The Over-Break System

605 Consoling Gabby (2) ***

**NSFW TIME! Get Ready, but don't get your hopes up to high; sure the ship is bout to sail, but how farrrrrrr!!!**




With his resolve set in place, Brance's fingers caught hold of the hem of her pajama top, and slowly, he raised it up, exposing the white jade skin underneath.

Gabby's eyes shot wide open when she felt her top rising, and her heart began racing so fast she thought it would burst at any second; still, she didn't fight.

Having long since made up her mind that Brance was who she would spend the rest of her life with if it was time to do…that…she was ready, and more than anything, Gabby was fully willing.

Inch by inch, the silky pajama top raised, from below her waistline, to above her hips until her belly button was exposed to the cold air of the training room. 

However, as the base of Gabby's ribs came into sight, there was a chuffing sound behind them, and Brance noticed an erratic tugging at his right sleeve. 

GAO…Gaooo, gaoo CHUFF, Gaooah.

Pausing his actions, he looked over and found Milo had grabbed his shirt and was pulling on his arm while shooting frantic glances at the unconscious people with Corrupt Codexes. 

'Mama, I don't mind if you and Papa mate. My instincts tell me it is natural, but other people are around. Have Papa put up the tent at the very least so you two can have some privacy.'

When Gabby heard Milo's voice, her face turned bright red. As her rational brain kicked in, she narrated what he said, with some slight alterations, of course, because she didn't want her boyfriend to become skittish.

However, Brance's reaction was priceless enough, so Gabby suddenly burst out in a giggle. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish while rapidly turning his head from Milo to Gabby, then toward the unconscious people, and repeated this cycle. 

"Rii..ight, the tent…sure, I'm on it; good looking out, Milo." Suddenly nervous and feeling as if he was caught red-handed, Brance pulled his right hand from the hem of Gabby's pajama top and pulled out the four-person camping tent he had stored away in his inventory with a flick of his wrist. 

Then, to hide his nervousness, he scooped up Gabby in a princess carry and, within seconds, was hidden from sight within the silver tent. 

Once inside, he gently placed Gabby on the plush memory foam mat within the tent and spun around to zip the opening closed. 

Double checking the tent was sealed shut and pressing the auxiliary silencing runic inscription to ensure no sound would leak out, Brance wasn't expecting that when he turned back around, Gabby was no longer wearing the silky pajama top. 

Her entire upper body was exposed to him, causing Brance's brain to shut down. 

"Gulp…" Sitting on the opposite side of the tent from him, with her feet off to the side, Gabby seemed to be made of porcelain. 

Her well-toned, petite, yet athletic body was a stark contrast to Selene's curvy and alluring one, but to Brance, he had never seen a more beautiful sight. The slight curve of her hips, the unblemished and pristine milky white skin, Brance scanned his girlfriend from top to bottom, taking it all in slowly and making the girl blush bright red in embarrassment. 

Slowly trailing up from her navel to the small freckle atop her belly button, Brance's eyes fell on her c-cup breasts, which, surprisingly for someone as pure as Gabby, weren't hidden from his view. 

Moving to the center of those glorious breasts, Brance noticed her slightly irregularly shaped areola. Although they were perfectly pink and looked delicious, instead of circles, they were somewhat oval and marginally larger than what he remembered his ex's on Earth looked like, but he didn't care; in his eyes, they were beautiful. 

Not that Brance had seen that many pairs of boobs in either life; for Vinestra, it was the first pair, excluding his mothers, but back on Earth, Brance had only been in two serious relationships, one of which had lasted well over ten years, so unlike Cynrik, who was practically a manwhore in their past life, Brance didn't have such a wide variety to compare to. 

Still, that didn't mean he lacked experience, only that he hadn't tasted as many women as his brother. 

Seeing how stunned Brance was acting, Gabby couldn't help but feel happy. If the way his eyes took in every square inch of her body didn't indicate his attraction to her, then what else could it mean?

What woman wouldn't want her man to be attracted to her? Gabby was no exception. She had always been self-conscious about her looks, especially when being around two beauty goddesses in the form of Selene and Melody. 

Compared to them, Gabby felt like the ugly duckling of the group since she wasn't super curvy, and although pretty girly, she was still a tomboy at heart. 

When her last Evolution gave her plump breasts, Gabby had been ecstatic, that was until she saw the massive honkers that Selene and Melody came out of their Passing Down with. 

It didn't help that Brance was always so passive and seemed disinterested in doing the things lovers usually do, but here and now, she knew it was all in her head. 

"Beautiful…" Brance's voice came out in a faint whisper, but since they were in a soundproof tent, where sounds would bounce off the walls and seem louder than usual, Gabby heard it clearly, causing a light smile to spread across her lips. 

Crawling forward on his knees, Brance arrived in front of Gabby and finally could tear his eyes away from her body to look deeply into her eyes. 

'Tobs…is this ok? If I make a move, can her body handle it?' To say Brance was easily controlling his impulses was an understatement. 

Although he appeared in control, it took every ounce of willpower he had not to jump on Gabby and pin her under him. 

But that didn't mean his biggest fear was weak; it was the only thing keeping him from pushing Gabby down at that moment.

This fear was the potential bodily injury he would cause the young lady he had fallen so deeply for. 

Brance was well aware of the massive risk involved when it came to women losing their virginity, and that risk only gets more considerable the higher their Tier. 

  -No, she can't; your power difference is too significant. If you try having sex as she is now, you will cause substantial harm to her. Hemorrhaging, internal damage, and even Death are very likely outcomes if you attempt it.-

'But my brother and Selene, they…' Brance started to say as he reached up and cupped Gabby's cheek with one hand, causing the girl to close her eyes in enjoyment.

  -The only reason Selene came out on their end in one piece was that Cynrik is DEX-focused, so not only does he have better control over his muscles, but physically, Selene is actually stronger than him, with her STR stat being a full 1k points higher.-

  -In the case of you and Gabby, your STR stat is almost ten times higher than hers, so when you attempt to penetrate the thin membrane in her vagina, it will be like smashing an egg with a cannon.-

  -This is why I told you 4-5 years Brance, Gabby needs to increase her VIT and STR stats to the point that mitigates your physique difference, and she will more than likely require a Bloodline.-

  -As it stands, as you and Gabby are right now, the two of you are completely incompatible physically, but that is something that can be remedied with time.-

  -But that doesn't mean you can't do other intimate things, just don't cross the final line is all, or you know, break her hymen with like a finger..or three.- 

Inhaling deeply through his nose, Brance exhaled loudly to calm himself down and gently brought Gabby's face toward his until their lips touched.

Their gentle kiss soon heated up, and Brance felt Gabby's hands grip the hem of his t-shirt before raising it. The only problem was, on her knees, Gabby couldn't pull it entirely off, so she had to separate the kiss and stand up, accidentally bringing her breasts right to his eye level. 

Raising his arms, so Gabby could do as she pleased, Brance gently kissed her right nipple, causing Gabby to flinch as goosebumps coated every bit of her skin. 

"H…hey, that's not fair," Gabby grumbled as she removed his shirt and tossed it to the side. However, her words didn't stop Brance, as the moment his arms were free, he wrapped them around her lithe waist and pulled Gabby closer to get a mouthful of boobs. 

What started as a tender kiss soon became him licking and sucking gently. Eventually, Brance even nibbled on her tender flesh as if it were the most delicious delicacy he had ever tasted, all of his actions drawing sweet moans from Gabby as she wrapped her arms around his head. 

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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