"Next up, you, little coward." Elder Urama smiled evilly at Roland Hu.

By that time, as scared as he was, he had finally figured out that something was up. And that the punishments were a necessary step in that process.

So he gritted his teeth and steeled his heart for what was coming.






Like Barrick Rui, he too collapsed to the ground, bleeding profusely from his arm. But unlike Barrick Rui whose face was merely contorted in pain, anger and a deep sense of anticipation, Roland Hu was whimpering and in tears.

He was quite thin, and Elder Urama's lashes had ripped the flesh out of his arm, and exposed the bone!!

It was a miracle that he did not faint.

Thankfully, the burly male teacher had some advanced medication on him, and he immediately moved to help Roland Hu.

Apparently he had come prepared. It probably wasn't Elder Urama's first rodeo.

"You should let them taste the pain a while longer, Teacher Tom." Elder Urama said disapprovingly.

However, Teacher Tom ignored him and immediately applied powerful medication to ease Roland Hu's pain and heal his arm.

After that, he continued to do the same to Barrick Rui.

"Hmph. A teacher, yet so unteachable." Elder Urama spat. "Come here, you!"

Jack Yang obliged and took a step closer to Elder Urama to get within his range

Knowing that Teacher Tom would instantly move to heal him anyway, the vicious Elder Urama struck Jack Yang with all of his strength!!

In fact, he was so savage in his attack that by his fifth strike, Jack Yang's arm actually snapped into two!

The stoic faced Jack Yang finally cried out in pain when that happened.

My mind nearly snapped along with Jack Yang's arm.

I had already lost track of just how many times my red mecha core had triggered in my heart, nor did I pay attention to the vast amount of red energy that had gathered in my body.

All I could do was fight back the haze of anger threatening to overwhelm me by holding on to the thought that I would soon flay that son of a bitch the same way he did my friends.

"Hahahahahahaha! Oops. I accidentally broke his arm. Teacher Tom, you have the medication to heal him, don't you?" Elder Urama laughed out gleefully as he watched Teacher Tom scramble to help Jack Yang.

After a few seconds, he turned to me.

"And now for the champion! Alas! It is such a pity that such strength is accompanied by such vile character. I should teach you a proper lesson so that you can repent of your sins.

And I know that you have an exceptionally strong body. Elder Harris had told me all about you. And so, in the name of fairness so that you too will feel the purifying pain that your friends did, I will be executing your punishment by using this special Tremor Cane!

What exactly is a Tremor Cane? Ha! I will let you find out by tasting it yourself!" Elder Urama hooted with evil glee.

But at his words, Teacher Judy had widened her eyes in shock.

"Elder! The Tremor Cane is a Grade B weap-" Teacher Judy started to say urgently.

"Shut your mouth, Teacher Judy." Elder Urama hissed softly at her. She blanched in fear and instantly shut her mouth as she was told.

However, Teacher Tom stood up and glared at Elder Urama sternly.

"No. I will not let you use the Tremor Cane on a ten year old boy." He said quietly.

"You will not LET me?" Elder Urama's already soft voice dropped even lower.

"I will not." Teacher Tom repeated himself as he clenched his fist and prepared to prevent the Tremor Cane from being used on me at all costs.

"Teacher Judy. On my authority as an Elder of the National Mecha Pilot Academy, I command you to arrest Teacher Tom for rebellion." Elder Urama said grimly.

There was only a slight hesitation on Teacher Judy's part before she leapt ahead to tackle Teacher Tom.

Teacher Tom was no slouch, and very soon, they were completely entangled in a furious fight.

"Justin, run! Find another Elder! Quick!!" Teacher Tom shouted desperately.

But that was all he managed to say before Teacher Judy's ferocious attack sequence forced him to pay full attention to his defense.

Of course at that moment, I had no plans to run. In fact, I was even looking forward to seeing just how viciously powerful the Tremo Cane was.

"You aren't gonna run? I have to say, you're a brave boy." Elder Urama's smile returned at full force when he realized that he didn't have to waste energy chasing after me.

He kept his bloodied cane and replaced it with a similar looking one which started to hum lightly as soon as he pressed a button.

If a simple observer heard that hum, he would probably just look at the Tremor Cane in confusion.

"Why is the cane humming?" They would think.

The even more innocent, or rather, foolish ones, would even think, "Could it be a strange toy of sorts? A fake, low quality lightsaber, perhaps?"

But for me with my sharp senses, I could clearly see and hear exactly why the Tremor Cane was humming.

It was vibrating at extremely high speed!

If it was to be smashed at a normal metal plate, the metal plate would instantly be violently shredded off at the point of impact.

It was no toy. It was a vicious weapon designed to inflict incredible damage upon armored objects, or inhumane pain upon unarmored life forms!

For it to be used against a ten year old first grader…

"Good. Very good." I remember thinking with cold fury roiling in my heart. "Let's see if my white mecha armor will break first, or your damn hand holding on to the Tremor Cane!"

"Good boy. Now stand still while I… WHIP THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF YOU!" Elder Urama roared loudly and raised his Tremor Cane up high in a two-hand samurai grip!!


The Tremor Cane smashed against my left arm with incredible power!

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