The Invincible Corruption Manual

311 CHAPTER 310: Today's trend, my foot!

"Why are you asking me that?... Ah, why don't you just look at the mirror and ask yourself?! Ahh…!!" screamed Joey in his head.

The beggar-looking Feng Jifeng took out a ruddy medallion from inside his space ring and tossed it at Joey.

Joey caught the oval-shape-medallion in the air, checked over it, and saw that it was inscribed with the fist-insignia of the Great Vajra Body Clan on both the two faces. "Senior, what is this medallion?" he asked.

"Boy, that's my clan's medallion. Only those who have become the elder status and above have the right to get one. And I happen to have two now." The beggar-looking Feng Jifeng further added, " Listen, one needs this medallion to get into the secret realm of my Great Vajra Body Clan. I believe you'll soon need one. Hee hee hee, if you need to hide then come to my clan. It lies at the farthest corner of one of the verdant gardens of the Iron Castle of  Quan Palace of the great Quan Nation. "

" Senior, umm-ah, this is a bit much," Seeing Joey's expression of returning back the medallion, Feng Jifeng said briskly, "Keep it, boy. Something already given is not meant to return it back. If you wish then what about giving me some special pills. I heard that you are the champion of this term's Open Alchemy Contest. " The beggar-looking scrawny man grinned, shamelessly and further continued, " And that old miser Chief Jugge Huan seems to have taken fancy over your skill. Did he give anything good to you? If he…"

"Senior Jifeng, actually I don't have any pills concocted by Senior Jugge Huan in me. But I have my own. Check these out." Joey breezed in interrupting before he finished his words. He took out three small glass bottles and threw them at Feng Jifeng.

The beggar-looking Feng Jifeng caught them in the air. His facial expression turned dull unlike a moment before. Then he lazily opened the lid of one of three small glass bottles and sniffed over it.

"Hah!.." he exclaimed and sniffed over again three times. Suddenly his eyes brightened up and shouted in excitement, "Boy, are you kidding with me. This is the smell and essence qi of the tier-8 pills. And you have concocted them, stop fooling me, boy. I'll not fall for it. Hahaha…"

"Senior Jifeng, I have to disappoint you again. They are not Tier-8 pills. They are just tier-6 pills that I have concocted myself not long ago. You can take out and check one yourself." Joey corrected him, smiling wryly.

Feng Jifeng still didn't believe as thinking that the boy was pulling a prank on him. But still, he took out a pill, checked over it, and exclaimed, "This is..this is a tier-6 pill."  Even though he was not really good with any of the alchemy stuff, still, he knew which grade a pill was, as he himself was a collector of pills.

He brought up the colorless capsule, like pill over the sun-light and saw those clear six dots at the core of the pill. "But I have never seen something pure like this ever before. Boy, tell me, do you really concoct this pill? And what is the purity level of this pill?" He asked, looking at Joey with a serious tone and serious expression.

"Yep, I concoct them. Sorry senior, it's still a failed product. I shall give you, real pills the next time I successfully concoct them." Joey replied sincerely.

"Huh! This is still a failed product." The scrawny, beggar-looking Feng Jifeng exclaimed and asked again, "Boy, just tell me the purity level of this very pill?"

" Those pills are about at  99.95% pure," Joey replied. "Umm…no, those pills should be at 99.97% pure." he corrected, pondering for a while.

"99.95%.... 99.97% purity… 99.97%...!" The scrawny Feng Jifeng was flabbergasted by his revelation and he muttered under his breath.

He quickly calmed himself down and the next moment he was all smiling. He took a step, appeared just before Joey, and hugged him tightly. "Whole my life I have been searching for a true pill master, and I have thought that that old geezer Jugge Huan could be one after he becomes the tier-9 alchemy grandmaster. But I'm wrong. This is fate… this is fate... " He released him and caressed Joey's face like his most valuable gem.

"What the hell?! I judged this man wrong." Joey screamed in his head, as he felt extremely uncomfortable, feeling goosebumps.

"Senior, I'm not what you think I'm?" He blurted out.

"What do you mean, boy? I have finally found you." Feng Jijeng asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Ahh, what the hell! This smell. It stinks, stinks…!!" Joey screamed inside his head again, feeling nauseated as a foul amalgamation smell of both Jifeng's breath and sweats assaulted the olfactory nerves of Joey's noses. He quickly stepped back and knelt down almost vomited covering his mouth.

"What happen boy? Are you all right?" The scrawny Feng Jifeng asked with concern and tried to support Joey.

But Joey quickly held his nose with his thumb and index finger blocking it and hopped back two times and said briskly, "Stop! Stop, there senior, Jifeng."

Feng Jifeng began to have a glimpse of the current events, transpiring until now. He then sniffed around his armpits and all over again. Then he blew his own breath, putting his palms before his face, and said shamelessly, "Boy, don't you think you are overreacting?"

"Overreacting?! What the hell is wrong with you?! " Joey pointed and spoke out his mind, "I'll take my earlier praise back. You are never the match with elder sister Wang Roufu, to begin with. And… and I'm not what you think I'm.  Also..also, actually I'm not against you liking men and I support those groups, too. But you need to keep this in your mind, I only like women."

"Oh, that's what you want to say to me earlier. And I like men?! Hahahaha…." Feng Jifeng came to understand and burst into laughter.

"Boy, you are mistaken. Don't take me for like those ones of sissy, Bai Yi?" He then said in a serious tone, "I only like women."

Joey also quickly recollected himself and apologized, "Sorry, senior Jifeng. I judge  you this time quickly."

"No need. Boy, anyway, I have to thank you for these pills." Feng Jifeng said and put the three glass bottles inside his space ring very gingerly.

"Oh, and I take back that you are not good with elder sister Wang Roufu. Actually, if senior Jifeng takes care of your own self like bathing twice daily then I could proudly say that even those at the level of sister Wang Roufu will be out of your league. Senior Jifeng, why don't you consider this carefully? " Joey said, carefully with his words, telling what he really wanted to say at the last statement.

The scrawny Feng Jifeng was all smile again as he made a pose, waving his sleave gracefully and said in a narcissistic manner, "I know it, too. If I tidy up myself then all the beautiful ladies of the Central Continent shall be lined up to meet me. So that's the reason I'm not doing that. And this robe really comes up to today's trend."

"Today's trend my foot! And you are just an old lazy bum." Joey scolded him in his mind as his narcissistic manner get into his nerves.

"Fine, senior Jifeng, it's not really a good time for me. I'm kinda busy lately. Can we continue this to a meal next time?" Joey asked him to leave in a polite way.

"Alright, alright, I shall take my leave. We'll meet again soon. Until then, " The scrawny Feng Jifeng said and disappeared out of the thin air.

Joey finally heaved a sigh of relief and looked over the medallion once, and he put it inside his space ring.

"Ah, they all have taken 20 minutes of my precious time. Fine, I need to get back to the kitchen soon. " Joey muttered to himself and began walking toward the town gate.


A sword directly passed  Joey's chest through his heart. A silhouette wearing a black cloak materialized behind Joey. He was the one who sneaked an attack on him. But he didn't see the grin hanging over Joey's face.

"Brat, this is the end of you. You dare to offend my patriarch. Die, next time you incarnate, never try to offend someone who is out of your league. " The silhouette spoke in a hoarse male voice. He then took out the sword and swung it reddening the verdant grasses.


"Ahhh!" The assassin screamed in pain as a long sword had stabbed him a similar fashion from behind him.

"Really, haha haha.." Joey's voice came from behind him.

The assassin quicked stabbed behind him. But Joey stepped back.

"What is going on?! Didn't I just stab you?… Is it that your clone?" The assassin began to ask a series of questions.

" Clone… ha ha ha.."  Joey kept laughing, trying to get on his nerve. "See for yourself." Soon Joey which was just before the assassin began to break into pieces like fragile glass and disappeared in the thin air.

"Eh, that's just your after-image! But don't you really bleed just now?! How? " The assassin was confused as he literally saw the blood and he knew that it was not fake, too, as he had a strong smell of fresh blood from it. He then turned around Joey, looking at him wearily.

"Ho ho ho, you mean this right." Joey showed his bloody right palm with a deep wound left from the sword.

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