The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 863 - Bai Xiashuang in Danger

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Lu Li lived leisurely and carefree for the next few days. Every day, he cultivated and fished by the lake. Every now and then, he would go for tea tasting or sight viewing.

The second day the two young ladies came, they wandered around the lake for a while, hoping to attract Lu Li’s attention. However, Lu Li had been cultivating with his eyes closed. He never noticed them.

At night, when Lu Li came back, Yin Qingzhu extended him an invitation for a chess game, to which Lu Li said no. He turned her down quite politely but deep down, she could sense that he was unapproachable.

On the third day, the two young ladies left. They understood perfectly well that they were not good enough for Lu Li. Staying here longer would only invite humiliation to themselves.

As Lu Li thought he finally could have some alone time, more guests came on the fourth day. Those were the people that he had to come out to entertain.

It was Lu Hongyu, Ye Yu and the most important young lady of the Palace of Immortal’s Inquiries, Yin Qingli.

Ye Yu was Ye Luo’s younger sister and Lu Li knew her well. Yin Qingli came along because she was Ye Yu’s good friend. Lu Li must show them respect.

This Yin Qingli was even prettier than Yin Qingzhu. The former could be as stunning as Jiang Qiling and more beautiful than Ye Yu.

What was more worth noticing was that… this young lady was shy. She would blush from time to time. She would even avoid eye contact with Lu Li. If Lu Hongyu didn’t tell Lu Li that she was the most important young lady of the Palace of Immortal’s Inquiries, Lu Li would not believe so.

She deserved to be the most honorable young lady for Yin Qingli who had reached the Human Sovereign Realm. Lu Hongyu whispered to Lu Li that Yin Qingli was shy and she was never fond of hanging out with boys.

As a matter of fact, at the auction at the City of Buddhas, Lu Li once heard her voice, bidding for items. But he did not remember her, because she had put a veil over her face.

Beside her shyness, another noticeable thing about her was her porcelain skin, which was creamy and glistening.

Of course…

Lu Li was not attracted to her at all. He already had three beautiful wives and he had too much to do. He did not have the luxury of time to waste on romantic pursuits. What was more… Yin Qiling, even though she was honored at the Palace of Immortal’s Inquiries, would have to be taken as a concubine, which the Palace of Immortal’s Inquiries would not accept.

Lu Li engaged in a small talk with them. He asked Lu Hongyu about how things were going. She told him that their families were moving along smoothly. They met with some resistance, but they took care of that. Lu Li did not stay long. He told the three guests to wander around on their own, so he could return to his quiet life.

“Brother Lu Li, let’s go boating!”

“Brother Lu Li, aren’t you bored cultivating all day? Come and hang out with us. We are going to have a picnic.”

“Brother Li, tell me some stories of the Demon-slaying Hall, will you? My brother will talk to me about that…”

“Brother Li…”

The quieter Lu Li wanted, the less he could get with Ye Yu around. She hung out around him all day long, chattering constantly.

Lu Li did not know how to turn down this quick-witted girl. He accepted her as his younger sister at the Mountain of Buddhas. Now, he found it hard to ignore her, so he talked himself into keeping her accompany.

Ye Yu was not shy at all. She wandered around with Lu Li, Lu Hongyu, and Yin Qingli all the time. Yin Qingli rarely spoke. Every time Lu Li looked at her, her cheeks would blush.

Lu Li felt the days quite enjoyable with three beautiful girls with him all the time, even though he did not have time to cultivate. However, since cultivating here was slow, he was not bothered.

“Squeak, squeak~”

After several days of sleeping, Little White woke up. That made the place all livelier. Little White ran around all day long, disturbing the entire Fox Fair Pond. But the fish in the pond and animals nearby suffered…

Half a month later!

Lu Li’s good days ended. Patriarch Eight came in with a piece of news. Bai Ziashuang was attacked. Lu Zhengyang received the news. He could not hide it, so he had the message delivered to Lu Li.

“Shuang-er was assaulted?”

A glint of coldness rose in Lu Li’s eyes. Regardless of Yin Qingli and the other’s presence, he bellowed, “Are those Earth Immortal Realm warriors dead? How can they not take care of her? I will slay them all if anything happens to Shuang-er!”

Patriarch Eight did not conceal the news for he understood that Lu Li would be furious. He would even blame Lu Zhengyang and Patriarch Eight for not letting him know.

When Lu Li lost his temper, he became a terrifying man. Even Ye Yu and Yin Qingli were scared.

But at the same time, they were jealous. How happy would they be if there were some men defending them like this?

“Cousin Hongyu, you stay here with them. I will go and take a look. Hmm!”

Lu Li was in no mood to entertain Lu Hongyu and the others at the moment. He left with Patriarch Eight to the City of Mystic Armor. As soon as they stepped out of the formation, Lu Li asked, “Wher is Shuang-er now? Who has the guts to hurt her?”

“The Kui City!”

Patriarch Eight explained at once, “According to the information I received, some surviving forces of the Ji Family… attacked her.”

“Where is my sister?”

Lu Li asked as he took out a map. Patriarch Eight said, “Lady Ling is at the City of Blossoms in the north. I heard that Xiashuang moved out with the army. When they were trying to conquer a mine, she was ambushed.”

“I will go to the City of Blossoms now!”

Lu Li had no more questions. He flew away, sulking.

Lu Li flying in anger alerted many people in the city, where a large number of leaders of different forces were gathered there. Some started to check with psychic powers.

Many sensed that Lu Li was unhappy and filled with anger. But they did not know what had happened. A master from the Ocean Plains had always wanted to meet Lu Li. Upon seeing him, the master flew up and tried to intercept Lu Li in midair.

“Grand Master Lu, I am from Ocean Plains…”

He shouted happily and dashed toward Lu Li from the distance. The latter was burning up. How could this Human Sovereign Realm warrior, an insignificant master of the Ocean Plains, block his way?

“Swish, swish~”

Lu Li released his Bead of Life. Feather Wind blew over and enveloped this man. He felt the effect at once. Lu Li smashed him down immediately.


Lu Li ran to the Teleportation Formation without giving this man a look. He shouted to the few dozen guards who were too nervous to move, “Are you dead? Can’t you open the formation?”

“Right, no, Young Master Li. Activate now!”

A leader came back to his senses. He knelt down at once and told the guards to activate the Teleportation Formation. The huge formation gave out a ray of light that soared up to the sky. Lu Li soon disappeared into the Teleportation Formation.

“What is happening?”

Thousands of people tried to probe with psychic power. They all saw how the master from the Ocean Plains was smashed away and heard Lu Li’s angry voice. Everyone was asking the same question.

To many people, Lu Li had a good temper. That being said, when he was displeased, there could be serious consequences.

Someone must have offended him or else he wouldn’t be so outraged. They were certain that… many people were going to die.

“Bai Xiashuang was assaulted?”

Rumors spread out, which raised a chorus of reaction. Bai Xiashuang was one of Lu Li’s wives, his love. Who would be so bold as to attack Bai Xiashuang? Were they trying to get their family destroyed?

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