The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 958: You can get a nosebleed from fantasizing?

Chapter 958: You can get a nosebleed from fantasizing?


When he saw this series of notifications, Sheyan could not help smirking.

Fate was, if he recalled correctly, the fourth unlucky fellow to die by his disease. It's funny how none of the people who died by his disease were weak. All of them were either powerful Growth Hunters or powerful Awakeners.

Although Fate had died by chest pain, he somehow counted towards the hidden milestone of 'Sanitary Pad Friend', which meant that Sheyan only needed to kill one more person to achieve this hidden milestone. Perhaps the real cause of the chest pain was internal bleeding in the lungs.....

(TL: From chapter 815 - [ Hidden Milestone: Sanitary Pad Friend. Condition: Five contestants must die to your 'Bronchitis' breakout and cough blood ])

Strictly speaking, Fate was every bit as strong as Aziz. Once he got close, his explosive burst of damage was not inferior to Aziz's, plus he also had the capability to launch ultra-long-range attacks while remaining securely hidden.

Sheyan was sure that if Aziz could choose his own partner in a war between contestants, he would definitely choose Fate rather than Sheyan himself.

As soon as Fate died, the air of misfortune enshrouding Sheyan completely disappeared. Fate's death contributed an astonishing 11 achievement points to Sheyan, and also a +7 silver storyline equipment. The value of this silver storyline equipment was not inferior to any dark gold equipment!

[+7 Stark's Energy Spare Part (quality product)]

[Type: Ring]

[Rarity: Silver Storyline]

[Equipment position: Finger on the left or right hand]

[Material: Magnesium Peroxide + Stark Alloy]

[Property: MP +294 (94 additional points from +7 strengthening)]

[Property: All attributes +3 (2 additional points from +7 strengthening)]

[Property: MP consumption +10% (it is well known that one has to pay extra MP to stabilize one's spells in order to cope with the magic chaos caused by steel) ]

[Property: There will be an additional MP consumption of 38% when your spell deals an explosive hit (12% reduction from +7 strengthening, originally 50%)]

[Property: If you do not possess the 'Magic Barrier' ability, you will obtain a Lvl 3 'Magic Barrier'.]

[Property: If you do possess the 'Magic Barrier' ability, the ability will evolve into the 'Titanium Mesh Magic Barrier'. The titanium mesh magic barrier is a more efficient and powerful version of the ordinary 'Magic Barrier', but the MP consumption also increases accordingly.]

[+4 equipment special bonus: The damage absorption ability of the 'Titanium Mesh Magic Barrier' is increased by 25%.]

[+7 equipment special bonus: This special bonus will only take effect after the 'Titanium Mesh Magic Barrier' is upgraded to Lvl 7. It enables the 'Titanium Mesh Magic Barrier' to switch between targeting long-range and close-range attacks.]

[Warning: When the damage reflection function of the 'Titanium Mesh Magic Barrier' is activated, there will be extra MP consumption.]

[Description: Although this equipment is powerful, it requires you to have an abundance of MP before you can use it freely.]

[Comment: It's only a little toy that the geniuses in the Stark family made when they were researching the Iron Man suit, but it seems pretty useful for a lot of people. If you had not paid much attention to the very basic 'Magic Barrier' ability before, you will probably have to spend a lot of effort and resources on it in the foreseeable future, because this equipment is built almost entirely for the 'Magic Barrier'.]


Sheyan kept the ring away with a slight feeling of regret. To be honest, Sheyan coveted the power of the 'Raging Flame of Magic'. He was hoping that it was an equipment ability so that he had a chance to get it, but that was probably wishful thinking.

At that instant, Sheyan heard the sharp whistles of launched missiles transmitting over from various directions. Apparently "Rambo" was unwilling to give up and had returned. He had used his signature skill: 'Carpet Bombing'.

Sheyan did not dare to stay for the fight. It's not that he's afraid of Rambo, but because of another problem. He had been delayed for so long, so why had so few people come after him? That's because Aziz appeared easier to kill! Therefore, there were a lot more people tailing after Aziz. Aziz's ability to attract the aggro of contestants was much higher than Sheyan's.

Regardless of whether Aziz had been killed or had successfully escaped, there should have been a result by now, so those contestants who did not manage to gain a profit would naturally come here to see if they can get lucky.

Sheyan did not think that he could finish any Bloody World participant in a short time, so he chose to flee. He rolled several times in succession under the cover of the carpet bombing until he reached a manhole cover. He smashed the cover and hid in the sewer.

He had gathered ample information regarding the city's underground sewer in the search of Jones before this, so he had no trouble following the sewer network to the George Washington Bridge and proceeded to jump into the sea.

At this point, Rambo could only sigh.

The only way Sheyan could be found in the sea was during the Blood Sensing. It should be mentioned that after the intruders invaded this world, the laws of this world had been in a mess. As such, the Blood Sensing had become rather erratic, filling the participants' hearts with a dread of the unknown.

After about half an hour of floating and sinking in the water, Sheyan saw an ocean-going fishing boat with a draft of about 3000 tons passing by. Sheyan's experience told him that the boat was returning from a bountiful fishing trip. He quickly climbed onto the boat.

On ocean-going fishing boats like this one, the crew were normally stranded on board for a long time. When they come to the bustling city of New York, the foremost things in their minds were the dollars, the cold beers and the strippers. They were all eager to vent.

And basically, the demand for the fishes brought back by the ocean-going fishing boats far exceeded the supply. The United States were most concerned about the problem of environmental pollution, so as long as one had authentic pollution-free goods, there was no fear of the goods not being able to sell. The fishes wouldn't go bad in cold storage anyway, so once the boat docked in a harbour, the crew would most likely drag the captain out for some fun while making the buyers wait.

Sure enough, after the boat arrived at the harbour, only two old guards were left on the boat while the others could not wait to go ashore fast enough. Of the two old men, as soon as the others left, one immersed himself in a Playboy magazine while the other fetched out a bottle of whiskey and took quite a few generous gulps. It was clear that the captain had put his faith in the wrong men.

It was then that Sheyan brazenly walked to the cabin, twisted the lock off the captain's cabin, and lay comfortably on the captain's bed, giving himself a rest.

Sheyan was first ravaged by the Cardinal's seven deadly sins, then chased by Shali and Stend, then he fought a life-and-death battle with the unbelievably powerful Fate, and finally fled from Rambo's pursuit. It was a perilous, exhausting journey. If he did not take the time to relax, he would collapse for sure.

'I wonder if Aziz is still alive? By the way, it's hard to believe that he's quite the playboy, considering that his face is always like a dead fish,' Sheyan could not help thinking of Aziz's memory that was displayed just now.

'All the girls he had fun with were busty and curvy, especially that Latina beauty with the tan skin. Lucky bastard.....Shit, what's happening?'

Sheyan suddenly felt something moving in his nostrils, and it was a little itchy. He rubbed it with his hand and suddenly found his hand full of blood.

'Am I so sexually frustrated that I'm getting a nosebleed just from thinking about sex?'

Sheyan instantly felt that something was off. He gradually came to feel a strange heat in his body. The feeling was not unfamiliar to him; it was the same feeling of being burned by Fate's 'Raging Flame of Magic'. But that Fate was clearly dead...

This was the malicious aspect of the 'Raging Flame of Magic'. Once inflicted with it, it would be like having a time bomb planted in the body that could go off any time. The effect would only disappear slowly after 24 hours.

Although Sheyan was not worried that the effect would kill him, it was very uncomfortable to have a basin of burning charcoal in his body. He didn't notice it in the heat of battle, but now that things had quietened down, it was pretty hard to bear.

After another hour or so, Sheyan felt as though all his veins were baked in fire. The anguish and irritation were almost unbearable, and the 'Stairway of the Sun' in him was also afraid of fire. So, he made the decision to rush into the ship's cold storage and, ignoring the strong fishy smell, chomped down on the ice there.

A pleasurable cold spread through his body. Right now, he would like nothing more than to submerge himself in cold water and let the refreshing water wash over his body.

After Sheyan felt a bit better, he went on to lower the temperature of the cold storage to the minimum, then buried himself among the ice and frozen heap of fish. He could resist his exhaustion no longer and fell into a comfortable sleep.

When Sheyan awoke from the cold, he found himself sleeping in a hollow, thin ice pit, surrounded by a circle of ice that had dead fish inside.

Sheyan pondered carefully and immediately understood what happened. The residual heat of the 'Raging Flame of Magic' in his body must have dissipated to his surrounding and melted the ice blocks and frozen fishes blanketing him.

However, the amount of residual heat was limited, and when it was exhausted, the cold air in the storage regained the upper hand and froze the fish and water again.

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