The Undying Mecha Emperor

174 Famous last words

"Ah? Hahaha! What a beautiful voice? Who are you speaking to, Ancestor? Are you speaking with a famous singer?" I responded in the only way I could.

"A god damned entertainer! So that's how you god damned punks at the academy think of me, huh? I am entertaining you by running this way and that way trying to defuse a ticking time bomb? God damn it! I will be there in two hours! Just you wait!!" The shrill voice sounded and then ended with a loud click.

For a few seconds, there was only stunned silence among us as we contemplated what just happened and what sort of tribulations laid before us.

"Well… I guess this experiment is a success?" I said hopefully.

For a moment, both Bruce Pang and the Ancestor looked like they were about to explode in exasperation. However, both sighed deeply almost at the same time and shook their heads ruefully in a startlingly similar fashion that spoke volumes about their close relationship.

Only people that had spent a lot of time intensely arguing and debating and sharing their lives together could have such similar reactions towards an event.

"Well, he did manage to create a non-nuclear platinum grade explosion. Technically he exceeded the scope of this experiment, which was to determine if he could actually create your Gold Grade Weapons." Bruce Pang said evenly.

"That he did." The Ancestor agreed grudgingly.

"And although in a manner that was completely unexpected, he did manage to get Secretary Wang to come visit us. It is something which you had tried to do and failed for the longest time, right?" Bruce Pang added.

"That… he did." The Ancestor said again, this time with significantly better mood. In fact, I swear I also detected the slightest hint of a satisfied smile.

"So the beating she mentioned earlier was just a joke, right? She isn't going to actually beat me up?" I asked them anxiously.

"Oh she WILL beat you up for damn sure, no question about it." The Ancestor replied with more than just a hint of satisfaction. In fact, that old coot even grinned at me sinisterly!

I frowned deeply at his words.

The prospect of having to deal with a furious higher up of the Chinese Federation was not something I enjoyed contemplating about.

"You need to protect me from that angry lady." I said firmly to Bruce Pang. "You're my big bro."

"I am afraid I can't do that for you." Bruce Pang said as firmly to me. "I will face a hundred Wyrm Kings for you anyday, but against that Wang Demoness, you're on your own. I will be extremely busy with very high level and important stuff later on the hour of her visit."

"So will I." The Ancestor said gravely. "National Security stuff."

"Hmmm." Bruce Pang nodded. "Fate of the country and stuff are at stake."

My lips twitched lightly as I realized what they were doing.

Betrayal! They were leaving me as a punching bag for the furious Wang Demoness!

"Well, if that's what you two are planning to do… Don't blame me for doing what I am about to do!" I remember thinking as an extremely childish but utterly evil thought appeared in my mind and took hold of me.

By that time, I had already mastered several very solid underwater and aerial mecha blueprints from Instructor Blackwood's personal collection.

And after being betrayed by Bruce Pang and the damned old man, I decided to do a little experiment with several of Instructor Blackwood's blueprints!


With a simple thought, I urged my tired red mecha energy to stir once more and created a Double Cockpit Deep Diver Mecha with an Aerial Module!


The aerial thrusters exploded with great ferocity and sent us hurtling through the air with insanely quick acceleration!

"HEY!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!!" The Ancestor bellowed angrily from the second cockpit behind me which, by design, had the functionality of a small prison.

"I am bringing us for a quick field trip!" I called out to them with a sinister grin.

"A field trip? What the hell are you talking about! I authorized no such thing! Where do you think you're going? How long will this damn trip be??" The Ancestor shouted. He immediately realized that I had effectively imprisoned them both at the rear cockpit!

"Oh I don't know. I am thinking of the Pacific Ocean. I think there should be a few interesting monsters there we could fight with. And with regard to how long… Hmmmm. A day? How long will the Wang Demoness stay in the Academy once she realizes we're not there do you think?" I replied casually as I steered us into the direction of the Pacific Ocean.


We continued to hurtle through the air at insane speeds, going up to Mach 10 before stabilizing at that speed.

"Oh. Hmmmmm." The Ancestor quietened down for a bit.

"Pressing monster emergency brewing in the Pacific Ocean sounds legit." Bruce Pang said after a while as he tried to make himself comfortable in the back seat. There was a gleam of excitement in his eyes, and a little dangerous smile I would see quite often in the following days.

"I won't get to see that little Wang girl, but that isn't such a bad thing too, considering her mood." The Ancestor thought aloud.

"Maybe we can even do the Blood Moon mission you guys were planning while we're at it." I added eagerly.

"Nah. The Blood Moon needs the practice." The Ancestor said and dismissed my suggestion immediately. "But there are several monster cores I would like to collect from the Pacific Ocean. This trip might actually work very well."

"Let's just do it. How long will collecting a few monster cores take anyway? We would be back at the academy within 24 hours. We should be fine. Jeanette can handle things while we're away." Bruce Pang said with a little yawn.

Famous last words, anyone?

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