Vaan's tired voice wasn't loud, but every witch lurking in the surroundings heard it. Even so, no one made a move immediately. In fact, their movements were almost non-existent, resulting in the area being silent.

Only the distant clashes of conflict occurring in other parts of the capital could be subtly heard.

Evidently, the supremacist witches did not trust Vaan's words; they were very apprehensive. If they carelessly attacked, they would suffer a heavy beating at the very least and death at most.

To make his words more convincing, Vaan withdrew his power.

As such, the thousand rocky fire fists crumbled to the ground, and the fire barrier protecting Vossen's magic tower also dissipated into thin air.

Once the supremacist witches witnessed that, they finally gained confidence.

"The imperial dog is tired? My Lady, this is our chance. If members of our household become the ones to strike down that vile man, we will enjoy a higher standing among the witches."

"Mm. I am aware of that. Prepare the troops. We will be the ones to claim that wretch fool's head!"

Shortly after the blue-dressed matriarch issued her order from the forty-fifth floor of her magic tower's balcony, two thousand battle witches quickly rallied outside. In fact, they had been there from the start; they were only waiting for the matriarch's order to set out.

"Two-thousand battle witches, all ready to be mobilized at your command, my Lady."

"Then, let us quickly head over to the Vossen's magic tower. We can't be too fast or too slow; we have to get there at just the right time to steal the glory with minimum casualties."

"Yes, my Lady!"

Several dozen households numbering from three hundred to three thousand quickly made their move after they witnessed Vaan's seemingly vulnerable state. Some were faster and hasty than others, while others were slower and more prudent.

Nevertheless, Vaan quickly attracted over two hundred thousand supremacist witches toward his location.

Blackthorn City had over two million residents, of which only four hundred thousand were neutral witches or witches who sympathized with men, two hundred and fifty thousand were male witch descendants, and three hundred and fifty thousand were male slaves.

The remaining million people were all supremacist witches. And at that moment, one-fifth of them was hell-bent on slaying Vaan.

Among them, many had realized Vaan was no imperial spy. However, he was a powerful man, an existence they could not tolerate. His very existence threatened the haven they had built for themselves.

He could potentially destroy the three-hundred-year idea they had established that men could never be as powerful as witches.

Once the men realize that belief was false, lofty ambitions and rebellious intentions would fester in their hearts, leading to an uprising as they fight for the rights that had been deprived of them from birth.

Vaan sometimes wondered if he was granted the unique heaven-rank ability, Wisdom From The Void, to restore balance to the seven witch kingdoms due to the unfair treatment of men, which restricted their access to knowledge and learning.

If it was truly heaven's intention, it could only be disappointed. After all, the world picked the original host of the body to carry out the noble mission, but they got him instead.

"My Lord, do you need us to assist you in battle?" a subjugated matriarch asked, slightly unwilling and still recovering from her injuries.

Although she had sworn the Oath of Magic, her heart was not loyal. She could only follow Vaan's orders by force, not by choice.

Nevertheless, Vaan shook his head.

"Take your people and retreat to the foot of Vossen's magic tower. This is my battle and my fun. I don't need any of you to interfere, not that you can do much in your current state anyway. Just sit back and enjoy the show."


Shortly after the subjugated supremacist witches moved away from the blood-stained street outside the Vossen's territory, Vaan reassumed a tired and worn-out appearance.

"Die, imperial dog! Your head will be mine—!"

Following a distant roar, a matriarch revealed her hidden Early-stage High Witch rank power for the first time, surprising many spectators and rivals alike. A giant lightning spear was raised high above her head, crackling with the power of annihilation.


Shortly after the matriarch hurled the giant lightning spear with all her might, Vaan narrowed his eyes and stood his ground with a shred of defense.


The direct hit transformed Vaan's area into a field of white light, discharging snake-like lightning sparks in all directions indiscriminately.

"Hahahaha! That's what you get for being arrogant, you wretched fool! Did you think you could enjoy my full-powered attack—?!"

Before the lightning-attribute matriarch could finish celebrating her kill, the white lightning dissipated, revealing Vaan's unharmed appearance. Nothing changed except the aura he exuded.


<You have entered Bullet Time>

<Your speed has increased by 50 points>

<You have become immune to lightning damage below Mid-level Rank 1>

<Duration: 30 seconds>

After getting energized by the lightning spear, everyone's movements within Vaan's vision became slower, which fascinated him.

"What an interesting feeling…" Vaan commented on the buff.


<You have been struck by lightning again>

<Your body has been tempered by lightning>

<Your base speed has been improved by one point>

<Bullet Time has been extended by fifteen seconds>


<You have been struck by lightning again>

<Bullet Time has been extended by fifteen seconds>

"Dammit, why won't you just die?! How are you completely fine after taking such a powerful attack?!"

"Well, I'll be damned. That startled me. I didn't expect Lady Electra to be a High Witch. She hid herself well. Unfortunately, she wasted her surprise. That vile man has a high affinity with lightning; avoid using lightning attacks!"

"Yes, my Lady!"

While the lightning-attribute matriarch was dismayed by her ineffective spells, the other matriarch quickly recovered from their surprise and rushed in with their troops.

"Don't give the households a chance! That glory of slaying this imperial dog shall be ours! Blast him to kingdom come!"


The supremacist witches shouted excitedly, unaware of Vaan's ploy to lure them in.

When a few matriarchs noticed Vaan's sudden smile and eyes flickering with lightning sparks at the last moment, they immediately felt uneasy.

Something was wrong, but unfortunately, it was too late to retreat…

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