Thriller Paradise

1224 A world without games (Part thirteen)(Chapter preview)

Seeing Feng bujue charge at the unknown object with confidence, Isaac and the others did not think much and followed him.

Several seconds later, when he made contact with the pixel, Feng bujue's body turned into a flash of light and disappeared. The three people who followed closely behind also experienced the same change one after another.

"Current quest completed. Main quest updated."

When the scene before him changed, the system's voice message rang in Feng bujue's ears.

He opened the mission panel to take a look and found that the main mission [enter the soul Douluo region's "eight underwater trials"] had been crossed out. The follow-up mission [break through the "eight underwater trials" and enter the deep breakthrough region] had been refreshed.

"I see ..." At this point, Feng bujue finally understood why the system had sent him to this 'underwater eight challenges'.

This level was the same as the spire, it was a kind of "existence that shouldn't have existed" and a paradox. In order to get close to the core of the tower in the virtual dimension, one had to find such a space, which was not protected by the logic barrier of the tower. This was the only way to break through the AI's firewall.

"Oh? There's really an 'underwater eight passes'?" The big-bearded man stood still and looked at the scenery in front of him with a surprised expression.

"It does look like it ..." Issac also looked around and said in a deep voice.

"Well, there's a lot of water around here anyway." Said Lightning head.

Indeed, this level was a world on water. Feng bujue's group was standing on a giant rock floating on the surface of the water. There were many more floating rocks like this in front of them. The gaps between them were not uniform, but overall, they all seemed to extend in the same direction.

"Well, whether it is or not ... In short, when we reach the end of this level, we will be one step closer to the tower." Feng bujue did not comment on whether this was the so-called 'eight underwater trials'. He only pointed out the next course of action.

The four of them exchanged a few words and continued on their way.

But ... Less than three minutes later, they realized that the difficulty of Yingying's "eight underwater trials" was unbelievably high.

If the six levels they had experienced before were normal soul Douluo, then this level was some kind of masochist game that was magically modified by doujin fans.

What welcomed the four of them was a vast number of soldiers of various types and shocking strength. It was a constantly crisscrossing and ever-changing net of firepower; It was a hidden, deadly death trap. There were also regular enemies that appeared from time to time, stronger than some of the previous mini-bosses.

To be honest, even Feng bujue was surprised by the difficulty. If not for the help of the three NPCs that allowed him to clear this level without using any skills ... He would have had to use some sort of razor.


"Phew ... Finally ..."

Two hours later, when he saw the end of the floating rock, he let out a long breath, as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders.

At that moment, other than Feng bujue, the other three were covered in wounds and dirt.

As for brother Jue ... Even though he looked fine on the surface, in reality, he was the one who had taken the most damage. It could be said that the reason the four of them were able to make it this far without any casualties was largely due to Feng bujue.

Along the way, brother Jue had to trigger all sorts of traps and fight a whole new enemy. If not for his good scouting skills, just based on the nauseating level of this stage ... It would have been enough to wipe out this four-man team ten times.

"Then ... Next ..." When they came to the last floating rock, Isaac asked,"we're most likely going to jump into that hole, right?"

The 'hole' he was talking about was similar to the monster at the bottom of the sixth level ... It was an object with a pixel BUG. However, the teleportation point this time was not a moving object. Instead, it was a mass of air floating in the air. The diameter of this ball of air was about three meters, and it would show the exact same distorted image from any angle.

"There's no other choice. " Feng bujue replied and stepped forward, ready to be the first to enter.

Unexpectedly, at this moment ...


The sound of rock cracking suddenly rang out, and in the same second, the floating rock under the feet of the four people shook violently.

The other three people were fine. They managed to regain their balance after staggering a few steps. However, the bearded man who was carrying the small cannon was out of luck ... Because of the weight, the sudden tremor made him sit on the ground.

No one had thought that the consequences of this fall would be ...


Just as everyone was still recovering from the effect of the first shock, similar cracking sounds came one after another.

At the same time, all the floating rocks in Feng bujue's field of vision started to crack and shatter into pieces at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

This wasn't the end ...

At the same time as the floating rock shattered, the surrounding sea water turned from blue to red in a breath, turning into lava.

It happened too late.

Just as Isaac's and Lightning's expressions turned from shock to fear, and they were about to shout, Feng bujue had already reacted ... He used the rock that had not completely crumbled under his feet to exert his strength and ... Grabbed the two of them with one hand each and threw them toward the pixel air mass that was floating in the air.

By the time Issac and Lightning's screams rang out, their feet had already left the ground, and they crashed into the air mass and teleported away as light.

However ...

Two seconds later, when Feng bujue saved the two and turned to big beardy, who was the furthest away from him, the latter's lower body was already submerged in lava and rocks. Furthermore, brother Jue had already lost his foothold. With his exceptional movement technique and zero-time difference calculations, he was barely able to jump back and forth on the rocks that had not melted to prevent himself from falling into the lava.

"What are you doing? Bastard!"

Just as Feng bujue used this 'Dragonfly skimming the water' method to get closer to the bearded man, he suddenly heard the latter yell.

From the moment they met, big beardy had been calling brother Jue 'Savior' and 'Mr. Feng', but now, he was so excited that he called him 'bastard'.

"Let's go!" Big beardy did not wait for brother Jue's reply. He immediately said,"can't you tell that I'm beyond saving?!"

Yes, everyone could tell that he was beyond saving ...

Just as he said these two sentences, the big-bearded man's lower body had already sunk into the lava, and his head and arms that had not yet sunk were already burning in the fire.

He didn't know if he was lucky ... Because he had been transformed into a dimension, the bearded man didn't feel any pain at the moment, so he could still speak.

Seeing this, Feng bujue could only sigh internally. He quickly stepped on a larger piece of rock and jumped toward the air.

"Is there anything you need me to convey?" When brother Jue leaped into the air, he turned around and shouted at the bearded man.

To be honest, Feng bujue really wanted to save the man, but this series of changes happened too quickly. Furthermore, his skill bar was locked, and if he stayed any longer, he would be in danger as well ... Therefore, he had to do this.

"Don't let them feel sad for me ..." The bearded man raised his head and shouted with difficulty,"I just ... Went to reunite with my wife and daughter ..."

Before he could finish his sentence, his head had already sunk into the lava, leaving only his right arm sticking out of the lava.

At the very end, the moment Feng bujue fell into the pixel air ... He could clearly see the bearded man's right hand slowly clench into a fist and give him a thumbs up.


Silence, a depressing silence.

After the teleportation, the original four-man team was left with three people.

Actually, before brother Jue completed the teleportation, Isaac and lightning had already guessed big beardy's fate, so when Feng bujue appeared alone, they silently accepted this unfortunate reality.

The silence lasted for about five minutes before Issac spoke ...

"Let's go. " When he said this, he had already regained his cold expression.

Hearing this, lightning wiped his face with his hand, took a deep breath, and stood up.

After they were ready, they turned to Feng bujue and waited for his next instruction.

It was only at this moment that brother Jue truly felt the power of these two people, or rather ... He experienced the cruelty of this scenario.

Issac and lightning didn't even ask if big beardy had left any last words ...

It wasn't that they didn't care about the deaths of their comrades, but ... They were used to turning the sadness of losing someone into strength and continuing to fight.

War could teach people many things, and the first lesson it taught was often the fragility of life.

Isaac and the others were already used to facing death, because they had lost too much.

They had the will and mind of a veteran, something that even Feng bujue did not possess.

"Then ..." A moment later, Feng bujue opened his mouth to say,"I'll lead ..."


The three people who once again embarked on the journey had to face the space designated by the system as the "deep breakthrough zone."

The situation here ... Could only be described as "crazy."

Video fragments from various games, flowing sound waves with physical bodies, and countless pixel monster-like substances were running around and devouring each other without any pattern.

Thankfully, in this chaotic space, brother Jue's group's path was still clear. Near their initial teleportation point, there was a very obvious blue optical cable that extended into the distance. Other than that, after entering this space, Feng bujue's mission had changed from 'break through the' eight underwater trials 'and enter the deeper levels' to' follow the blue light, find and enter the 'core'.

"There's something I want to let you know. " After walking for a while, Isaac suddenly said,"it's about big beard ..."

"What is it?" Lightning said.

"That was ... A month ago." Issac said slowly,"he told me that he has been diagnosed with a brain tumor." He paused for a moment before continuing,"and he also knows ... That with the technical conditions of the resistance, we can't cure this disease."

"'Based on the resistance's technology', huh ..." Feng bujue quickly caught the key information in that sentence and repeated it in a low voice.

"Yes ..." Isaac said."If we use the nanobot technology from Bita, we can completely cure this disease. But ... On our side, this is an incurable disease. "

"What did you tell him?" Feng bujue asked.

"I didn't say anything," Isaac replied,"because he didn't come to me for advice. He just wanted to find someone who could keep the secret and confide in him."

"In other words," Feng bujue said,"at that time, he was already prepared to die?"

"It should be said that he has no other choice." The lightning head continued,"even if he wanted to sell out the resistance and go to the tower for treatment, he would most likely be transformed into a PM ..."

"But ..." Isaac said,"as big beardy said himself, rather than being transformed into a PM or betraying his comrades ... He would rather commit suicide." He paused for another two seconds to control his emotions."Although he never mentioned it to anyone, I always knew ... He loved games. Indeed, the bearded man's initial motive for joining the resistance was revenge, but later ... When he really came into contact with video games and the game culture that had been erased by the tower, his thoughts changed. He's not just fighting for revenge, he's also determined that ... Returning the game to humanity is a noble cause, and his sacrifice is worth it. "

"That's why you chose him to join the team in this 'suicide mission'." Feng bujue continued."You know ... He would rather die on the battlefield than on a sickbed."

"Ha ..." Issac did not answer brother Jue's question. He only laughed bitterly and asked,"do you believe in heaven? Mr. Feng. "

"I ...'Believe' that there is heaven." Feng bujue replied with confidence.

"Is that so ..." Issac replied in disappointment."Then ... Big beard must have reunited with his family in heaven."

"I hope so." For this question, Feng bujue did not have much confidence in answering it. After all, he had never been to heaven, so he did not know the situation there. In addition ... He was basically sure that he would go to hell after death, so he probably wouldn't have the opportunity to confirm this in the future.

After the three of them talked about this rather heavy topic for a while, they once again fell into silence.

However, their speed of advancement had increased by quite a bit ...

The objects in this "deep breakthrough zone" did not have any logic to speak of, so they would not produce any specific "hostility". The three of them only needed to bypass the seemingly aggressive data blocks and they could move forward safely.

Thus, after about 30 minutes, they arrived at the end of the blue light path ...

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