Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations


Lu Li was smashing the master of the Barbarian Race with the Wicked Bead when he suddenly heard a shout that could topple the mountains and overturn the seas. He checked with psychic power at once and found something that made him frown.

Human warriors had come swarming out from the city. But he had not given the order yet. However, on second thought, he decided not to worry too much. For a long time, human warriors had been bullied by the four alien races. Human warriors did not dare to go out of the city, and there was nothing they could do when the other three cities were ravaged to the ground, which filled human warriors with pent-up anger.

If they were not allowed to take the chance to express their anger, they might lose their minds. Furthermore, the master of the Voodoo Race had been captured. It should not be a daunting task to grill him about the Voodoo Poison.

Part of the four alien races’ armies had retreated to the valley. Hence, it was unlikely that Lu Li could slaughter every one of the four alien races all by himself. Besides, some of the four alien races that passed out under the influence of the Feather Wind were gradually coming back to their senses. Strong as the Feather Wind was, it was incapable to obliterate enemies’ souls entirely. Tackling the enemies relying merely on Lu Li himself was ineffective.

The Asmodian Lord had transferred himself away. No matter how fast he was, it would take him at least half a day to come back.

“That will be enough!”

Lu Li told himself. The four alien races’ armies were collapsing, in no state to stick to the end. Contrarily, human warriors were as ferocious as tigers. Half a day should be enough for a counterattack. Over half of the four alien races would die in the hands of human warriors.

“Come on!”

Lu Li turned back to the master of the Barbarian Race and kept on smashing at him. Every now and then, his four Earth Immortal Realm soul slaves would go and strike the master of the Barbarian Race as well. When he had sustained serious wounds, Lu Li yelled, “Little White, go and bite him!”

“Squeak, squeak~”

Little White dashed out from the glowing Wicked Bead and rushed to the neck of this Barbarian master. Little White’s teeth were sharp enough to bite through Quasi Relics. The master of Barbarian Race had a strong body but could it be as solid as a Quasi Relic?

Evidently, it could not be!

The Barbarian master’s neck snapped. Blood gushed out from his mountain-sized body and spilled to the face of a Feather Race warrior nearby…

“Squeak, squeak~”

Little White saw the Feather Race warrior was about to run. It dashed to his back and bit off his wings. The Feather Race warrior could no longer maintain his balance and he fell off.

“Go to hell—”

Lu Renhuang was fighting against an Earth Immortal Realm Asmodian warrior. The latter believed that Lu Renhuang must be an important person to the human race, so he tried to sneak up on Lu Renhuang and kill him. However, Lu Renhuang seemed to have the ability to foresee the actions. As soon as the Asmodian warrior showed up, Lu Renhuang killed him with his spear.

Jiang Tianshun and Great Grandfather Three were quite a team. Great Grandfather Three had Mystic Armor so he acted as the shield while Jiang Tianshun unleashed Soulfeasting Butterflies. By working together, they soon killed an Earth Immortal Realm warrior of the Barbarian Race.

Patriarch of Law Enforcement had a gray iron rod in his hand. He had black eighth rank Mystic Armor over his body and another layer of a gray shield over that armor, which constituted strong protection. Around the iron rod was a dark glow. He had learned the Profound Meaning of destruction, the most aggressive of all. Every time he made a move, there would be an alien race warrior dying or knocked away.

Jiang Qiling was in the fight as well even though she was surrounded by several Earth Immortal Realm patriarchs. She was Lu Li’s wife. Nobody could let her be hurt in any way.

When Lu Li finished with the master of the Barbarian Race, he noticed Jiang Qiling. The five Earth Immortal Realm warriors were too busy protecting her to fight. Lu Li sighed. He flew the Wicked Bead over and took her in.


Jiang Qiling said happily as she came in. Today, by defeating the Asmodian Lord, Lu Li demonstrated his courage and power. He had defeated the four alien races. To her, Lu Li was the hero, a focus of world attention. She was glorified to be his wife.

“Now, you stay here. I will let you go out later. You will be safer this way.”

Lu Li patted her cheeks. With psychic power, he started to check places where resistance was strong, and that would be where he would go to help.

“Boom, boom, boom~”

Several Barbarian Race warriors were blocking human warriors’ way. Lu Li flew over and smashed three Barbarian warriors away at once.

“Go and kill those Barbarians!”

Lu Li shouted. Jiang Qiling and four Earth Immortal Realm soul slaves dashed out and blasted at the three Barbarian Race warriors. The attack became easier with the help of Jiang Qiling’s Soulfeasting Butterflies. The three Barbarian Race warriors lost their lives in an instant.

“Alright. Come back in!”

Lu Li said and took them in. Now, his focus was on the Voodoo Race. Over there, some had started to use toxins. Many human warriors had fallen victim to the toxins.

The four alien races were retreating but the powerful ones were not thick-headed. They knew that if they did not put up a fight, the four alien races would be wiped out completely. They might not make it either way. Naturally, they must fight the humans till the end to protect their own races.


Like a meteor falling from space, the Wicked Bead pounded several warriors from the Voodoo Race. Then, the Wicked Bead ripped and tore the Voodoo Race army. A large part of them lost their lives in the impact.

The Voodoo Race was noted for their toxins and undead insects. However, they were slow in attacks and weak in defense. The Wicked Bead’s speed could compare to that of the Semi-God Realm. In full speed, the Wicked Bead could create a strong impact. Average Voodoo Race Human Sovereign Realm warriors couldn’t withstand the force and Earth Immortal Realm ones were injured.

“The Voodoo Race is the most hateful of all. I need to kill more of them!”

Lu Li noticed that many human warriors had been poisoned. They were carried off the battlefield to be treated. But there was no telling whether they would be cured or not. He dashed the Wicked Bead around madly in the Voodoo Race army and pounded a large number of them into the ground. Some were injured and some had died.


Even though death and injury could hardly be avoided, human warriors were still high in fighting spirits and loud in their shouts. The four alien races were resisting but their defeat had been determined. After all, three masters of them had either been killed or captured. It was not surprising that their morale was dropping.

To make it worse, the Asmodian Lord had not come after such a long time. He was the core supporting the armies. What were they fighting for when the Asmodian Lord had run off?

The four alien races were escaping. It was a pity that a valley was in their way back to their cities. The valley was a narrow one, allowing for merely a dozen people to go all at once. Therefore, a large number of them were blocked outside the valley.

When human warriors arrived, this area turned into a site of bloody slaughter. Just by a round of remote attack, the human warriors had wiped out a group of alien races.


Jiang Tianshun was having a good time. He saw Lu Li was flying to the valley to the alien race armies. Jiang Tianshun couldn’t help but shout in excitement, “Grand Master, go ahead and block the valley. We will not allow any one of them to escape!”


Patriarch of Law Enforcement, Great Grandfather Three and Lu Renhuang turned back to stare at Jiang Tianshun, and they were all conveying with their looks their contempt. Jiang Tianshun touched his nose in embarrassment but soon he understood.

When the valley was blocked, the four alien races would have nowhere to run to. What would they do when there was no chance for them to escape?

They would fight a desperate fight!

In that case, standing before the human warriors would no longer be a group of defeated soldiers but warriors with nothing to lose. The human side would have to pay even if they could kill all the alien race warriors.

On the contrary, routed troops were easier because they had no desire to fight anymore. Their only wish was to run away to stay alive. This negative mindset undermined their abilities. But if they believed they had nothing to lose, their capacities would be boosted.

Clearly, Lu Li understood this way of thinking. To wipe out the armies completely was not feasible. It would be good enough to kill six to seven million of them. What was more, the Asmodian Lord might be back at any minute now. A large number of human warriors would lose their lives when the Asmodian Lord came back with revenge.


The warriors of the four alien races were crowded outside the valley, like a swarm of ants. Just by smashing down with the Wicked Bead, Lu Li could already kill many of them.

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