The Real Young Miss's Secret Identities Revealed

Chapter 766 Psychological Distortion

Jiang Li enjoyed her life in university, but she did not lose her guard against potential dangers.

She also heard that Su Yang had returned to school.

Due to his behaviors, he had become a big joke in school, even though what he did was all consensual.

He needed to be condemned morally, but the law could not find any fault with him. Moreover, he was a victim.

When Jiang Li was preparing to leave the school, she saw the gaunt and thin Su Yang.

He was accompanied by a few roommates who were usually close to him. He was walking in the direction of the new cafeteria, and he actually brought with him an indescribable sense of fragile beauty. He attracted the attention of many girls along the way.

Not talking about character, just looking at Su Yang's appearance, he could still attract many young girls.

Jiang Li withdrew her gaze from Su Yang's face and quickened her steps. She was afraid that if a certain gentleman waited too long, he would be unhappy.

Su Yang had also noticed Jiang Li early on. He knew that Jiang Li was looking at him, and she was especially attentive. He could not help but feel proud.

This woman pretended to be quite high and mighty as if she wanted to keep a distance from him. Deep down, she was still restless. She was obsessed with his beauty, but she did not dare to look at him openly.

Su Yang was also calculating in his heart. Even if he temporarily could not do it in that aspect, it did not mean that he did not have other ways to get Jiang Li.

He had an idea and tried his best to display his advantage. He wanted to use another kind of male beauty to attract Jiang Li, but Jiang Li had already quickly turned a corner and quickened her pace.

Su Yang was annoyed and instinctively wanted to chase after her, but he heard his roommate talk about another new campus goddess.

Jiang Man.

Su Yang could not quite remember how long it had been since he heard this name. When he first heard it, he was a little dazed. "Who said that? Jiang Man?"

When Su Yang's roommate mentioned Jiang Man, he was very interested.

Fair, rich, and beautiful.

She had a strong background and strong abilities.

Most importantly, she was gentle to people and never put on airs.

When Su Yang saw his roommate's infatuated expression, he laughed disdainfully in his heart.

Jiang Man, this woman, had gone through countless men, but she was able to rely on her appearance and the character she had created to attract another wave of 'brainless fans' in school. She was indeed worthy of being someone who had been in the entertainment industry.

This little trick could play many boys in circles.

Su Yang listened to his roommates' descriptions of Jiang Man and felt an itch in his heart. He wished he could find Jiang Man at that moment and press her under him...

No! He could not do it at the moment.

Su Yang was so angry that his teeth were itchy. When he thought of Jiang Li, the woman he could not get, his hatred was even stronger.

"But, she has dirt on her. I heard that she always caused trouble when she was filming. She even pretended to be a painter, and..." A roommate who usually did not like to talk much stammered and mentioned the negative news about Jiang Man.

This news had already spread on the school forum, and every 'bad thing' that Jiang Man did was beaten to death with solid evidence.

It was said that Jiang Man was targeting people who were related to her by blood.

"Isn't a girl like this very scary?" The boy's voice became lower and lower, and Su Yang almost could not hear it anymore.

Another roommate disagreed, "One slap won't make a difference. Who knows how much she has been wronged behind her back? That's why she had to use this method to protect herself."

"Her methods aren't very smart, but she was forced to do it."

Forced to do it?

Su Yang was more and more impressed with Jiang Man. In this kind of situation where the dirt was spread everywhere, she was still able to win the sympathy of others and even exonerate her.

The boy's voice was like a mosquito fly. "Isn't there a problem with her character? The students in the club all think..."

His voice was too soft, so no one would pay attention to it.

However, someone noticed that Su Yang was walking in the direction of the new cafeteria and immediately shouted, "Su Yang, you're going the wrong way. The new cafeteria is over there."

Su Yang awkwardly stopped walking and looked at his roommate. He smiled and said, "I just remembered that I need to buy something. You guys go to the cafeteria and wait for me."

His roommate was worried about leaving him alone, so he offered to accompany Su Yang. However, Su Yang rejected him without hesitation.

Su Yang noticed that his attitude was too stiff, so he tried his best to squeeze out a smile. "I'm going to the pharmacy."

Ah! His roommates nodded in realization. "Let's go order some food first and then wait for you to come back."

"Okay, wait for me," Su Yang said with a smile.

When he turned around and turned his back to his roommates, his expression became rather gloomy.

In order to get rid of his roommates, he had exposed his own scars. These roommates must be laughing at him behind his back, right?

It did not matter.

Everyone just had to wait and see.

He would make these people who laughed at him and looked down on him pay the price.

Su Yang raised his head and quickened his pace. The path he was taking was the direction Jiang Li was leaving in.

Why would Jiang Li leave the school at this time?

Could it be that she had other plans?

Su Yang seemed to have lost control. His brain was on fire, and he wanted to find Jiang Li's weakness and use it to threaten this duplicitous woman.

The environment outside Jing University was also quite prosperous, full of the atmosphere of life.

Jiang Li's pace was not fast. She walked further and further away from the school, away from the prosperous area. Finally, she crossed a road and walked to the plain building area opposite.

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