The Undying Mecha Emperor

208 Dumbass Sense of Design

Previously, I was able to change my form as and when I liked. It was the power that my red energy afforded me.

However, as with all forms of energy usage, excessive use would deplete it, and if I were to keep using the red energy to withdraw and remanifest my forms, I would not be able to use it for extended periods of time.

At that moment after absorbing so much alien tech, one of the more useful utility effects I got was near instant morphing.

To avoid getting into a deeply technical discourse, I would make my explanation of the tech very short.

In brief, what the tech did was two very critical things.

The first was to allow materials to have a vastly increased capacity to store energy within them, and the second was to regulate the state of the material by manipulating said energy.

At very specific temperatures and kinetic state, the material was programmed to change its state from near impenetrable solid armor to a similarly impenetrable but highly mobile liquid state which would then allow the mecha to shapeshift.

It sounds very similar to the nanotech that human beings already have, and to an extent, they both work on the same basic principles.

However, the keywords in my explanation would be "impenetrable" and "specific temperatures and kinetic state".

The good thing about the alien tech was that they were able to maintain a state of impenetrability during the entire shape shifting process, and not compromise on safety even for a microsecond.

However, their weakness was that they were not controlled by the mind. The specific temperatures and kinetic state served as a form of physical password for the shapeshifting process. It was vastly different from the nanotech of human beings which could be controlled at will.

Controlling tech using brainwaves was one of the aliens' few weaknesses, and I did not forget to fully exploit that.

I combined their epic energy manipulation tech with our nanotech, and created a mecha that could shapeshift at will without loss in armor integrity, and without much energy expenditure.

To put it simply, I had succeeded in making a function of my red energy into viable tech which could be mass produced!

The second utility which I had managed to partially master was spatial shield.

At that moment, I was able to manipulate spatial energy in a very unique manner that allowed me to create a spatial shield around a predetermined object. That spatial shield would cause every incoming thing be it energy or matter, to enter a dimensional tunnel with preset distance which would allow them to pass by the object without touching it.

In effect, it was like giving the shielded object the effect of phasing out to avoid being impacted. But instead of the object phasing out, it was the spatial shield which made the incoming energy or matter to phase out.

It was a utility with a massive amount of creative applications, and I couldn't wait to put them into action.

I could already imagine my swords bypassing shields and my opponents' attacks missing me entirely!

The third and final utility was, of course, the most epic.


No, it is not advanced stealth.

It is visual invisibility, pure and simple.

For a very limited amount of time, I was able to manipulate my mecha to be completely permeable to light!

It was a physical impossibility.

But the aliens managed to develop that ability.

And I got my hands on it.

The question was, which one was the X factor? Or was there another one which I missed completely?

But before I could give the issue more thought, a piece of good news finally came our way.

"UWAAAA!!!" The Ancestor suddenly opened his eyes and screamed!

"Old man!" Bruce Pang shouted in concern.

"Damn damn damn damn damn damn!!" The Ancestor cursed aloud. His curses wasn't all "damn", of course. But everything else apart from it was too filthy to be mentioned here.

So let's just assume it's all damn.

Upon hearing his very creative string of curses, I smiled without even bothering to open my eyes.

He was healthy, alright.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Bruce Pang asked.

"I almost had that big fat lizard! I almost had it! It was so close!" The Ancestor howled in frustration, anguish and fury all in one.

"Oh. That sucks." Bruce Pang scrunched up his nose slightly in disappointment."But more importantly, how's the dragon? Is it awake? We are still currently hiding in his lair."

At his words, the Ancestor's eyes widened slightly in surprise and dismay.

"We are hiding IN HIS LAIR?" He said with a slight wince.

"As you always say, the most dangerous place is the safest place." Bruce Pang said.

"Indeed that is true. But this particular dragon is a little bit more than just dangerous. I've pissed him off too much for it to merely be wholly furious at me and our human race. If he somehow discovers us here..." The Ancestor said grimly.

"Hence my question, how is it? Is it awake?" Bruce Pang asked.

"It is not. I have inflicted a horrendous amount of mental damage to its brain. I expect that it would take at least three days to wake up from its pain. Maybe-"


A distant roar of absolute draconic rage sounded softly.

Even with such great distance, its blinding fury could still be felt quite keenly.

"It has been three days!?" The Ancestor asked sharply.

"Apparently the damage you took wasn't light either." Bruce Pang nodded.

"We need to get out of this place as soon as possible. The world is in danger." The Ancestor said very seriously. "That damned dragon won't rest until it finds me and kills me. Update me on the situation."

Succinctly, Bruce Pang told him everything.

"I see. So this is G-Drake." The Ancestor eyed my awesome dragonling as soon as Bruce Pang finished.

He sighed deeply and muttered. "Kids and their dumbass sense of design."

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