The Great Thief

Chapter 320: Swapping Around The Equipment

Chapter 320: Swapping Around The Equipment

Translator: Halcyon Translations Editor: Halcyon Translations

Equipment requirement reduction was necessary to access equipment in the next tier. Although it didn’t

affect the effects of the equipment itself, it could still double the value of an item.

Otherwise, Lu Li wouldn’t be drooling at the sight of these level 30 Gold gloves.

The ability to silence was such a useful skill; it would be perfect for disarming Sorrowless. It must have

had a low occurrence rate for such a low-level equip to possess such an overpowered ability.

No wonder the female tycoon was reluctant.

Normally, Gold equipment was very difficult to acquire. One had to either fight a high level Wild Boss or

perform a very cumbersome test. Even then, there was a very low drop rate.

He didn’t know how Drizzle Court had gotten their hands on this equipment, nor did he have plans to


In return, Lu Li was planning to trade his level 25 Exquisite Silver equipment. It was much stronger than

the level 15 Steel equipment that he was holding and also applied a Bleed Effect.

Water Fairy’s two badges were rather ordinary, but Lu Li borrowed one of them to reduce Freeze

duration. This could be useful to provide some resistance against the Mage’s ice skills.

A headgear, dagger, necklace, glove, badge and ring…

"I’ll be taking these six items. I guess I owe you one?" Lu Li had planned to further express his gratitude

but he found himself unable to do it. She had just been too generous and Lu Li had no way of refusing.

With regards to Blood Dagger, if he had a 60% chance of winning before, he now had an 80% chance of


In a duel of this caliber, any bonus attributes or effects provided significant value. If the value had to be

put into monetary terms, it would easily be in the billions.

"A favour? Does that mean you’ll do whatever I tell you?" Water Fairy burst out laughing. She had

shown quite a few different emotions today and had even cracked a joke.

"Uh…" Lu Li was a little embarrassed; he had never really experienced true friendship before. He could

barely understand males, so females were like wild animals to him.

"Alright, I’ll get going. Let me cash in on that favor as well; make sure you beat Glory Capital. Don’t let

them get first place, but give the equipment back to me first. The first match tomorrow is mine against

Peerless City." Water Fairy wasn’t trying to embarrass him, so she moved on when she sensed the


"Oh, okay," Lu Li quickly traded the equipment back to her.

"…" Water Fairy suddenly regretted her actions. She hadn’t really thought this through.

What was she doing? Had she just exchanged her clothes with a guy?

Where was her usual elegance? Where was her usual posture? Impulse really was the devil.

In reality, it didn’t really matter to Drizzle Court if either the Glory Capital or the Xin Xin Mercenary

Group got first place. She and Lu Li didn’t even have that deep of a friendship either and were just

cooperating while it was convenient.

Lu Li hesitated for a moment before putting all his equipment on show for Water Fairy. He hadn’t held

anything back other than the Supreme Ring.

"Your equipment is not bad. Not only do you have Amor Pierce, but you even have a Phantom Image. I’d

like to play with that." The Corrupted Fang was borrowed.

"Wow, this is also really good. You can get so much bonus damage!" The Wristwraps of Undead Slaying

were also borrowed.

"This badge’s level is so low, but it has such a good effect. Where did it come from?" The Bloodstained

Badge was also borrowed and was now hanging on the female tycoon’s chest. As Lu Li’s eyes glanced

over her chest, his eyes lingered for just a single moment.

"It was a quest reward." Lu Li had no intention of mentioning Medivh.

"What about the ring?" Water Fairy’s face became a little flushed when she asked this question.

However, it wasn’t that red and you could only see it if you were watching carefully.

"Show it," said Water Fairy. Lu Li was helpless.

"Wow, you’re so dishonorable. You clearly have another ring on. It’s right there…"

She had just shown her opponent all of her equipment and felt like she should have been afforded the

same treatment.

"It’s bound; I can’t take it off," Lu Li sighed.

"Tsh, bound?" Water Fairy asked incredulously.

There was once a game that bound any item that was equipped. These items couldn’t be dropped or

damaged, but that game later went out of business.

There were also bound items in the current conventional games, but these were limited to the

particularly exquisite ones. Water Fairy couldn’t help but wonder whether it was an Epic Equipment, a

Legendary Equipment or perhaps even some kind of high-end God item?

"You can use the others, but just remember to look for me after your match." Lu Li started to feel a bit

of regret.

If this tycoon just logged off or ignored him, he would basically have to face Sorrowless or Blood Dagger

naked. That scene was too scary to imagine.

Water Fairy then straightforwardly took the items and started equipping them.

She had actually only taken three items – a Dagger, a Bracer and a Badge. Her other equipment was all

better than what Lu Li had. She also had a different fighting style to Lu Li, which meant that they used

different equipment.

A male and a female exchanging clothes was not an innocuous matter.

Fortunately, this was a level 30 mob area, which meant that there was no chance that anyone would be

here. Otherwise, someone would have recorded this and posted it to the forums where it would cause

an uproar.

The next day, Drizzle Court would battle Peerless City.

The Tire Killer was still level 24 as he was unable to farm up in time. As such, he was easily beaten by

Water Fairy who also had the borrowed equipment.

When a second Water Fairy appeared on the field, even the most reasonable people in the audience

cried out.

"Lu Li you actually lent your equipment to Water Fairy?! How shameless are you?"

This Phantom Image must have come from a really rare piece of equipment. How could there be more

than one?

It didn’t take much to figure out that this female tycoon was cheating. How could Green Flag Wine not

get angry?

This wasn’t an official rule among professional circles, but it was an unspoken agreement. After all, no

one wanted anyone riding off each other’s backs.

However, Water Fairy had turned a blind eye to that and was dealing damage that even Lu Li couldn’t

compete with. She quickly crushed Green Flag Wine.

Water Fairy had won the individual round while Green Flag Wine looked like he had aged a few years. As

a veteran, suffering such a crushing defeat must have had a significant psychological effect on him.

In reality, this was quite a normal occurrence. Dawn had innovated many different aspects compared to

the conventional games, so each professional player needed to adapt to the new styles of combat. This

was especially so for Green Flag Wine, who was such a consistent fighter. It took him much longer to

adapt to his combat style compared to the newer players. However, once he adapted, he would be able

to stand up to any trial.

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