The villain's side of the novel

58 Why did you save me?

*straight punch*

As Fray swiftly deflected Blanche's attack, the air crackled with tension. The force of their clash reverberated through the room, sending a tremor across the floor. The sound of their confrontation echoed, momentarily drowning out any other noise in the vicinity. leaving Fray's expression colder than ever. Lisa stood behind Fray, still in shock and surprise. She stared at his imposing back with a complex mix of emotions, feeling an overwhelming flood of thoughts and feelings welling up within her.

"How... How is this possible? That was a gamma formation. Even a fighter from the Sixth Kingdom would have been gravely injured," 

Blanche stumbled backward, her expression a mixture of surprise and disbelief. Her eyes widened as she struggled to comprehend how her gamma formation, a formidable technique known to wreak havoc, had been effortlessly neutralized. Fray's face, once composed, now wore a chilling mask of indifference, his eyes glinting with an icy resolve.

The onlookers, including Noelle, Lisa, the five princesses, and other important figures, stood frozen in place, their breath caught in their throats. The atmosphere turned stifling as the room fell into a deathly silence, broken only by the sound of their own racing hearts.

Time seemed to stand still as Fray moved with remarkable speed, closing the distance between him and Blanche in an instant. He stood before her, his presence towering and imposing. Blanche's breathing quickened as her eyes locked onto Fray's unyielding gaze, filled with a mixture of fear and realization.

In a blur of motion, Fray's hand shot out like lightning, his fingers closing around Blanche's delicate throat. The sheer force of his grip lifted her off the ground, leaving her dangling helplessly in mid-air. Blanche's struggling was feeble and futile against Fray's iron grip, her movements growing weaker with each passing moment.


As Blanche hung in the air, her gaze fixed downwards, she caught a final glimpse of Fray's indifferent expression. The weight of her impending fate pressed upon her, and fear coursed through her veins, robbing her of coherent thought. Her lips quivered, attempting to form words, but her voice was silenced before she could utter them. "I was wo..."


A chilling crack resonated through the room, slicing through the heavy silence. The sound, though low, pierced the ears of everyone present, each witness acutely aware of its horrifying significance. Blanche's body went limp, life extinguished from her as her neck snapped under the relentless grip of Fray's hand.

The sight was haunting—Blanche's lifeless form suspended in the air for a fleeting moment before Fray released his hold, allowing her lifeless body to crumple to the ground. Her once beautiful face now wore a mask of regret and pain, forever frozen in a tragic expression.

Noelle, Lisa, and the others stood motionless, their bodies trembling uncontrollably. The realization of the swift and merciless death that had unfolded before their eyes sent shockwaves through their very beings. They struggled to comprehend how a peaceful dinner had descended into a brutal slaughter, leaving them shaken to their cores.

Fray, his purpose fulfilled, turned away from Blanche's lifeless body, his countenance betraying no remorse. As he made his way towards the exit of the restaurant, the spectators stared at his departing figure, their eyes filled with a maelstrom of anger, hatred, and unwilling acceptance. Yet, above all, it was the gripping tendrils of fear that dominated their thoughts, forever etching Fray's indifferent expression into the depths of their souls.

The room remained enveloped in a heavy silence, each individual grappling with the aftermath of the shocking events that had unfolded. Slowly, whispers of horror and disbelief began to circulate, accompanied by the shuddering breaths of those present. The echoes of Fray's departure mingled with the lingering aura of fear, leaving a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of all who had borne witness.

(Why didn't he let her finish her confession?) Noelle thought, panic seeping into her mind as she tried to make sense of Fray's actions.

(Unfortunate. I had plans for her as well. No matter, her role wasn't significant, and her actions didn't warrant forgiveness for her crimes.) Fray's thoughts raced. He had considered Blanche's abilities and her potential impact on the upcoming events in the continent as part of his plans. Initially, he had intended to spare her life and punish her by severing a limb for her crimes. However, Blanche's audacity in attacking him forced Fray to revise his plans. He needed to set an example for others, lest everyone think they could attack him without consequences.

With his mission completed, Fray completed his way toward the exit of the restaurant, eager to leave and return to the Parada Mansion to prepare for his next moves. until he neared the restaurant's exit.

"Fray!" Suddenly, a soft voice called out to him from behind.

Recognizing the voice, Fray didn't bother turning around. "Follow me," he said, leading the way to one of the restaurant's private rooms.

"Alright, what do you want?" Fray asked impatiently after entering the room and turning to face Lisa, who stood before him.

"I...I..." Lisa stammered, her tone filled with confusion. She had so much to say, so many questions to ask Fray, but she didn't know where to begin. All she could manage were incomplete mutterings.

"What?" Fray's impatience crept into his voice.

Lisa, taken aback by his response, blurted out, "I'm sorry."

Ever since waking up in the hospital, Lisa had blamed herself. She realized that her stubbornness had attracted the monsters that killed numerous members of

 her knights and caused Elisa's injury. Her guilt intensified further when she repeated the same mistake that put both her and Fray's lives in danger during the recent incident. All of these factors weighed heavily on her, prompting her sincere apology to Fray.

Fray looked at Lisa's sorrowful expression and replied, "Is that all you want to say?"

"I... I also want to ask you, why did you save me that time and again today?" Lisa inquired, her gaze fixed on Fray's eyes. This question had plagued her for some time. She knew that Fray didn't particularly like her, especially after the disaster she had caused, which left his sister disabled. Under normal circumstances, Fray would never save her after all she had done—unless he had a specific reason.

"Consider it a gesture of goodwill toward the Parada family," Fray responded honestly.

(What does he mean?) Lisa thought, puzzled. She asked, "Why would you want to establish a good relationship with the Parada family? Don't you know the rumors about us?"

As one of the six ancient families, the Ronal family was considered relatively weak. Over the years, numerous rumors had circulated about their perceived weakness and their allegiance to the Fayzan Kingdom. Other families seldom bothered to extend favors to the Ronal family, believing it to be a futile effort. However, Fray, who rarely displayed goodwill toward anyone, had unexpectedly come to the Ronal family's aid. Lisa couldn't comprehend the reasons behind this gesture.

"Because I don't trust rumors," Fray replied succinctly.

Although Fray's response was enigmatic, Lisa, one of the brightest minds of her generation, understood the underlying meaning. (He knows the true extent of our power.) Lisa pondered intently, though she wasn't entirely certain of her conclusion. Seeking clarity, she cautiously asked, "Do you mean...?"

"Yes, your deduction is correct. However, that's not the only reason," Fray interjected, speaking slowly.

"What is the other reason?" Lisa inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Your research. I am intrigued by your research," Fray declared.

"Which research?" Lisa questioned suspiciously. As a scientist involved in numerous projects, she couldn't pinpoint which particular research had captured Fray's interest.

"..." Fray opened his mouth, and three words escaped, leaving Lisa wide-eyed and stunned upon hearing them.

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