police notice that "the person had deliberately disguised himself."

In fact, when brother Jue was criticizing Wayne earlier, he had mentioned the key points of the best disguise.

First, the skin color could be settled with Foundation.

Second, his clothes, no explanation.

Thirdly, hairstyle, same as above.

Fourth, a single, distinctive feature; For example, a long and narrow scar, an eye-catching tattoo, a rotten sore ... And so on. It was best to stick it on the face to divert people's attention.

As long as the above four points were achieved, even if they were seen by others, they could easily mislead the police investigation.

For example, if a passerby happened to be nearby and saw Wayne from a distance under the light of the street lamp, he wouldn't be able to recognize him. When he was questioned by the police, he would only follow the lead of the police's questions and say,"it was a brown-skinned Latin man, about six feet tall, and a long scar on his face." This ... Was already reliable, but would this kind of testimony lead the investigation to Bruce Wayne, a white billionaire without a scar on his face? That was simply the opposite.

"Computer, check your physical condition." Wayne immediately raised his left hand and pressed on the screen of his watch.

[Detecting, Yingying]

[Breathing system normal.]

[Pulse and blood pressure are slightly higher than average, and are dropping.]

[No visible external injuries.]

[Slight muscle and knee damage.]

[Connecting the injection device at the belt end,]

[The supplement has been injected. It will neutralize the lactic acid effect in the body and repair the damage in 10 seconds.]

The emotionless computer voice was directly transmitted into Wayne's inner ear through a special communication device in his ear, so no one could hear it even if they were face to face with him.

While he was talking, Wayne had already walked to the "driver's seat" that had fallen to the ground not far away and quickly destroyed it with the miniature combustion bomb he carried.

Then ... He looked around a few times and then disappeared into the night.


At the same time, in the Gotham River ...

Feng bujue had a pipe in his mouth, and he crossed his arms before his chest as he stood on the riverbed.

the pile of car wreckage was less than 20 meters away from him.

if brother jue wanted to, he could have left the car earlier than wayne, but he did not ...

after he understood the other party's intentions, he chose to beat them at their own game.

the moment he entered the water with the car, he knew that he was out of wayne's sight. at this time, he twisted his body and used a [mist kick] to remove the door of the back seat and jumped out through the opening.

in the end, the moment he stepped out of the car, the explosion happened. the shockwave from the underwater explosion pushed brother jue away from the center of the explosion, causing him to lose some life points. of course ... this bit of damage wasn't enough to kill him.

"hmm ... what a good son of gotham, decisive and decisive ..." with the oxygen pipe, feng bujue could not only breathe underwater, but he could also talk to himself as he blew bubbles."unfortunately ... for 'batman', this is a little too far ..."

he stood there and waited for a while before saying,""it's been two minutes. are you still not coming down?" he looked to the side and muttered to himself,"as expected ... he also knew that without enough equipment, even if he had diving abilities that were close to the limits of a human ... it was impossible for him to complete his investigation in this dark river bottom. however, with his intelligence, he won't give up until he finds my body ... then ... from the time he returned to the bat cave, to the time he drove the submarine here, to the time he confirmed that my body wasn't in the car, and that i wasn't washed downstream along the river ... all in all, i should be able to buy at least an hour. "

Thinking about that, brother Jue shrugged."Sigh ..." He sighed."This hidden mission sure is tiring."

His sigh came from a sense of helplessness. By then, he understood that the delay in time was the difficulty of this scenario.

Normal difficulty scenarios in non-sleep mode usually took less time than the non-sleep mode's 1: According to the 2:1 ratio, 8 hours in real time, or 16 hours in the game, was basically the upper limit.

To be honest, if brother Jue wanted to end the scenario quickly, he could have done it six hours ago (game time).

The method was very simple. It only needed three steps: First, cause a commotion in Arkham and use it to lure out Batman; Two, set up a trap, three, kill the Batman who rushed over.

However, in order to find an opportunity to' come into contact with a High God 'and to resolve some of the' suspicions 'that the introduction had given him, Feng bujue did not do that. He chose to delay the progress of the scenario and successfully found the hidden mission ...

Brother Jue had even given up a chance to kill Batman at close range. Earlier in the car, if he wanted to, he could have done anything in the back seat and killed Bruce Wayne, who was not even wearing a bat suit.

And all of this forbearance, in the end ... Was to buy time.

Obviously, Feng bujue's desire to solve the puzzle had far surpassed his desire to clear the scenario. In addition, there was also his personal "dissatisfaction" with the abnormality of this world, which was driving him to take even more dangerous actions ...


Evening, 9:50 pm.

For some people, it was close to bedtime, but for another group of people ... This was the beginning of their wonderful lives.

This was a banquet restaurant located on the top floor of one of the Twin Towers.

The well-dressed celebrities gathered here, doing what they did every day. They exchanged benefits with each other in a circle full of hypocrisy and lies, while cursing each other in their hearts.

Tonight's banquet was organized by Mayor coppart, and its purpose was to celebrate his victory in the recent poll.

In addition to the common faces of the upper class of Gotham, the mayor also invited two people who were slightly out of place in the atmosphere to support the prosecutor, Harvey Dent, and the police chief, James Gordon.

However ...

"Ah ... Gordon didn't come ..." Mayor Coppola wasn't too surprised when he heard the news.

"I'm sure you've heard about it ..." Inspector dente, who was talking to him, said in a serious tone,"there was a serious incident in Arkham this afternoon, and the culprit is the same person as the suspect in the 'fire axe case' last night."

"I know all of this." Coppola continued,"I also know ... That the fellow who calls himself 'Jack' is still missing even now. Just thinking about such a crazy criminal still loitering around on the streets gives me goosebumps ..." He paused, lowering his voice."Right ... Has our mysterious 'Dark Paladin' made any moves?"

Dente took a sip of the champagne in his hand and pursed his lips.""How would I know? Gordon knows him better ..." He paused for half a second."Wait ... Mr. Mayor, are you still suspecting that I'm Batman?"

"Are you?" Coppola's eyes widened as he continued with anticipation.

"Of course not." Dente rolled his eyes.

Compared to the dark version, the Penguin man and the two-faced man, who had always been good people, did not seem oppressive at all. One was affable, and the other was serious and upright. Fortunately, the intelligence of these two people was still there. As good people, their ability to work in their positions was indeed very outstanding.

"Sir, you can't go in ..."

Halfway through the banquet, there was a sudden clamor from the door.

An attendant's voice gradually became louder, attracting everyone's attention.

"Mister! Sir!" His advice was to no avail, so he could only pick up the walkie-talkie and say,"security! There's a man in a purple suit at the entrance ..."

"We've already seen him. Leave him to us. " Before the waiter could finish his sentence, the security guard's response came through the radio.

At the same time, three or four well-trained brawny men were already charging towards their target at an extremely fast speed.

However, just as they were about five meters away from the man, they heard the sound of wind breaking.

In the blink of an eye, the security guards screamed and fell to the ground.

Some guests with sharp eyes noticed ... At that moment, a few card-like things flew out of the uninvited guest's hand with a black light.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Even though Feng bujue did not need to rely on firearms, to control the situation in a way that the people around him could understand, he had taken the time to get some firearms and ammunition before he came. He took out a grapeshot gun and fired at the ceiling.

As soon as the gun was fired, screams were heard.

Even though the men did not scream, their reactions were similar to the women. Most of them instinctively bent down, looked in the direction of the gunshots, and moved away from it. There was also a group of people who were more alert ... Who were already moving towards the exit.

This was all within his expectations, and brother Jue did not care if these passersby ran away.

"Good night, ladies and gentlemen." After firing that shot, Feng bujue walked slowly toward the center of the banquet hall and said,"everyone, there is no need to panic. I am here ... To find two people."

He didn't let his guard down as he spoke, because he knew that with the mayor present, other than the security guards in the banquet hall, there would also be security guards with firearms brought by the mayor himself.

"First, it's Mayor coporter ..." When brother Jue said that, he had already located the mayor's location through the eyes of the people around him."Second ... It's prosecutor dente ..."

The mayor and the prosecutor were standing together, which saved brother Jue a lot of trouble.

"Ah ... Very good, both of you are here." After Feng bujue confirmed the location of the target, he picked up his pace.

“Freeze!”At that moment, two bodyguards in suits rushed out and blocked the mayor and the prosecutor. They both took out their guns and aimed at brother Jue. One of them even shouted "don't move!"(A common use of freeze).

Some people might think that they were stupid. They should just shoot directly, why were they shouting?

But actually, there was nothing wrong with what they were doing because there were many other guests around Feng bujue. Some of them were running out, and some were still standing where they were, not knowing what to do. If they fired in brother Jue's direction, and they missed ... Who knew where the bullet would go? What if he destroyed a rich man next to him?

"Ha!" Feng bujue looked at the two and smiled."I knew there would be this ..." Then, he opened his suit to reveal two rows of things that looked like explosives."Thankfully, I came prepared."

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