The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 845 - A Preposterous Request III

"Xi Ying, you are joking right, I mean they can't be that brazen, right" Governor yang can't hide his anxiety, even though he was disappointed with Yang Qiou Xi but he couldn't let his daughter slaughter like a cattle.

"Why not, who do you think the four Kings' palace is, do you think they act according to common sense, will they succumbs to other people's schemed just to protect their reputation, and do you think Lord Long Ming will bother to stop them? Long Ming is far more ruthless and vindictive than you ever think of and Qiou Xi dares to try to slander his beloved wife right in front of him is the same as slapping him in the face if not worst, do you think if it wasn't for Qiou Xi being my sister, she would have left unscathed like this, do you think her ruined reputation would be the only thing happen to her?!" Yang Xi Ying spat her anger, she didn't know where her father got the confidence to force anyone from the Hei Shen sect to marry Qiou Xi, heck, even Ming Yue Yin would not be so presumptuous.

Meanwhile, Governor Yang felt conflicted if he couldn't marry Yang Qiou Xi to the Hei Shen Sect then who will marry Yang Qiou Xi, should he marry her to someone from the lower position but it would only embarrass him further, how could he raise his head around his political friends they must think of him as a joke, obviously this will be an indelible stain on his reputation, there is a possibility that his position as governor will be threatened.

"Xi Ying, can you help your sister? I know your relationship with Qiou Xi is not good, but after all, we are one family, and as a family should we help each other? Xi Ying just takes it as your father begging you this time" even though governor Yang sounded pleading but obviously he used family ties to force Yang Xing to help him.

"I object!" Li Mo Zhen suddenly refute.

Governor Yang looked at Li Mo Zhen with a reproachful look, "Mo Zhen, why are you...?"

"My father-in-law thinks you have misunderstood the nature of our relationship with Long Ming" Li Mo Zhen did not hide his dissatisfaction "Xi Ying and I are indebted to Madam Zhao, without Madam Zhao's help I wouldn't be here now and if it wasn't for Madam Zhao liking Xi Ying, there was no way that Long Ming and his sect would help the Jiu Yun sect but this relationship only depended on Madam Zhao's grace, but what had Yang Qiou Xi done….? Shee had provoked the only person in Hei Shen that she should not be provoked and when the situation became like this, you forced my pregnant wife to plead with Madam Zhao and ruined their relationship, do you know how ridiculous your request is?" Li Mo Zhen's anger exploded like wildfire.

Governor Yang had never seen Li Mo Zhen this angry before, he always thought of Li Mo Zhen as a gentle person, even though he was cold and firm but he was never rude so when he saw Li Mo Zhen release his anger like this, Governor Yang's subconsciously shrank his neck in fear.

"Qiou Xi's own stupidity that led her into this situation and I will not allow Xi Ying to sacrifice her friendship with Madam Zhao just for Qiou Xi's stupidity and if father-in-law continues to insist I will take Xi Ying from here right now and will not allow her to set foot into Yang Manor ever again! " Li Mo Zhen gentle eyes now filled with utter rage, that could make anyone shiver to their spine.

It was then governor Yang realized that if his relations with Yang Xi Ying deteriorated, not only would he lose the support of the Jiu Yun sect, even Empress Ming would also start to ignore him since he know how close Empress Ming was with Yang Xi Ying, if that happened then his position as Sun Jan city governor, would definitely unable to be maintained.

Governor Yang's faces turn white as flour his voice instantly becomes warm "Mo Zhen, don't talk like that, I'm just worried about Qiou Xi's future, that's all" he smiles awkwardly.

"But you didn't think about Xi Ying's future?" Li Mo Zhen gave a sarcastic comment.

Governor Yang's expression became stiff, it seemed as if he had stepped on a landmine, it was inevitable that his relationship with his wonderful son-in-law would deteriorate from today on and all because of his stupid daughter Yang Qiou Xi and the foolish suggestion of his concubine. Knowing his proposal was futile, Governor Yang left with a hunch on his back but failed to make Yang Xi Ying feel bad for him.

His father was a coward, indecisive, and conceited that three were his biggest weaknesses, luckily he was born into the Yang family and received a lot of training and education so that his shortcomings could be suppressed quite a lot however when it came to dealing with family matters, those shortcomings reappeared time and time again, therefore, the Yang family inner courtyard was never been peaceful but his father failed to notice, he just felt happy all those women fighting for his attention, somehow it boosted his male ego.

"How are you, do you feel uncomfortable?" Li Mo Zhen checked her pulse, he had learned a bit about how to check a pregnant woman's condition from Yuan Xue An, she thought this was necessary to make sure Yang Xi Ying's condition was fine.

Only after he feels the baby's pulse seem normal did Li Mo Zhen could breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine, I just don't understand how my father's mind works? I think he gets worse as he gets older" Yang Xi Ying frowned.

"Well, she is indeed getting old" Li Mo Zhen agreed, "Even so, your father has a habit of getting excited too quickly when he feels victorious, you remember he accepted my proposal without asking if I would take you as a legal wife or not? back then he was just eager to cultivate a relationship with the Jiu Yun sect" Li Mo Zhen makes cynical smile.

Li Mo Zhen always felt grateful that he found Yang Xi Ying fast enough to make her his wife if he came a little later who knows to whom this stupid father would marry his beloved wife, he even almost marry her with that loser Gu Lian Fu.

"But I'm still angry!" Yang Xi Ying twitch her nose, "Hold the bolster, I need to hit something to release my anger!"

"Xi Ying, your condition is not good…" he coaxed his wife.

"The bolster or you, make a choice!" Yang Xi Ying squints her eyes.

Li Mo Zhen raised the bolster "Hit it, honey!"


"Eh, Ming Ru Yi, already gone?" Ming Yue Yin's hand holding the chopsticks stopped in mid-air as she listened to the news from Fu Ying

"Yes, Your Majesty, my father General Fu has confirmed this himself" replied Fu Ying.

Ming Yue Yin who is having breakfast is eating a bowl of sumptuous noodle soup confused, where can a vegetative woman run to? Someone must help Ming Ru Yi to escape, but who and why? no one is on Ming Ru Yi's side anymore as her condition is no better than the living dead, Ming Ru Yi also has no imperial bloodline because his father is not the biological son of the previous emperor and this was known to the whole kingdom so Ming Ru Yi has no value at all.

Ming Yue Yin placed Ming Ru Ying in a separate palace in a corner of his imperial palace, even though she was the daughter of the emperor, Ming Yue Yin thought she had done nothing wrong other than being stupid and annoying so she sent several people to take care of Ming Ru Yi.

In short, Ming Yue Yin didn't mistreat her,  on contrary, she gave Ming Ru Yi quite a comfortable life in her vegetative state nevertheless Ming Yue Yin never treated Ming Ru Yi's injury because Mong Yue Yin didn't want Ming Ru Yi to incite any trouble in the future.

Besides is not easy to treat Ming Ru Yi injury the best one can do is make her able to sit and talk a little bit and that's it, at the end of the day Ming Ru Yi was deemed to be crippled for the rest of her life, but who could she blame, it was her own fault for trying to harm Lory right in front of Zhao Li Xin face. Why did that stupid girl have to touch that Demon Lord reverse scales?

Is there any hint about Ming Ru Yi's disappearance?" Ming Yue Yin asked while sipping her noodles.

"Not much, it's just that all the guards and maids that guarding Ming Ru Yi died with just one slash" Fu Ying's forehead creased expressing his curiosity.

"Maybe because the people that guarding Ming Ru Yi are too weak?" Ming Yue Yin guessed.

"That might be, your majesty, but general Fu and uncle Wu still investigating this matter thoroughly, Uncle Wu feel there something weird about Ming Ru Yi disappearance," Fu Ying said,

"Of course it's weird, who will benefit from releasing a half-dead fake princess?" Ming Yue Yin clicked her tongue, she could feel something deeper than this.

"Oh what about the Xiao family, is there anything new about them?" Ming Yue Yin asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty but our investigation is still unclear but we know that Xiao Bo Zhi sent his most trusted men into the whispering forest?"

Ming Yue Yin furrows her brows, "Why is that name familiar?"

"Because it's the same place where Miss Jin Hua got wounded" Fu Ying's voice suddenly become heavy.

Ming Yue Yin's mouth twitched as she finished her meal then wiped her lips with a handkerchief then sighed, "Why am I not surprised about this?"

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