The Great Thief

Chapter 646: Entering the Secret Zone

Chapter 646: Entering the Secret Zone

Translator: Halcyon Translations Editor: Halcyon Translations

None of the ten players from Lu Li's team would be left behind. This was without any objections, as they were the ones who had earned all the First Clears for Ruling Sword.

Even players who were confident that they could do better than Remnant Dream and Hachi Chan paid great respect to the two little girls.

After the nine players entered the secret zone, Lu Li began to call out, "Fat Monkey, Flying Fish Hater, Darkness, Beard Stubble, Global Friendship, Nuo Yu, Mu Qiu, Jaweika, Cain's Left Hand and Rain Like A Wanderer."

He called these names because these were all key players in his mind.

There were also a few others who he didn't call out because their classes repeated with other players. Lu Li wasn't the type to explain these situations; this was Square Root 3's job.

Most of these ten people had cooperated with Lu Li at some point. Only Jaweika and Rain Like A Wanderer were exceptions.

Jaweika was a dark Priest and a friend of Square Root 3 in real life. He had come from Star Moon Union and was often the top damage dealer of the guild in dungeons and Boss fights.

Because he played a class that wasn't focused on dealing damage, it was almost a miracle that he could achieve the things that he did. Although Star Moon Union was a horrible guild, it used to be within the top hundred.

Rain Like A Wanderer, on the other hand, stood out from the average players.

When he first entered the game, he was a trade skill player and excelled at it. He had his own specialty in the area and had forged a Perfect Silver grade equip before.

Although the reason was unknown, he chose to become a battle player at some point. With his determination, he made it to into the list of top-tier players. He was currently level 39 and only needed a fraction more of his EXP bar to reach level 40.

However, these weren't the reasons why Lu Li had called him.

There were other things about him that was impressive – he was the first Paladin from Ruling Sword who had passed the test and joined the Night Watchmen faction.

The Night Watchmen Commander Althea Ebonlocke was impressed by him. She thought that he was a man of humbleness, honesty, compassion, bravery, justice, honour and self-sacrifice.

These comments were truly remarkable and surprised both Lu Li and Square Root 3.

Lu Li assigned Rain Like A Wanderer as the leader of Ruling Sword's Night Watchmen squad. He became one of the executives in the guild and Lu Li called him out this time to show that he valued him.

After these ten players were called, Lu Li passed over to Square Root 3 and entered the dungeon as well.

The system suggested that more players could enter, so Xiao Xiang, Machine Bro and Scarlet New Moon followed as well. After these three players entered the zone, the Magic Stone broke into pieces. This meant that even if they didn't kill the Boss, Lu Li and the others only had one chance.

"Wow, it's so dark!" Remnant Dream gasped.

"Don't be scared Dreamy. Here, come have a hug," Hachi Chan said as she pounced on her.

"Go away! You're the one who's scared; stop throwing me under the bus!" Remnant Dream squealed defensively.

"Does anyone have any lighting?" Global Friendship asked.

When Lu Li had first entered this place, he hated the dark environment and his new team members had the same issue.

There was bound to be someone with a torch amongst the twenty-ish players. Lu Li had learned his least from last time and brought along two bundles of torches. Each bundle contained a hundred torches and each torch could last for an hour.

One by one, they lit up the torches, and although the lights didn't reach far, it was better than nothing.

"There are twenty-three of us. Our job is to clear all the monsters in the secret zone. They will drop good items like Fortified Stones. There are no other places like this, so keep your eyes opened," Lu Li said as he distributed the torches.

Everyone's eyes glowed when they heard the words 'Fortified Stones'.

Fortified Stones were a good item and no one would complain about having too many of them. They were one of the most-needed resources at the moment.

"The small monsters are easier to deal with; we don't need to work in such a big group. The best situation is to have two damage dealers with one healer, or two damage dealers with one main tank. You guys can choose your own group members. Wandering, come with me," Lu Li said, then began to assign the direction for each team.

"You're interested in my beauty, aren't you…" Wandering said as he looked at Lu Li in disgust.

Lu Li swallowed back whatever he was about to vomit out as he continued, "When you gather at the coordinates near the magma, don't get too close to the magma itself. The monsters in there have strange attack tactics. If you die to them, don't blame me for not warning you."

Lu Li teamed up with Wandering because he wanted to rely on his defense. Although there were men who ignored Wandering's gender and still took an interest in him, Lu Li was definitely not one of them.

In fact, Water Fairy was prettier than Wandering.

Lu Li and Wandering headed to an area that Lu Li was unable to explore last time while the others spread out.

The land here was burnt and the little hills that covered the area looked like ancient tombs.

Lu Li sent Wandering over, then discovered that there were monsters hiding in these little hills. They resembled ants, apart from the fact that they were half the height of a human. Their bodies were the color of fiery flames, and with their sharp teeth and feet, they looked quite intimidating.

"Mate, you should go yourself. These things are too ugly," Wandering complained as he pulled the monsters.

These Fire Ants were level 40 and dealt around 200 points of damage to Wandering, who was also level 40. It wasn't a lot of damage, but if Lu Li was on the receiving end, he would quickly be in trouble.

No matter how good his equipment was, there was no way he could compete against a main tank in this aspect.

"It hurts! These monsters have extra effects in their attacks!"

Wandering liked stimulation, so he had kept some senses in the game. Pain was one of them.

Lu Li looked at the icon above his head and discovered a debuff effect.

Pain: Causes great pain accompanied by bleeding damage – 350 damage taken every five seconds, lasts for 20 seconds.

This was probably just an entertainment effect and was reserved for players who kept their senses in the game. Remnant Dream and Hachi Chan not only turned off their battle senses, but they also changed their display settings. In their gaming world, everything was ridiculously cute.

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