The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 823 - The Hard Decision



"Are you bored?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have been trapped inside the manor for days, I thought you must be bored"

Lory put down her pencil then lifted her head from her drawing book "What's wrong, are you boring?" Lory guessed as soon as she saw his handsome face in a tight pout, Lory herself didn't feel bored at all because Ming Yue Yin was around and they used to visit Yang Xi Ying to accompany her, the girls spent their time gossiping, eating snacks while joking around, therefore, Lory didn't have a reason to be bored.

Zhao Li Xin dragged his chair next to Lory then propped his chin with his fists while looking at her, "We haven't been out together in a long time, have we?"

Lory tilted her head and nod "Well, it's been quite a while but I guess that's alright since we still have to be careful with Wei Zu Tian and his underlings lurking outside"

Zhao Li Xin growled, "I don't like the idea that we have to lock ourselves in our own place just because a man is watching us from outside after all with me around nothing will happen to you" Zhao Li confidently said.

"Sooo..." Lory put her arm around Zhao Li Xin's neck, "This is a date?"

A dazzling smile bloomed on Zhao Li Xin face like the sunrise on the first morning "Yes, it is"

"Are you sure about this, we might stumble with one of our enemies?" Lory narrowed her eyes to check for any signs of worry in Zhao Li Xin's eyes, as expected she got nothing.

"Who cares, speaking of enemies, recently there has been no movement from the Heaven Gate side," Zhao Li Xin said suspiciously.

"Really….that's weird" Lory frowned, "I thought he came here to bothering us so why did he suddenly stop for no reason?" Lory thought is not like Wei Zu Tian at all.

"That's what I thought too" Zhao Li Xin agreed.

Zhao Li Xin then took Lory to the arhat chair next to the window then he walked to the drawer "So I made Wu San Bo to contact Miss Guan again, it's strange that even she doesn't know what Wei Zu Tian is doing lately but he had been gone for days" Zhao Li Xin picked out some dresses from the drawer then she put the dress down it was on the table in front of Lory. "Which one do you prefer, silvery blue, light purple, or green leaf?"

Lory was slightly taken back by his sudden question before she replied with a casual look "Um..silver-blue looks fine"

Zhao Li Xin handed the dress to Lory then he neatly put the other dresses back in the drawer, while changing her clothes Lory spoke behind the divider screen "Isn't it worrying for someone like him to suddenly disappear like that, maybe he made some preparations to deal with us"

"Maybe so…" Zhao Li Xin answer nonchalantly while opened the jewelry box on the dresser, wondering if he should go with a simple white lily jade or an elegant pink rose diamond with a gold tassel hairpin. His brows furrowed as if he make an important decision.

"Could it be Lao Min Na?" Lory said as she walked out of the screen divider, she look beautiful but unfortunately her face scrunched from worry, "I heard the Xiao family is in touch with Jin Kai's subordinates, and Jin Kai has a relationship with Lao Min Na, then I heard Lao Min Na knows Wei Zu Tian's mother so probably it was there Lao Min Na got the Gu poison or whatever that poison called is… and lastly, so many sects from different continents suddenly joined hands against you, isn't that too coincidental for you, I mean why now?"

Lory believed that there was someone orchestrate all of this because it was not easy to persuade various sects to work together, cultivators were a group of stubborn, arrogant, and opportunist people, they would not join their hands together if it did not bring any benefits to them and what was considered beneficial to cultivators? wealth, power, beauty, reputation? if Lao Min Na could provide all of this, it wouldn't be difficult for her to gather various cultivators under her banner.

Zhao Li Xin smiled then sat her in front of the mirror then started to style her hair "Don't be afraid my dear, your husband won't lose to anyone" he confidently said while gently brushed Lory's hair.

"I'm not afraid, I'm just worried about you" Lory pursed her lips in annoyance, she really wasn't afraid on the contrary she felt angry for Zhao Li Xin, everything that happened in the past was all because of someone else who started first, they all tried to tie up Zhao Li Xin to their group, therefore they use every trick they know like bribery, giving beauty, even coercion and when all that doesn't work they get offended and resort with violence.

Of course, Zhao Li Xin fought them back, and when they lost miserably at the hands of Zhao Li Xin, they all played the victim, portraying him as a tyrant, murderer, monster, and spreading all sorts of bad rumors to damage Zhao Li Xin's reputation and justify their actions.

"There's no doubt Lao Min Na and Lazarus are behind all of this though I'm not sure why an ancient Devil like Lazarus used such a scheme to get us, but needless to say he must have some diabolical plan concocted for us" Lory's expression stiffened as she predicted Lazarus' move.

"Relax" Zhao Li Xin finished styling Lory's hair then tucked a white lily flower jade hairpin in Lory's braided bun, "Rather than worrying about him, I'm more worried that we should hasten our wedding"

"You're worried about that" Lory gave him incredulous looks.

"Of course" he replied firmly "I really want to give you the marriage you deserve" his voice was tinged with guilt.

Lory felt her heart fill with warmth then she patted Zhao Li Xin's hand and smiled brightly, "It's fine as long as we're together"

"I know you going to say that..." Zhao Li Xin's mood instantly lifted still he feel pity for being unable to use this opportunity to establish Lory's status in public so no one would ridicule her ever again.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, "Milord, we have urgent news to report" Mong Ki announced from behind the door.

"Go now, they need you!" Lory lightly pushed Zhao Li Xin's shoulder.

"I'll be right back," he briefly said then stride towards the door.

Mong Ki then whispered something into Zhao Li Xin's ear, immediately Zhao Li Xin's expression turned grim, "Are you sure?" he reiterated.

"Unfortunately, it is my lord" Mong Ki answer dejectedly.

Zhao Li Xin glanced at Lory with a complex look then he left the room with long strides while Mong Ki followed him in the same manner.

As soon as Zhao Li Xin and Mong Ki left Girsha flew from the window then landed on the dresser "Last night I sensed the remnants of a druid spell, did anyone come?"

"It was Arthea, she visited me last night..." Lory didn't hide the fact from Girsha not like she wanted to.

"What she wants?" Girsha's green eyes narrowed.

"Shee asked some question to me" Lory got up from the dressing table then walked into the garden while Girsha perched on her shoulder.

"That's new," Girsha noticeably amaze.

"That's what I said" Lory stifle a chuckle.

"What did she ask?" Girsha curiously asked.

"She asks about the last fragment, the most powerful of all fragments" answered Lory calmly.

"Eyes of Demiurge…" Girsha's voice heightens.

"Yeah... that one," Lory said sarcastically as she walked across the small bridge that connected to the small pavilion.

Girsha jumped off Lory's shoulder onto the bridge railing. "Why is he in such a hurry, you still have to find the sixth shard, right…" Girsha looked down in confusion then suddenly raised his head "Unless…. You decide on something else and the Seeress sense it" she looked at Lory suspiciously.

"Are you jumping to conclusions too soon, Birdie?" Lory raised her eyebrows.

"Am I?" Girsha's expression deepened.

"The sixth fragment is near, I can feel it and once I have it, the cursed will lose its control over me," Lory said.

"But still not breaking the curse completely, which means Lazarus still have a holds on you, your soul still belongs to him!" Girsha's voice grew louder with anger.

"I WILL ALWAYS BE HIS!" Lory responds with the same high voice, "Since the moment I open that cage, my destiny is settled, there is no good ending for me, and you know that!" Lory walks away from the railing with her arms rest on her hips.

"So you give up now, is that what you want to say, girl?" Girsha berated, his voice filled with anger and sadness.

Lory massaged her head tiredly, "I'm not giving up...I don't mean that, I just..."

"You made a promise Lory, to that boy, Zhao Li Xin, and to me… or you'll break your promise again just like you did to Lucas"

"NO!" Lory screamed, she pressed his lips into a thin line then slowly she raised his finger "That's not know that" Lory held her breath as her eyes welled up.

"Of course it's unfair, it's never fair, especially to you but that's the way it is, do you think if you don't take the last fragment Lazarus will let you go?" Girsha glared at Lory "Or do you want to hide behind the boy and let him fight on his own?"

anger flare across her face "Damm*t Girsha that's not what I meant"

"And what do you mean Lory?" he looked at her impatiently.

Lory looks up and grumbles incoherently then he turns her gaze on Girsha "You know what the last fragment is?"

Girsha took a deep breath and nodded "Yes, I know what it is"

"So you know what will happen if I take the last fragment" Lory gives an exhalation of frustration then she waves her hand dismissively "I don't want to sacrifice others for my own mistake, besides there's no guarantee I could kill Lazarus once I got all my fragments if you have forgotten the staff is broke other than release me from cursed and drive away Lazarus a few times, I still don't know how to kill Lazarus with this"

"We bound to make decision Lory, and so does he. This is overtime Lory we have to play our role the best we could if we want to win the game"

Lory clicked her tongue and looked away into the distance, "Let's talk about this again after we found the crimson lightning sword" Lory tiredly said.

"Why are we waiting for the sword?" Girsha perplexed.

Lory shrugged "Because Arthea said I would know everything once I got the sword"

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