The Ultimate Evolution

Text - Chapter 951: The Sin of Lust, the Sin of Gluttony!

Chapter 951: The Sin of Lust, the Sin of Gluttony!

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

When the Cardinal finished his chant, Sheyan and Aziz felt as if time itself had stopped. They could clearly see dust particles floating around in the air. The surrounding turned murky and unclear like ripples on a water surface.

They wished they could do something to respond to this change but they found it impossible to move, as if they had fallen into a very deep nightmare!

'This is .... attributes suppression!' This thought immediately flashed in Sheyan's mind. 'It's another freaking illusion!'

Immediately afterwards, scenes after scenes of illusionary images started appearing behind the both of them. All the scenes were replays of events in their lives!

The illusionary image behind Aziz froze at multiple scenes. When Sheyan looked at them carefully, he saw that they were all scenes depicting Aziz's sexual encounters with women.

Aziz seemed to be a pretty energetic guy. All the women in the images behind him had amazing figures and consisted of almost every type of skin colour imaginable. There were even scenes of threesomes and such. At a glance, Sheyan estimated there to be over 50 different women!

"Lowly sinner!!" A majestic, sacred, and magnificent voice drifted down from the sky! The Cardinal calmly said, "You have fallen into the sin of lust. Cleanse your sins with pain and blood!"

"The sin of lust?" Sheyan immediately recalled that one of the sins from the seven deadly sins in Catholicism was the sin of lust. Only now did Sheyan realise that, before this, the Cardinal had faced them with his weakest aspect!

When the Cardinal's words ended, a huge milky-white cross appeared behind Aziz!

The Hebrew word for "lust" (תְשׁוּקָה) was engraved on the cross. The word brimmed with age, solemnity and desire!

Aziz soon left the illusion. Suddenly, a surge of magma and flame appeared around him, enveloping him in a pungent smell of sulphur! Aziz, who had regained his mobility, quickly moved out of the area covered by magma and flame, but magma and flame gathered into a few gigantic humanoid fire figures and rushed furiously towards Aziz.

The battlefield was right in the middle of the bustling New York City! The flame giants left burning footprints as they strode forward. The only thing that could be seen in their cruel eyes was the determination to complete the task given to them!

Next, the Cardinal turned towards Sheyan. Sheyan tried to avoid the Cardinal's eyes, but in the end, the illusionary images behind Sheyan began to slowly freeze too. He looked at them and saw that they depicted the scenes of him gulping down a variety of food including oysters, meat, shaved ice, lobster, chicken.....

"The spreader of plague." The Cardinal's tone was particularly angry because Sheyan had severed his arm before this. He never forgot about this act of blasphemy! "I judge you guilty of the sin of gluttony!"

As the Cardinal handed down his judgement, another huge milky white cross appeared behind Sheyan. The Hebrew word for "gluttony" (גַרגְרָנוּת) was engraved on the cross!

The next instant, the cross turned into a giant palm which caught the neck of Sheyan. After that, several disgusting rats, toads and snakes appeared of thin air and tried to burrow their way into Sheyan's mouth.

The appearance of the hairy rats and slimy toads caused Sheyan to struggle desperately. No normal person would willingly swallow these creatures! Sheyan could confirm by now that the Cardinal's power was indeed derived from the seven deadly sins because gluttony was also one of the seven sins!

Although Sheyan struggled furiously, he could not escape from the tight grip of the giant palm. His head started hurting and he began to see stars, as if he was knocked hard on the head. He felt like his limbs were being mercilessly shackled by a huge force, making him lose control over his body!

When he finally regained a bit of control over his body, another giant palm had emerged and ruthlessly pinched open Sheyan's mouth, trying to force feed Sheyan. Sheyan had no doubt that if he really did swallow those things, there would be some really serious repercussions.


Sheyan screamed wildly as muscles bulged all over his body. His tendons went taut and became as hard as iron, while the green veins on his muscles looked like they were about to pop out. A blinding light flashed from his nightmare imprint and the picture of a clenched fist on a shield appeared!

His eyes were bulging and bloodshot like the eyes of a fish due to the lack of oxygen. His whole body twitched violently. His feet left a deep pit in the ground in his struggle.

Suddenly, the illusionary image of the 'Stairway of the Sun' emerged behind Sheyan. Its black tendrils frantically whipped at the illusionary giant hands gripping Sheyan! All the powers inside Sheyan felt the threat of death in this moment, causing them to break out together in full force!!

Finally, crack marks started appearing on the surface of the giant palms. The stronger Sheyan struggled, the more force the palms used to restrain him. The cracks kept getting wider and wider until finally, the palms shattered into pieces which disappeared with the wind.

By then, Sheyan's lips were already in contact with the skin of a toad that was delivered to his mouth. The toad's skin was cold, bumpy, and had a pungent smell. Sheyan slapped the toad away.

When his feet landed on the ground, the surrounding scene turned back into reality. He was once again in bustling Manhattan.

But the toads, the grey rats, and the coiling snakes suddenly attacked each other in a frenzy. In the end, it was the toad that won. It quickly grew into a large monster and pounced towards Sheyan!

"This is the materialisation of illusion! The damn guy has even learned this ability! " grumbled Sheyan through clenched teeth.

The essence of the terrible power of the Seven Deadly Sins was still the power of illusion, but the Cardinal had advanced the power of illusion to the degree where truth and falsehood were intertwined together! It could be considered the combination of the power of faith, his own strength, and the power of the realm. The resulting power was terrifying.

The so-called materialisation of illusion may sound somewhat mysterious, but it was not difficult to understand. For example, in many Chinese mythologies and legends, there were a lot of demon hunters who would use spells to create heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals with their imagination to suppress demons and evil spirits.

Those were also illusions that they materialised with the power of faith and their own abilities. The ones with really high cultivation were said to be able to invite real heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals to descend! This was actually the materialisation of the illusions of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals. With their own abilities and strong beliefs, they could transform the illusions into real creatures of flesh and blood for a short period of time! This was the real terror of materialisation!

Aziz was being chased by several lava monsters while Sheyan had to deal with a vicious and evil toad monster! Not only were they in a precarious situation, the poor innocent citizens had it even worse.

These materialised monsters were all extremely ferocious. Although their main targets were Sheyan and Aziz, they didn't mind taking down the passers-by along the way. The citizens thus suffered heavy casualties. Their bodies were even consumed by the monsters!

When Aziz discovered this, he ruthlessly led the monsters into the crowd on purpose. He naturally had a very shameless purpose for doing this - the more people who died, the more serious the situation would become, and the faster the government agencies would intervene in this matter. As for the possibility of attracting the attention of other participants as a result of doing so, he could not longer care about that.

The toad that attacked Sheyan, the embodiment of the punishment for gluttony, may have looked fat and bulky with its frame that was as tall as a two-storey building, but it actually moved with great agility. This was especially so for its lightning-fast tongue that could shoot out and retract back in no more than 0.1 seconds.

Sheyan had already been hit by the tongue three times in a row. Of course he wanted to avoid the tongue, but he couldn't!

The penetrating force of the tongue was unbelievably strong. Every time Sheyan was hit by it, he felt like the tongue would puncture a hole in his chest. Not only that, the mucus sticking to the tongue was also poisonous. When it came into contact with the skin, it would turn that part of the skin green and the skin would start to rot away. Fortunately, Sheyan was immune to poison. Unfortunately, he wasn't immune to the force of the tongue. The impact from the attacks made him cough up blood. One time, the tongue even coiled around him and he was almost swallowed whole by the toad. He only managed to stop that from happening by throwing a timely 'Beast of Corrosion' on to the tongue.

Sheyan was glad to finally get out of range after retreating for a few dozen meters while he fought, but the giant toad sudden gathered force in its back legs and made a leap. This action caused a ten-storey building behind it to shake violently for a few times, then collapse to the ground. The toad's plump body was now high in the air, aiming straight for Sheyan. Sheyan felt as if a whole mountain was about to crash down on him!

He instantly rolled and scurried away. The toad crashed onto a nearby Ford Raptor, squashing the car flat under its horrible weight! Fortunately, the car did not explode, or Sheyan was bound to get seriously hurt too!

An unfortunate young man who was practicing parkour on the street also fell victim to the toad. He was flattened to a thickness of three centimeters. The smell of blood instantly permeated through the air. The young man was picked up by the toad with its tongue and became its food.

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