The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 810 - Trouble II

Ling Zi saw Lory approaching Yang Qiou Ru so she quickened her pace towards Lory, at the same time Ling Zi secretly hid a small knife inside her collar, just like everyone else she almost injured Yang Qiou Xi and her stupid maidservant for trespassing but because the shadow guards didn't do anything, Ling Zi assumed either Lory or Zhao Li Xin order to do so, thus she stays quiet while watching Yang Qiou Xi and her maid movement.

"Young Madam" Ling Zi bowed her head politely.

"Looks like there's an uninvited guest here?!" Lory deliberately made sarcastic remarks to scare them off.

Lory's words made Ling Zi cast a disapproving look at Yang Qiou Xi, she also thought Yang Qiou Xi was being disrespectful if it weren't for the young madam being here, this stupid woman would have lost some part of her limbs by now.

Panic overcame him, he shrank his neck and look down in fear. "Sorry... I didn't mean to..." Her words choked as she looked like she was about to cry.

Lory raised her eyebrows, she knew Yang Qiou Xi was pretending to be meek if not she wouldn't dare trespassing into other people's manor, however, if others saw this they might think Lory was the one who wronged this young girl. However, this is Hei Shen territory, no one would care with Yang Qiou Xi so Lory doesn't understand who she is acting for? perhaps it's a habit?

However, it was Ling Zi who became angry with Yang Qiou Xi's behavior, "Why are you crying, my young madam didn't say anything yet you are already crying. Not only have you violated our Manor lord, you even have the cheeks to cry here, does Governor Yang not know how to teach their daughter?! Ling Zi hated this kind of 'white lotus' the most, it didn't take long for her to shower Yang Qiou Xi with some vexation.

Yang Qiou Xi's face turned red, she never thought a maid would dare to reprimand her right in front of her face, she glanced at Lory for help but Lory was busy playing with Girsha, Yang Qiao Xi bit her lip while swallowing her dissatisfaction. Lory saw the glint of irritation and frustration in Yang Qiou Xi's eyes as clear as day, but Lory didn't care as she laughed in amusement.

"How dare you speak like that to our young lady, you are just an ordinary maid!" Yang Qiou Xi's servant suddenly pointed her finger at Ling Zi, "Don't you have any manner!" she shouted angrily.

Lory's expression turns dark hence the atmosphere around her suddenly becomes heavy, "This is Hei Shen's territory, you may need to restrain your servant's anger, Miss Yang....for your own good" Lory gives a subtle warning.

Both Yang Qiou Xi and her maid were dumbfounded by Lory's intense aura, only then they realized they had overstepped their boundaries. Yang Qiou Xi could feel cold sweat trickle on her back, she glared at her stupid maid's stupid action and the maid could only cover her mouth in fear.

"Young Madam Zhao, please forgive my servant behavior, she is too young so she…." Yang Qiou Xi lowered her head anxiously as she pleaded with Lory, she didn't understand where this immense fear came from.

"Enough!" Lory raised her hand to sign Yang Qiou Xi to stop then she kindly said, "Let's come to the main hall, this is not a suitable place to talk" Lory's voice was soothing and gentle in an instant the aura around her become light again as if the heavy atmosphere from before never existed in the first place.

Yang Qiou Xi saw Lory smiling warmly, she started to think her previous feelings were just imagination, "Yes, thank you Madam Zhao" she nod profusely,  Yang Qiou Xi breathed a sigh of relief that Lory wasn't angry with her, she even think she continues with her plan to approach Lory.

Lory didn't bother what Yang Qiou Xi thinks as she walked down the hall to the innermost building that leading them to the main hall, along the way Yang Qiou Xi was amazed at how beautiful and unique the Manor was.

Tall pillars carved with intricate patterns, beautifully decorated pathways connecting that the garden to the alleys, small and large stone lamps neatly placed in the gardens and in the courtyard, there are also square lanterns painted with beautiful flowers and butterflies hanging on the ceiling, not to mention the well-polished wooden floor that covers with wide rugs, everything in the manor all look majestic and expensive it seemed that Hei Shen was more prosperous than she thought.

Yang Qiou Xi's eyes filled with greed she became even more determined to marry Long Ming even if she was unable to become his legal wife yet, being his concubine wasn't too bad either, from then on she could build her path to become Long Ming wife and get rid of that lowly woman then soon she became the only mistress of the Hei Shen sect, The dream feel perfect in Yang Qiou Xi immature mind.

Lory who walked in front of Yang Qiou Xi didn't realize what crazy think the young girl cooking in her little head, well is not like she care. however, Ling Zi could see the glaring greed in Yang Qiou Xi's eyes, she was mocking inwardly how presumptuous this young lady was.

Just a small display of fortune like this was enough to thrill her heart compared to the young madam who always looked calm no matter how much wealth their lord showed her in front of her. Just based on this Yang Qian Xi lost miles away from the young madam.

Ling Zi once also curious about the young madam's bland reaction she asked Mong Yi about it then Mong Yi said from the start young madam always showed a lack of interest in luxury items whether it was jewelry or clothes she seemed indifferent to all those things.

Therefore their master seldom gives jewelry to Lory if he wants her to have something, he just asks the maid to put the jewelry in her drawer and usually, the young lady won't notice until someone mentions it.

From then on Ling Zi admired Lory, moreover, it wasn't easy to find someone who didn't waver in front of great wealth, other than the lord of course, who knew the husband and wife had something in common after all.

As the double doors to the main hall opened, a dozen maids and male servants had prepared the room, all bowing simultaneously when Lory entered the room.

Yang Qiao Xi envied the respect they gave Lory. she couldn't help but imagine not only immense wealth but she would also enjoy the same great respect just like Lory, although Yang Qiou Xi is a noble daughter, sadly she is born from a concubine mother so she didn't receive the same respect as Yang Xi Ying does so how could she not be tempted by this if only she married with Long Ming.

Yang Qiou Xi's imagination dancing wildly, there was so much power and wealth in the world and few humans could resist its temptations, and Yang Qiou Xi was definitely not one of those people.

Lory sat in her honorable chair right next to Long Ming's main seat, where she sat clearly proving her esteemed position in the Hei Shen sect, "Please have a seat" Lory raised her hand to invite Yang Qiou Xi to sit.

Ling Zi brewed tea on another table after it was ready, he placed the cup of warm tea next to Lory. Yang Qiao Xi was restless under everyone's intimidating gazes, it was clear all the maids and male servants were very strong cultivators even though Yang Qiou Xi and her maid didn't know this but they still could feel a subtle threat coming from them.

Lory calmly sipped her tea, then slowly put down the teacup on the side table next to her, her eyes fixed on Yang Qiao Xi's delicated face, Lory's finger tapped on the porcelain teacup leaving a faint sound but audible enough to be heard by common people. The stifling atmosphere make Yang Qiao Xi anxious, she peeks at Lory who sits cross legs in front of her.

Lory calmness make her heart palpitated and her palm sweated, she didn't know why she was so nervous in front of a lowly woman like Lory, Girsha flew inside the room then land smoothly on the table, Lory pluck a small grape then put the fruit in front of Girsha, "May I know, what make young Miss Yang comes to my Manor without invitation?" Lory said with a gentle expression.

However, Lory's gentleness somehow make Yang Qiao Xi more nervous, "I….I heard Madam like sweet so I bought some rare fruit called Bayberries, it's not common in Sun Jan city but very famous in Di Jun city, madam might want to try it" Yang Qiou Xi said with a nervous but sincere tone, she appears like a pure innocent young girl.

Ling Zi took the box from Yang Qiou Xi's maid, she open the lid and show the content of the box to Lory, inside there's a bright red fruit with a little furry on the surface the fruit does look appetizing, Lory took a few of the fruit then place it in front of Girsha to try.

"You could just ask your servant to deliver this fruit, why troubled yourself?" Lory rested her head lazily on her palm while observed Yang Qiou Xi's reaction, on the other hand because Lory didn't look happy or despised the gift, Yang Qiou Xi felt perplexed.

"No problem at all…I just wanted to meet Madam Zhao, I heard a lot about you from my first elder sister so I was too eager to meet Madam and forgot to send you a notification" Yang Qiou Xi blushed as if she was truly embarrassed by her rash behavior.

Lory raised her eyebrows then ask, "You wanted to meet me, why...?"

Yang Qiou Xi raised her voice excitedly, "Ye…yes, I want to be…your friend, if you don't mind" after she spoke she cover her mouth knowing she had shown a bad manner Yang Qiou Xi immediately lowered her head embarrassedly.

'What a great acting!'

Lory widened her eyes in amazement, she holds herself to give Yang Qiou Xi applauded if this was her old world she would book Yang Qiou Xi to be her actress, beautiful, cunning, selfish, and have great acting skills, heck she would be a superstar.

Even so, Lory knew the young girl had other plans in her head but she still didn't know what it was but definitely not to be her friend, Lory was amused because Yang Qiou Xi thought she would be able to trick her with her acting skill, although he is good, still, she is not that good.

"Is that so..." Lory smirked.

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