The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 849 - Brothers Quarrel II

Jin Hua saw Bei Li Yan and Jin Hao were still fighting, she hurriedly came over to them and then explained, "Brother, I already told you, Master Bei was just checking my condition, he thinks I have a fever that's why Master Bei…" Jin Hua subconsciously glanced at Bei Li Yan when suddenly their gazes met Jin Hua's face turned red again and she quickly lowered her head and continued her sentence, "Master Bei only touched my face to check my temperature, nothing else!"

"You heard that mad fox!" Bei Li Yan snorted in annoyance.

Jin Hao's mouth curved downwards, why did he feel there is something more going on here….but he wasn't sure what it is?

Lory and Ming Yue Yin walked leisurely while carrying a bowl of soup, they watched the show while eating and standing up. Their behavior was extremely impolite and frown upon to but they didn't care, at the Hei Shen sect, no one cared about small things like etiquette.

This is what Ming Yue Yin liked the most about Hei Shen. While spooning her soup, Ming Yue Yin saw Jin Hua's reaction when he look at Bei Li Yan, it was very subtle but she was assured there was something more in Jin Hua's eyes.

"Auntie, did you see what I saw?" she nudged Lory's arms.

"Hmm" Lory smiled mysteriously "Finish your soup, Boy!" Lory took a sip of the spoon then handed the empty bowl to Lan Hua who was also giggling beside Lory. Obviously, the women know what's going on here but can't say the same about the men clearly that they don't have a clue. Well, that's not surprising.

"All joke aside, we have something urgent to talk about" Lory ended their little fight.

"But we're not joking…" Bei Li Yan felt defeated.

Jin Hao sighed and then he got up from the ground.

"Let's find a suitable place to talk," Zhao Li Xin said then.

"Okay, my lord!" Bei Li Yan replied resignedly as he rose from the ground as well, since this place was his residence, it was his duty to serve them.

'The uninvited guest'

"Prepare more refreshment too" added Ming Yue Yin.

Lory raised an eyebrow, "Still hungry?"

Ming Yue Yin shrugged and replied nonchalantly "I have a hunch this will take quite some time"

Lory couldn't deny it, she looked up and raised her hand then from afar Girsha flew and then landed on Lory's index finger.

Jin Hua was dumbfounded when she saw the Snow White Bird with a long golden tail that hung like a golden tassel. Jin Hua was a Beastmaster so she had in-depth knowledge of every kind of Beast in the world but she had never seen or heard a bird like this before.

he couldn't guess what bird this was, nor could she feel the power hidden inside the bird but after seeing the bird's green eyes that glittered like gemstones, Jin Hua was sure this bird was no ordinary bird.

"Madam, what animal is this?" He looked at Girsha without blinking.

Lory and Girsha exchanged glances and then Lory smiled meaningfully "The first kind" she answered vaguely.

"Uh, what?" Jin Hua looked confused.

Lory didn't explain further, she chuckled then left while holding Zhao Li Xin's arm. Jin Hua was silent not understanding what Lory's means, however, she didn't bother by it, the origin of the bird must be very special therefore Madam Zhao didn't want to explain it to her, Jin Hua didn't feel offended it wasn't wrong for Madam Zhao to keep it a secret.

They finally gathered in the main room, because the Bei Li Yan Villa was rather small, the room looked full, especially with the Vermillion Palace members going back and forth to deliver Ming Yue Yin's refreshment, later on,  Bei Li Yan ordered his members to leave after delivering the food then he orders Lan Hua and Mei Gui to guard the door so that no one will interrupt their conversation.

"In that case, okay!" Lory clapped to get everyone's attention. "I need Miss Jin to tell me everything you saw in the Whispering Forest, anything! I mean how did you feel when you first walked into the woods, what you saw, what you felt no matter how small it sounded you have to tell me, this is very important" Lory remind her.

Jin Hua suddenly became nervous, she shifted her gaze to Jin Hao nervously.

'Here It is!' Jin Hua knew they wouldn't believe her so easily.

Jin Hao knew what Jin Hua was thinking so he explained: "Don't be afraid, this is not an interrogation, actually madam knows Lao Min Na quite well and she probably knows what Lao Min Na was doing in that place, she just need you to confirm her suspicion" Jin Hao looked at Jin Hua with a reassuring look.

"Geez, I didn't mean to interrogate you, No-no-no" Lory waved her hand, she felt bad for scaring the little girl "As Jin Hao said, more or less I could guess what Lao Min Na had done at that place. However, I'm not sure what exactly it is and how bad it is… but, I hope I'm wrong" Lory mumbled the last sentence while crossing her fingers.

No one understood what the movement meant but they continued anyway, only Jin Hua made a questioning face so Ming Yue Yin 'kindly' gives a thoughtless explanation "Meaning if she is wrong she will receive punishment from the God"

"HEY, that's not what it means!" Lory rebuked loudly.

"Then what does this mean?" Ming Yue Yin imitated the gesture.

"That... um," Lory didn't know how to explain it either, "It's like a prayer!" Lory carelessly explained.

"Ohh, so this is how your people pray" Ming Yue Yin nodded in approval, the next thing she did, Ming Yue Yin crossed her fingers and prayed earnestly "May God bless this country in peace for thousands of years!"

Lory watch Ming Yua Yin and fell silent "…."

Ming Yue Yin turns to Lory with a beaming expression "Like that?!"

Lory raised her thumb "Yeah, like that!" Lory was too tired and lazy to correct Ming Yue Yin, There's no harm about it, right?

Wrong! what Lory didn't know in the far future Because some officials saw Ming Yue Yin pray like this it becomes known as the new way to show your respect to God according to the mighty Empress, as a result, this gesture spread wildly in the Liang Zu citizen and soon the whole continent and for a long time it becomes quite a trend.

Yes, rather than press their hands together like normal people would do, some people will cross their fingers when they are praying to their God.

But for now, Lory didn't realize what she had done.

Lory pinched her glabella then drew everyone's attention back again "So, what did you see in that forest….just explain from the start, please" Lory try to sound as gentle as she could.

Jin Hua's eyebrows knitted very closely. She tried to recall the memories of that day then slowly she said: "I remember the forest was darker than I thought..."

Lory's expression became serious, "You've been there before?"

"Yes, long ago at that time there was nothing special or strange about the Whispering forest, it was just an ordinary forest like any other forest I've been there before" Jin Hua explained.

"Then what else..." Lory subconsciously leaned forward even Girsha's whole attitude changed too.

Jin Hua took a deep breath, she always had this sickening feeling whenever she thought about the Whispering Forest, "The forest is quiet, not like the usual silence but very - very quiet it's as if no one lives there, not even crickets….and the ground, the soil was black and muddy, the grass yellow probably dead because of the soil….at that time I knew something bad was dwelling in that forest but I was too arrogant, not only I ignored the warnings of my subordinates, I also ignored my own hunch" Jin Hua clenched her fists as the feeling of regret engulf her once more.

Then what happened" Lory helped Jin Hua to focus, there would be time to grieve and regret but for now, Lory needed to assess the situation by gathering as much information as she could.

Jin Hua also understood, she calm herself and took a deep breath then continued: "From my previous visit to the Whispering forest it's not hard to find the abandoned temple complex location as I've seen it before though from afar, at least I know the right direction to get there so I released my beast to scout the area and warn us if they see any danger."

"What beast do you have?" asked Lory.

"A Goshawk, Leopard and gray wolf, they are not in celestial Beasts level but they are all at Divine and Emperor level so my Beast is quite smart and strong" Jin Hua replied.

Having three high-level beasts under her command showed how talented Jin Hua was as a Beastmaster.

However, no one looked Impressed when they heard about Jin Hua beast level because they had seen Shin Jiu celestial beast and they have seen the first kind too so other levels below it were like a normal animal to them.

"Initially our journey was quite smooth, nothing happened then fifteen minutes later I lost my connection with all my beasts except the Goshawk, so I and my subordinates tracked them to their last position where our connection was cut off and there I found a bunch of strange-looking creatures gnawing at my beast carcass" Jin Hua's face contorted from indescribable disgust.

Immediately everyone put on a tense face, since Jin Hua is a beastmaster, she must have in-depth knowledge of Beasts especially since she comes from a powerful clan like the Misty lake, she might have seen almost all kinds of Beasts in the world or at least read about it, so when Jin Hua said that the beast looks strange it is a mind-blowing statement.

Jin Hua definitely encounters the Hybrid Beast.

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