The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 505 - A Fox In The Sheep's Skin

Ten minutes passed, and Jose ordered a few more delicacies and juice for himself. Ava wanted another cupcake but she didn't dare to move from her chair or ask her mother.

So she just watched outside as her mother wouldn't like it if she watched them. Her mother says she will jinx them. She was already happy that she was sitting with her mother and brother at the same table.

Her mother was helping Jose when she knocked on the juice glass. Ava was late to notice and her white school shirt stained purple due to grape juice.

Her mother frowned at her, "Go, wash it off." She ordered, giving her a disgusted look.

As obedient she was, Ava nodded and weakly uttered, "Yes, Mom." Maisie doesn't like it if she calls her mother outside that could be audible for others. Maisie had actually ordered her to address 'Madam Kelly.' but her grandfather had scolded her mother.

Getting off the chair, she looked around but didn't see the board to the washroom. She saw a young teenager who had a black apron tied around her waist. She had to lift her head and ask, "Excuse me, could you please tell me where the restroom is?"

The teenager turned left hearing the soft, sweet voice. He had long legs and a slender body. His face was so gorgeous that many girls were drooling at him. Probably he thought Ava was striking a conversation with him until he noticed her shirt, unblushing cheeks, her innocent eyes which didn't shine like other girls.

He didn't show any expression when he nodded at her before pointing right, "I am sorry, the board is yet to hang in." He was polite.

Ava flashed him an understanding smile, "It's alright. Sorry for the trouble."

The boy was obviously taken back and unknowingly smiled at her. Ava went with him as they half-circled the center counter without talking a word. Then he pointed at the door, "The right one is the restroom. There are tissues inside, you can use them."

Ava turned around to the teenager and ever so slightly bent her head, "Thank you." Then she went inside.

It took her a few minutes but the purple mark didn't wear off so she tried to dry it a little using tissue and quickly returned to the table, afraid her mother would scold her for being late.

But what waited for her was an empty table. Her eyes involuntarily filled up, accurately knowing they left her, again. Probably it was infinite time. Yet, there was still a little hope in her eyes, hope that her mother might be waiting for her outside.

She reached the glass wall next to the table and desperately looked at where the car was parked. And, it was gone. Her mother left her again.

It wasn't the first time, and it won't be the last time. Her tear-filled eyes slowly started to dry while she stood there and watched outside. Many parents were taking their children with them. Some went by walking, some in the bus and some in the vehicle. She smiled looking at their happiness while trying snacks together.

Those actions were farfetched for her. She wished for it but never became greedy.

The confused two teenagers had noticed the mother and son leave right after the girl went to the washroom. They felt like her mother knocked the glass on purpose to get rid of her.

They didn't expect to face such a situation on their first day at the cafe. They were somewhat clueless but they weren't ignorant.

Once the customer flow and the orders lowered, half an hour had already passed, yet the girl stood there, lost in her thoughts but the smile still hung on her lips.

"Excuse me." Ava turned around at the voice and craned her neck. He was the same handsome boy who spoke politely to her.

The boy noticed there was a smile but she wasn't happy. Then he was again taken back when she gave an apologetic smile hiding her emotions well behind her smile, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to disturb the business."

She was going towards the door when the boy stopped her, extending his mobile towards her, "Wait... It's getting late, call your parents to pick you up."

She looked at him and his hand which was passing her the phone. Her eyes dimmed, she bit her lip, she didn't know her parents' contact number and even if she knew, they wouldn't pick her. She knew her grandfather's number and she didn't want to disturb him.

She shook her head, "Thank you but I know the way home." She slightly nodded her head for showing little concern before she turned around and walked away, leaving the teenager stunned.


The next day evening,

Ava had reached the school gate and saw his brother taking the car. She wanted to yell as she was right there, even her mother glanced at her but she got in and the car drove away with Ava running behind it for a few meters.

It wasn't new for her, with her bag on her shoulders, she was walking when her eyes laid on the cafe. She remembered she had liked the cupcake and again craved to eat.

She went inside and ordered a cupcake, this time choosing a chocolate flavor. She handed the money, collected the small tray, thanked the teenager, and was going towards the empty table when she saw the handsome teenager from the previous day.

Their eyes met and she smiled, her eyes forming a crescent and her cheeks slightly turning pink. That teenager felt a spark of interest towards her but he didn't react and Ava didn't mind. She ate her cupcake and left.


It repeated for almost a month. The cashier teenager liked the sweet girl, both had exchanged names and Ava was calling him Senior Nick and he started calling her, 'Our cupcakes glutton.'

He actually called her 'Our cupcakes customer' which he got a slip of tongue once and became 'Our cupcake glutton.'

At the same time, the handsome teenager earned a smile from her every day but never spoke to each other. He was seriously intrigued by her. Initially, they had misunderstood her as she was like other girls who wanted their attention but her focus was only on the cupcake.

He had once tried his own cupcake but felt no special. However, her eyes always sparkled whenever he noticed her eyes on the cupcake. Especially if he brings out freshly baked or new flavor cupcakes.

Hence, he unknowingly started anticipating her arrival every evening as soon as he was reaching the shop with his friend. He used to even look through if he could make new flavor cupcakes, especially for her.

During the course of the month, he easily got to know her favorite flavor, and toppings she liked. Then he occasionally started noticing her in the school, while she was playing chess, sometimes on the ground, a few times in the canteen. If he was going by her class, he never missed taking a glance at her with Nick- Nikun Morris.

Nick used to wave his hand at her and she was returning it then a smile at the handsome teenager, despite knowing the handsome teenager won't react to it.

Just when the handsome teenager thought of making her the tastemaker for the desserts he bakes, Ava tried to touch his face, and his face darkened significantly going away from her hand.

He felt he judged her totally wrong and she was truly cunning to wait for him to let his guard down.. A fox in the sheep's skin.

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