The Ultimate Evolution

Text - Chapter 948: Weapon!!

Chapter 948: Weapon!!

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

(TL: This is bonus chapter #8 for October from meeting a Patreon goal. Enjoy! And thanks for the support!)

Aziz's attack seemed to be merely a nonchalant one-handed shot, but Togo could do nothing to defend against it!

For someone like Aziz, once Sheyan's disease created an opportunity for him, his damage output and lethality would reach the extreme limit of an Awakener's! That was why the realm they belonged to was so optimistic regarding the potential of their cooperation and issued them a Golden Side Mission!

Togo first felt his chest getting hot, then an intense pain spread like a cobweb throughout his body from the spot where he was shot. What terrified him even more was the fact that the chest pain caused by Sheyan's disease had slowed his response so much that even though he had tried to avoid the shot by rolling to the side, he was still hit!

Two bullets flew past and penetrated into Togo's chest one after the other. The bullet at the back hit the end of the bullet at the front, causing an explosion! A hole which was deep enough to reveal the bones inside appeared on Togo's chest.

The damage from this attack was not cumulative damage that was as simple as 1+1=2, but 4 times the normal damage!

Sheyan had seen Mogensha use this "tailgating" shooting technique before. Even though Mogensha's shooting accuracy was just as good as Aziz's, his proficiency was not as high.

The two bullets shot by Aziz only collided and exploded after burrowing deep into the enemy's internal organs, while Mogensha could only let two bullets explode at random locations in the enemy's body. Mogensha's control was lacking in comparison.

Not only was Togo abnormally deformed in appearance, his willpower, as well as his endurance, were not something normal people could compare too. He still pounced towards Sheyan, roaring like a madman, even with blood spurting out from his ears, nose and eyes.

Togo's judgement was correct. If he did not kill Sheyan, Aziz would keep attacking him from the back like a hungry wolf. It was impossible for him to escape.

That was why he made a desperate charge towards Sheyan. The only way he could survive was to kill Sheyan as fast as possible, then run away!

Of course, even though Togo's way of thinking was correct, it was only so in theory. Just like the way a person could hit the jackpot and win a few billion dollars with a lottery ticket, then invite a supermodel for dinner and some happy hours afterwards, it was something that could theoretically happen, but the probability of it happening...

Togo was screaming loudly as his deformed mantis limb slashed at Sheyan. A cold glint flashed within Sheyan's eyes. He decided not to avoid the attack and instead met it head-on with his arm!

The sharp mantis limb slashed open a deep wound on Sheyan's arm, instantly spraying blood everywhere. However, that was all the attack could do. To cut Sheyan in two with a single slash was unfortunately beyond Togo's ability at the moment.

So Togo fell dead.

He died from Aziz's shots.

Although Togo repeatedly showed the strength of a Growth Hunter, he was repeatedly foiled by Sheyan.

He tried to utilise the terrain to escape once again, but Sheyan caught up to him with 'Hornrage' and threw him back to the original spot with 'Tactical Throw'. Aziz kept pulling the trigger indifferently to mercilessly harvest Togo's life with bullets. Togo had used an honorary dosage during his struggle, but in the end, he still fell into a state of near death.

Interestingly, when Togo entered a state of near death, the party ability he demonstrated was actually a very rare offensive ability!

When entering a state of near death, a circular shockwave was emitted with him at the centre, dealing a damage of (300 + the total sum of his base attribute points) to all enemies in range. In addition, 100% of the damage caused would be fed back into his HP! The HP recovery was limited to a minimum of 25% of his HP and a maximum of 50%.

This ability was extremely useful in cases where he was ganged-up on like in a zergling wave, for example. He would be beaten into a state of near death, then suddenly explode with the party ability, killing all the zerglings around him and recovering half his HP in the process.

Or imagine a fight between two people of equivalent strength - Obi-Wan Kexxxi slashed at the throat of Anakin Skyxxxker, but Anakin Skyxxxker, who was on the verge of death, absorbed the damage from the attack and launched an offensive shockwave which also healed himself. Obi-Wan Kexxxi wouldn't even know what hit him.

However, this party ability of Togo's was not that useful against Sheyan and Aziz. It only meant Aziz had to waste a few more bullets.

A shot hit Togo's chin and sent his heavily-wounded body up in the air. By now, his mantis limb had been completely shattered. When he fell heavily on the ground, he could no longer move. A large amount of blood flowed to the ground and was greedily sucked into the tender meat floor.

Aziz had weighed his shot perfectly. Togo was now on his last breath without any ability to fight back.

It's not that Aziz couldn't kill Togo; he didn't dare to kill him!

The person to kill Togo would get his Bloody Invitation Letter. Compared to the generous rewards of the Golden Side Mission, the difference in reward for completing the main mission with 3 Bloody Invitation Letters or 4 of them were not that significant.

But the difference in danger was huge!

There was no doubt that the holder of four Bloody Invitation Letters would stand out like a blazing flame in the next Blood Sensing, making all the participants fly towards him like moths. Moreover, the Invitation Letters were also the quest items for the Golden Side Mission. They could imagine the consequences of carrying four Invitation Letters - the person must bear the brunt of the attack.

As arrogant as Aziz was, he did not have the guts to carry four Bloody Invitation Letters with him.

He did not say anything. He merely pulled back his gun and started a careful maintenance of his weapon. Usually, when an MT was present, this kind of job almost always fell on the MT.

This was the fate and the responsibility of an MT. They enjoyed the privileges and support of the team, so they must also face the danger at the forefront and attract the enemy's firepower to protect the teammates behind them.

Sheyan sighed. He was forced to take up this responsibility because he could find no reason to refuse. He could only reluctantly stomp on Togo's head. A cracking sound was made and Togo was killed.

A bloody glow flashed non-stop from the three Invitation Letters on Sheyan. Togo's corpse floated into the air and the Invitation Letter he carried drifted out from his body.

However, as an intruder, the Bloody Invitation Letter Togo held was somewhat different from Sheyan's Invitation Letter, like different versions of bank notes with the same value.

After a few minutes' wait, Togo's Invitation Letter was finally validated. It stacked itself with the rest of the Invitation Letters Sheyan possessed and they dropped back into Sheyan's personal space.

[You have killed the holder of a Bloody Invitation Letter....]

The notifications were finally here:

[You have acquired his Bloody Invitation Letter. You will be specially marked during the Blood Sensing.]

[You have killed a Growth Hunter (number unknown). You receive 8 achievement points!]

[The maximum number of achievement points you can get from killing in the Bloody World is 100 points. If you exceed this limit, the achievement points awarded will become invalid.]

[The killing reward is being randomly drawn. The killing reward will be randomly generated from the equipments of the contestant you kill, and distributed to you.]

[The process may take a while. The victim's data is being restored and calculated..... Please wait patiently.]

Sheyan just kept the reward from killing Togo without the intention of sharing any with Aziz because the risk that he bore from now on would be several times higher than Aziz! Not asking any further "tribute" from Aziz was already a sign of his benevolence.

Unfortunately, the equipment extracted from Togo was only a black grade equipment that increased Strength and Intelligence but reduced Physique. Sheyan's gloves were out of energy after that fight so he did not hesitate to "feed" the black equipment to the gloves.

The parts of the mechanical boxing gloves rotated at a high speed for a few minutes to grind the black equipment and absorb it. The black equipment provided about 58% charge. Sheyan was surprised to find that the newly added energy bar was black in colour, different from the previous blue one. There was a notification:

[The gloves have absorbed a black equipment, so attack power is increased by 10% until this energy is exhausted.]

The two of them continued to search around, looking to kill a few more giant ovums to earn some achievement points, but they soon met with a few people from the MIB inside the structure. It turned out that after the Cardinal had escaped, the resisting forces outside began to fall apart, allowing the MIB to easily occupy the area.


At this moment, the Cardinal had dragged his incomplete left hand to a certain place with his eyes closed.

He left a trail of blood behind him, cutting a sorry figure.

The place had a very eerie atmosphere because many people had died here not too long ago.

This was the place where Togo had dissected a large number of innocent citizens into meat chunks, then performed a strange sacrificial ritual.

The Cardinal mumbled to himself:

"Extreme darkness shall give birth to extreme light....extreme evil shall give birth to extreme power of holiness!!!"

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