Panda Novel

First, she had talked about them taking a taxi. Now, she was even talking about Finn Taylor’s status as a matrilocal son-in-law.

Annie Fraser couldn’t wait to vent all her anger toward Yvette Larson all at once.

“Annie Fraser, you’re getting more beautiful with time. It seems like your surgeries have done you well.” At last, Clarine Landon couldn’t stand it any longer. Thus, she mocked the other.

Of course, Annie Fraser was annoyed. “Who got surgeries done? This is natural beauty.”

Yvette Larson suddenly spoke up. “Really? Shall we look at some photos we took in college?”

She was sure that the other had undergone plastic surgery. In college, Annie Fraser had been quite pretty, but it was still a huge difference from her current appearance.

Yvette Larson could spot countless changes with just one glance.

Her words stumped Annie Fraser, and the latter was obviously unwilling for the other to take out photos from the past.

As such, she quickly changed the topic. “Sigh, let’s not talk about the past. Oh right, did you see my Maserati? Isn’t it beautiful? My husband gave it to me for my birthday. Oh right, Yvette. You don’t know my husband, so let me introduce him. He’s the Sinclair family’s eldest son—Michael Sinclair. His family is in the real estate business and is worth billions. Yvette, if you need a job, you can always let my husband know. There’s nothing he can’t do in New York.”

The Sinclair family of New York. They were nothing but a second-tier family in New York, but they could easily beat the Sanders family if they had settled in San Francisco instead.

Yvette Larson dared not speak up. She dared to offend Annie Fraser but not Michael Sinclair.

“Eldest son? Did your dad get a mistress?” Just then, Finn Taylor posed a seemingly innocent question, but it caused Michael Sinclair to feel extremely awkward because that was the truth.

His parents had gotten together and started their business while they were still poor. Unfortunately, men often strayed after getting rich.

Michael Sinclair’s father—Charles Sinclair—had hooked up with his secretary a few years ago.

Eventually, that secretary had even gotten pregnant, and Charles Sinclair had filed for divorce.

Of course, Michael Sinclair’s mother refused. Following that, she could only watch as that secretary’s stomach grew by the day.

In the end, Charles Sinclair compromised and crafted his will in advance. Once he passed on, the company would go to Michael Sinclair. His other assets would be equally split between his two children.

Only with that was the couple finally able to get a divorce.

Now, Charles Sinclair was married to that young and beautiful secretary, who had even given him a son.

That was why Michael Sinclair said that he was the Sinclair family’s eldest son, but some things were left unsaid.

Once said, they would only create a terribly embarrassing situation.

But since Annie Fraser didn’t have any good intentions, there was no need for Finn Taylor to respect them either. “Did I say something wrong? Do you mean that your parents are still married?”

‘Didn’t Annie Fraser say that I was nothing but a useless matrilocal son-in-law? Great, I brought a bag full of trash today. I’ll pursue this until they answer me.’

Michael Sinclair clenched his fist, resisting the urge to punch someone.

However, Finn Taylor seemed not to have felt the strange atmosphere. He picked up his phone and did a quick search before turning to his wife. “Yvette, I found it. His parents got divorced a few years ago, and his stepmother gave birth to a younger brother last year. Hey, it says here that someone spotted his dad with another young and pretty mistress last month.”

Yvette Larson had no interest in any of that, but she was delighted to see how infuriated Annie Fraser and Michael Sinclair were.

However, Clarine Landon was much less polite. She snatched the phone from Finn Taylor and started to read those gossip articles.

Just then, the other Travelers Club members—who had already arrived—walked out of the hotel. That was how they all heard the article.

As Clarine Landon finished reading the article, Finn Taylor turned to Michael Sinclair. “Is that article real? If it’s fake, you must sue that author! He’s stirring up rumors to ruin your family’s reputation!”

Finn Taylor’s kind reminder sounded like ridicule in Michael Sinclair’s ears.

“Come on, everyone. Let’s go in and eat.” Afraid that the situation was getting awkward, someone quickly ushered the rest in.

Finn Taylor walked in without any care with his wife in tow.

Clarine Landon followed behind the couple, not forgetting to pull a funny face at Annie Fraser as she walked past her.

This infuriated the latter.

Michael Sinclair was fuming and wanted to leave. Eventually, his wife still pulled him in.

After they sat down, Annie Fraser quickly placed her order with the waiter. She then threw the menu onto the table. “Please go ahead and order whatever you like. I’ll give you all a treat. Yvette, you haven’t been to our gathering for years. I’ve missed you, so be sure to eat more to make up for it.”

Finn Taylor took the menu over and seriously ordered the dishes.

Annie Fraser couldn’t help but mock him for how quickly he was ordering the dishes. ‘A piece of trash is a piece of trash after all. All he knows to do is talk. Look at how you’re ordering the dishes now. You’re just like a piece of trash that hasn’t been out of the countryside.’

After Finn Taylor ordered a few dishes, he turned to the waiter and asked, “Is this made by Chef Miller?”

That waiter didn’t think much of the question and simply replied, “Our chef’s surname is Miller, but I’m not sure if he’s the same guy you’re talking about.”

Annie Fraser couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yvette, it seems like your husband is quite close with the chef here, but don’t you think that a gentleman should stay away from the kitchen? Our Michael deals with multimillion-dollar business deals, but your husband deals with cooking ingredients. I guess that’s the difference between people.”

Yvette Larson hated others looking down on her husband. She wanted to rebuke the other, but her husband tugged on her clothes to stop her.

Once everyone ordered their dishes, Finn Taylor told the waiter, “Tell Chef Miller that Finn Taylor is here.”


This time, it wasn’t just Annie Fraser who was laughing. Even all her other classmates burst out into laughter. ‘Look at Michael Sinclair. He’s dealing with multimillion-dollar business deals, but your Finn Taylor is friends with a mere chef. More importantly, you should know your place. Why would you tell everyone that you’re friends with a chef? Aren’t you inviting ridicule?’

“Finn Taylor, do you know Chef Miller here?”

Annie Fraser obviously wasn’t going to let such a good opportunity go. She had purposely posed this question to make a joke out of Yvette Larson.

“Of course, I know him. Chef Miller is my disciple.”

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