" Are you interested in having a taste of your school time memories?"

Fu Jiuxiao's eyes sparkled. His Ah Li could always surprise him.

It turned out that this bowl of borscht was what Jiang Li had just brought back from school, which was a surprise for Fu Jiuxiao.

In fact, Fu Jiuxiao had only casually mentioned it, but he did not expect Jiang Li to remember it in her heart.

Fu Jiuxiao did not have many memories of university, because the whole university life was extremely boring for him. He was not much different from other students.

Except for some compulsory courses, he spent the rest of his time self-studying another course, and then he was busy with all kinds of competitions.

Fu Jiuxiao did not participate in these competitions on his own accord. It was the school that made him go. Fu Jiuxiao was not against it. He was just doing one more set of paper or sacrificing a few more hours of sleep. He had been used to this kind of life since he was young.

Many things were not his intention to compete, but because he was a member of the Fu family, his family required him to be so outstanding.

Fu Jiuxiao did not make friends during university because he was also studying or managing his own company while others were making friends. Friends were dispensable to Fu Jiuxiao.

Therefore, university life was not a very good memory for Fu Jiuxiao.

It was not that Fu Jiuxiao did not envy other people's university life, but every time he had such thoughts, he had less time. Soon, many things came to him... He did not even have the time to envy those free and unfettered college students.

His study life was like a computer, constantly running to input and output his knowledge.

As for why he had such an impression of the borscht? In fact, it was only because the aunt who brought him food suddenly had something to do at home for a few days. Fu Jiuxiao did not want to trouble others, so he went to eat the school's food for a few days.

Fu Jiuxiao's eating habits had been fixed since he was born, so he was picky about his food choices. Very few dishes were to his taste.

His shopping principle was that the more expensive the item, the better. He forgot who taught him that.

Therefore, Fu Jiuxiao ordered borscht at that restaurant because it was the most expensive dish in the restaurant. However, this dish was still cheaper than the vegetables he usually ate.

Fu Jiuxiao saw that there should be nothing wrong with it since the others were eating so well, so he endured the discomfort and took a sip. Later, he found that the soup was indeed delicious.

Fu Jiuxiao did not have the courage to try other dishes, so he only ate one serving of borscht for several days.

In the end, Fu Jiuxiao wanted to vomit when he saw the borscht.

However, Fu Jiuxiao probably did not know that because he often visited that restaurant during that period of time, the business of that restaurant was several times better than usual. Moreover, this borscht became the shop's trademark in the end.

Moreover, due to Fu Jiuxiao's fame as the god of exams in the school, everyone called this borscht 'God of Exams' Soup'.

Every time there was a final exam or mid-term exam, the students always liked to come to this restaurant and order a bowl of 'God of Exams' Soup'. This could be considered a legend left behind by Fu Jiuxiao in Jing University.

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