The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 828 - Surprise Meeting II

Lory found a small bookstore next to Xi Lin's teahouse building, the small shop was sandwiched between two large shops, one was a jewelry store and the other was a clothing store, the gloomy bookstore seemed to be misplaced between two high-end shops and stores. . . . . luxurious.

Lory tilted her head slightly before she entered the small shop with Mong Yi, the place was old and deserted, a stark contrast to the bustling atmosphere outside but Lory didn't hate it, instead, she felt quite familiar with it.

because the shop is small, it doesn't have many books on display, some are even in bad condition.

Lory glanced at the bookkeeper for help however the old man who was supposed to be the bookkeeper at the counter seemingly half asleep, feeling sorry for the old man, Lory decide not to disturb the old man.

Lory browsed through all the bookshelves looking for interesting books, however, what she found were books with sad titles such as 'Across the River', 'Thousands of Sad Songs', 'Withered Flowers and Broken Swords'

Lory's brows twitched, why is it so depressing, her own life is enough for that? where's the racy book! Lory wondered.

Maybe because she was impatient, she accidentally knocked on the book behind her and it fell to the floor, luckily the books in this world didn't have hardcovers so they didn't make a loud noise.

Lory picked up a book from the floor he patted the book off the ground, then he saw the title 'Twin Kings of Heaven'

The word 'Twins' caught her eye, Lory turned to the yellow pages even though the outside looks old the writing inside is quite clear it even has fewer flowery words unlike other books which only confuses her in the end, so this one is easy enough for 'uncultured' woman like her to read.

"This is interesting…" Lory muttered.

"You found the book to your liking?" Mong Yi peeks at the book with half curious and half worried expression 'I hope it's not a racy novel'

"Yes, I think it's an old folklore, have you read the story of the Twin Kings of Heaven?" Lory shows the book to Mong Yi.

"No ma'am" Mong Yi shook his head in relief while praising God in her head 'Thank God, not a racy book'

"Let's buy this!" Lory waved the book and walked over to the counter.

The old man slouched with half-closed eyes, Lory looked at the old man for a moment 'This old man is still alive right?'

Lory then knocked on the table twice and the old man made a choking sound which startled Lory thankfully the old man opened his eyes and looked at Lory in a daze, he suddenly laughs "Miss you look very beautiful..." he make an abrupt comment that can be considered inappropriate in this world standard.

Mong Yi gaped, did they stumble with an old pervert, meanwhile Lory didn't even flinch, "Thank you, I want to buy this book" Lory said calmly without a hint of embarrassment.

The old man checked Lory's book and then suppressed a smile "Ten copper coins" he said.

"Oh.." Lory put the coin on the table "You don't need to wrap it" Lory took the book and left the bookstore, and returned to Xi Lin tea house but at the entrance, Lory suddenly bumped into a young woman, Lory reflexively grabbed the young woman arm before she falls "Sorry!" Lory apologize.

The woman smiled "It's okay, It's my fault for not being careful" the woman said kindly.

A sense of brusque terror suddenly hit her once their shoulder brush each other, Lory was stunned for a second but she quickly recovers, Lory nod her head and smile politely "Have a nice day miss"

"You too.." The woman replied as she entered the Xi Lin tea house building with two of her maids.

Lory watched the woman back and her brows furrowed, her five senses tingling as if she looming by bad premonition, Lory looked up then she called out [Girsha!]

However, Girsha didn't answer her call but because of their connection Lory knew Girsha was still around [Are you still mad old man?] Lory was greeted by silence again, Lory sighed then he entered the building.

Lory is not worried this is not the first time the old bird has throwing tantrum in fact it has happened many times in the past and the number one reason is because of her reckless behavior, nevertheless, Girsha attitude never irked her on contrary she always feel guilty because deep down Lory understand Girsha worries, but sometimes she has taken the bad from the worst decision.

Lory returned to her private room on the second floor, the place was clean and her favorite pink flower tea had been replaced with a new one.

This was to be expected because Lory had half of Xi Lin because Yang Xi Ying was persistent so of course everyone treated Lory with the utmost respect, Lory had finally experienced how to earn money without moving a finger... wait, she's been doing that ever since she met Zhao Li Xin!

"Madam, I will call the maid to prepare the cakes for you" Mong Yi cupped his fists.

"Okay, thanks" Lory then sat down and pulled out her new book.

Not long after the maid came with a tray full of various types of cakes and sweet desserts, the other maid poured hot tea for Lory after they finished work, they left Lory alone and Mong Yi also didn't want to disturb her so he guards outside the room.

as the room turn quiet, Lory sipped her tea as she began to read.

'As the beginning of the world, giant, Beast, and hellhounds rule the world leaving no room for weak creatures like humans. In the midst of desperation, a young man prayed to God for forty days without drinking or eating he plead the God to give all human power that would help humans to survive in this barbaric world.

But God never answered the desperate young man's plea until his wife shouted to heaven 'If you answer my husband's prayer, I will give you one of my children!"

Suddenly the sky begin to rumbled the wind howled and lightning struck each other as if the sky was about to split in half, the young couple embraced each other as the sky turn dark but then a ray of light pierced from the sky and the light shone at the belly of the young man's wife and then they heard  a voice 'I will grant your wish but when your child born, you must sacrifice one of them for the God'

The young man and his wife were dumbfounded as the voice and light disappeared as fast as they had come, they looked at each other with hope brimming in their eyes.

Not long after, the young man's wife conceived twin boys, as if God deliberately give them two children at once so it would make them easier to sacrifice one of their children.

The young man and his wife were actually reluctant to let go of one of their children but an unexpecting thing happened when the wife gave birth, one of the children was born normal and healthy but the other was born as an egg the size of two hands.

The young couple was confused but at the same time relieved because one of their children is abnormal therefore the decision which child should be sacrifice become obvious.'

"Is it a good book?"

Lory was surprised she lifted his head, out of nowhere a woman who stumbled with her at the front door already sitting across from her. The woman casually took the cake from the plate and ate it with her hands.

Lory closed her book calmly then she assessed the woman carefully before she asked with a stern voice, "Who are you?" Lory heightened her vigilance as she slowly reached for the dagger under her sleeve.

For someone sneaking in front of her and Mong Yi, it wasn't an easy task especially when her strength has gradually returned.

The woman chewed the cake in relax manner and sneer at Lory, "Why don't you use your power to found out….Lory?" the woman deliberately patronized her while wiping her mouth coquettishly with a handkerchief.

Lory straightened her and her whole body become tensed, her name was only known to those close to her so how could this strange woman know her name?

Lory cast a spell, her eyes flashed and turned purplish the next thing happen Lory saw a pitch-black mana envelope the woman's body, Lory's breath hitch when the woman's eyes turn into deep red eyes that were similar to blood.

"Lao Min Na" Lory's voice deepens.

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