The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 801 - The Conspiracy

Jin Hao was not a sympathetic person, he couldn't describe as a kind or gentle person instead he was somewhat similar to Zhao Li Xin otherwise how could he torture all his enemies and sometimes use them as human experiments, but still no matter how savage and cruel he is Jin Hao still has a bottom line as a human being. Never in his life, he has ever used innocent people for his experiments especially weak women and children who have never done anything wrong.

His victims consisted of rapists, pedophiles, and serial killers. Sometimes he's going overboard by tortured snitches and people who try to betray the Hei Shen sect and Zhao Li Xin.

Yes, there were such people once but after so many examples show in front of all Hei Shen sect members, no one dares to bear such frivolous ideas anymore.

In another building Ming Yue Yin had finished eating, she looked up and looked indifferently at Wei Zu Tian who was surrounded by beautiful - sexy women, Ming Yue Yin also saw Gao Mo staring lustfully at Bei Li Yan.

Ming Yue Yin chuckled at imagining how angry Bei Li Yan was right now, Ming Yu Yin elegantly wiped her mouth then slowly walked towards the railing, "See anyone suspicious?" she casually asked Fu Ying.

"No, not yet Your Majesty." Fu Ying hawk-eyed watch the crowd below.

Ming Yue Yin placed her hands on the railing as she leaned her body lazily while a glance at the play on the stage then cast her gaze on the audience around the stage watching them immersed by the play. Suddenly she caught someone in the crowd acting strangely.

He didn't watch the show but instead, she looked around her with a wary expression, behind her was a person wearing a brown robe, judging by the figure it might be a woman but her face was hidden under a hood.

Ming Yue Yin followed the mysterious woman with her gaze, "Su Yi, do you know who is that?"

Su Yi approached the rail, he followed Ming Yue Yin's gaze then he saw a brown-robed woman followed by another woman who looked like a maid, she narrowed her eyes then said regretfully: "Sorry Your Majesty, I don't think I recognize them."

Suddenly from afar, Ming Yue Yin saw them approaching by a man who signaled them with his gaze as the man turned around and left the brown-robed woman and her maid following the man in a hurry.

"Su Jing, Su Feng, follow them" Ming Yue Ying immediately ordered her subordinates.

Fu Ying's brows furrowed as she looked back at the maid and her brows gradually furrowed, "I think I've seen that maid before…" she pondered.

"Are you sure, where did you see it?" Ming Yue Yin asked.

Fu Ying rubbed his strong jaw as he tried to remember and suddenly his eyes widened "Oh, I remember!" he mildly hitting the railing, "I saw her at the Xiao family's banquet, that woman was a bit limp even though it wasn't very obvious, but I can tell from the way she walks, if I'm not wrong she is the first daughter Xiao family personal maid"

"So they finally made a move" Ming Yue Yin's expression deepened.

The Xiao family was quite famous in the Liang Zu kingdom especially during the reign of the previous Emperor, the daughter of the Xiao family married the previous Emperor and became the royal noble consort whose position was only one level under the Empress and the Xiao family itself was led by Xiao Bo Zhi who was one of the elite generals who had a position the same as Fu Xiao Jin, it turns out that there is a strong rivalry between Xiao and the Fu family.

During the previous Emperor's reign, the Xiao family was able to suppress the Fu family, he was also the one who proposed the plan to send Fu Xiao Jin to the ancient forest with Ming Ru Yi.

He thought that if Fu Xiao Jin died it would be easy to destroy the Fu family even though the Fu family still had Fu Ying but Xiao Bo Zhi didn't have to worry because Fu Ying had little authority as a captain and he was also at the border at that time.

But who would have thought that the previous emperor was deposed by Ming Yue Yin and she became the first empress of the Liang Zu kingdom, suddenly the Xiao family lost their strong support and the Fu family naturally started to rise again under Ming Yue Yin's support.

Without the Emperor, the royal harem was finally disbanded and the concubines and heirs of the royal family from the previous emperor were sent back to their homes.

It was a generous decision that came from Ming Yue Yin because normally the one who ascended the throne would kill all the descendants of the previous king to get rid of the real risk that would threaten their power but Ming Yue Yin gave them mercy that no one expected.

After Ming Yue Yin's rule the empire undeniably Xiao family's authority shrank by half if not less, it is understandable that the Xiao family grew anxious. Xiao Bo Zhi once tries to match one of the Xiao family's Sons with Ming Yue Yin but the offer is rejected by Ming Yue Yin.

The situation got worst when Ming Yue Yin suddenly proposed a new clause to not allowed anyone to rule the kingdom if they didn't have royal family blood, meaning that if Ming Yue Yin married a man, that man had no right to become Emperor even if Ming Yue Yin died.

This clause was meant to protect the royal family especially the empress from others who tried to elevate the throne of the empress, this clause shocked everyone and some showed strong objections especially the Xiao family, but with the support of the Fu, Zhang, and Wu Family sooner or later this clause will be accepted as a new law.

Ming Yue Yin knew there were still some families who were relentlessly trying to control it so they didn't like the new clause, after all, many of them wanted to marry their son to Ming Yue Yin so they had a chance to take over the kingdom but with this new rule, their hopes will be in vain.

Ming Yue Yin had heard rumors about several families led by the Xiao family conspiring against her but Ming Yue Yin didn't know exactly which family Xiao Bo Zhi cooperated with and Ming Yue Yin also lacked evidence to accuse Xiao Bo Zhi therefore Ming Yue Yin left them alone, at least for now.

Meanwhile, Su Jing and Su Feng followed the mysterious woman to a small tea shop which was quite far from the main road, the tea house was surrounded by several guards so they could enter the place but luckily they saw a maid leaving the tea house, Su Feng and Su Jing look at each other meaningfully.

When the maid stepped into the alley, she was blocked by Su Feng and Su Jin, the poor maid trembled in fear but then Su Jing grinned widely, "Do you want to make easy money?" she winked.

Seeing them smiling kindly, the maid's expression relaxed.

Meanwhile, inside the tea house, a middle-aged man who didn't look more than fifty sat quietly drinking tea. The mysterious woman approached the table then sat across from it, she lowered her veil and revealed her delicate face.

"Miss Xiao" the man greeted her.

"You are….?" Shee carefully asked.

He understood her concern, he cupped his fists and introduced himself "My name is Ji Hong, Master Jin sent me here"

She nodded his head looking a little relieved, "My father sent me here too.... about the 'things' we ordered are they ready?" her body leaned forward slightly and she whispered as if she was afraid someone would hear her.

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't ready" he snapped his fingers and a man came in with a wooden box. He placed the box on the table, then he opened the box and pushed it gently in front of her.

Her eyes glittered with excitement as she grabbed the box, there were two green jade and a small bronze plaque.

"Take a pill once a day after a week I guarantee you will have a breakthrough," said the man in front of him.

The woman was dumbfounded, she thought pills could only be taken by a cultivator "I am not a cultivator" she thought the man has mistaken her as a cultivator.

"No problem, this pill will help you cultivate and increase your strength in no time" the man smirked switch smug face.

She looks at the man in shock but she knows he will not lie to her, it's not necessary for her to lie to him.

Happiness rushed over her with trembling hands, she picked up the bottle carefully as if she touched something fragile. If she was able to cultivate she knew another door would open for her, she would have the freedom that normal women don't have, she might be able to decide her own future, maybe she wouldn't need to marry the Qiu family. Son, maybe she can become someone like…..Empress Ming.

Maybe Fu Ying…..

"Besides the pill, you also need to keep the plaque safe, we will send the 'merchandise' a week from now, show this plaque as identification" the man reminded her.

She returned the bottle to the box and looked at the bronze plaque inquisitively, "How did we know the merchandise had arrived?" she raised her gaze towards him.

"We'll contact you later," the man replied.

"I understand" She knows is useless to probe further, she closes the box with a soft thud then she raised her hand and the man gave her a big pouch.

She put the bag on the table "This is a down payment, we pay off the payment after we got the whole merchandise"

The man smirks "As you wish"

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